A/N: My latest victim of my rewriting craze. I have a soft spot for this fic, not sure why, but I do. I just want to make sure I do a decent job at trying to convey the plot that's in my head :)

"Christi, I'm sorry baby … I'm so sorry."

Arms encased her tightly as everything shook; her Mommy looked scared. Her Mommy was never scared; nothing upset her or frightened her, not even the spiders that hid under her bed at night. Maybe her Mommy was frightened because Daddy wasn't with them. He and uncle Angeal had been told to work somewhere else by their boss; the fat man with the cigar in his mouth. Her Daddy had been supposed to look after her, until his boss had called him.

"Mommy - what's wrong?"

She watched in silence as the woman holding her glanced around, her grey eyes flitting around the cabin as the lights flickered, threatening to go out. The small girl whimpered as all around them shook; her Mommy shuddered and hugged her tighter as the clouds outside the window rushed upwards and the lights flickered once more, before giving up their battle to stay alight.

The arms around her grew tighter, then let go. She looked at her Mommy as she stood up, a reassuring smile on her face as she tightened the girl's seatbelt, then crouched down in-front of her; cupping her chin in her hands as she kissed her daughter's forehead.

"I love you so much sweetie … I'm so sorry baby."

She kept her eyes trained onto her Mommy's face as tears raced down her cheeks, only to be hastily wiped away as everything leaned forward. She was scared now too, her Mommy was upset and scared and her Daddy wasn't there to make things better. She felt tears prick her eyes as her mother's tears set her off.

"I want to go home - I want Daddy - he'll make things better, he'll stop you crying…"

Hands gently tucked her hair behind her ears as the angle of the cabin became steeper and the clouds continued to race upwards.

"Daddy's working baby, he's not gonna be able to fix things this time … Daddy and I love you very much sweetie, you know that, right?"

More tears trickled down her cheeks as her seat shook violently, she wanted to go home and play with her dollies; she wanted to sit on uncle Angeal's shoulders and laugh at cartoons on the television. She didn't want her Mommy to be sad, she didn't want her Mommy to keep saying sorry.

"Christi, baby, please don't cry…C'mere."

Her mother's arms closed around her once more, holding her tighter as the other people in the cabin began to shout and cry; holding her tighter as the clouds finished flying up past her window; holding her tighter as her hair fell forwards as everything leaned forwards. Her Mommy wiped away more tears as she took off the necklaces around her neck, slipping them on over Christi's head as she whispered to her self.

"I'm sorry Genesis."

A/N: Kinda short, sorry :( But I felt that the first incarnation of this fic lacked some background - anyway, thanks for reading :)

Last Revision: 32/06/11