Here's my random one-shot, I don't own Naruto but I do own that poem. R&R please!

We are the demons we fear

We worry and we fret over this child. It is not because we love him or care for him, it is because we fear and hate him.

The child that took away everything we held close, to watch it get ripped away from our very eyes, to see the nightmares and see the blood. To know the death of children, of adults, of friends, of family, of lovers, of rivals, of allies, of comrades, of our precious people, to see them ripped away. Then to see that thing living with us, eating our food, smiling.

We know why it is smiling. Simply because it is happy, happy it took away what is precious to it. Don't let it take anymore. Don't let the demon here, living with us.

We don't let it take away anything precious again, don't let it near our children, don't let it touch us…it might infect us. To bruise and beat it and to see it stand there, healing right before our eyes. To never be beaten down, to never be broken. So we can't let it, we can't let it be happy, because it is already, already too happy. Smiling, stop smiling!

We glare it at, growl and hiss, beat it down, but it never stops does it? It keeps on standing up and hurting us again. But…it never hurts us back. It never resists, it never fights against us, it never hurt us, it never hurt our children, it never smashed our buildings.

But it did! In the past it did! So…that's good enough reason right? It could do it again couldn't it? But it hasn't, not yet anyway! We have to stop it. Who cares what the Hokage says, it has to be stopped.

It is a demon and we are the ones who need to be protected not it! Yes, yes, that is why we hurt it that is why we take everything it never had and leave it with nothing. Stop it, stop GODDAMN SMILING!!!!

Naruto stared down at the small notebook in his hands, sitting contently on a rock. The sun was shining and the river behind him was flowing merrily. The birds flew over head singing and flying about, the trees bustled around the leaves swaying gently in the breeze.

Naruto's small stub of a pencil flew across the paper, making a chicken scratch mess that he likes to call writing.

Sasuke saw him, sitting there from across the river. He slowly walked over the river, chakra induced feet helping him.

The blonde's head was hunched over, his shoulders tense. Sasuke approached behind him stealthily, Naruto never suspecting a thing. He leaned over the blonde's shoulder and looked at what he was writing.

It was a poem.

On the top in barely readable script stated "We are the demons we fear"

Sasuke eyes scanned the paper quickly, reading the poem and not understanding. What was the dobe writing about anyway? This made no sense.

The poem simply read this :

"We are the demons we fear"

Long horns

And cruel swift nails

Barring teeth, yellow with age

Green with mucus

And evil blood red eyes

Sparkling with rage

Burning with evil

The eyes of a monster

A huge body

Large and towering

Those eyes

Full of hate

Of vengeance

A monster that does nothing but kill


Looking like everyone else

The horns vanish

The nails gone

The teeth normal

But the eyes

They stay the same

Still full of rage

Full of evil

Full of hate

You shiver in fear of this evil thing

This thing that brings only death and destruction

You have seen what it's done

You know what it can do

But I wonder

Did you ever realize?

You were looking in a mirror?

Sasuke shook his head not understanding the poem. "Oi dobe, Kakashi is waiting for you lets move it." At that Naruto jumped from his sit, eyes wide with surprise

"BASTARD! DON'T SNEAK UP ON ME!" He yelled clutching the notebook to his chest protectively.

"Che, whatever, come on." Sasuke stated, turned and walked away.

Naruto gave a little growl but quickly followed.

But when Naruto's back was turned, Sasuke never did see the tears and the sadness that welled up in the blonde's eyes.

The deep sadness, how tired his eyes looked, of everything, of the village, of the hateful stares, of the world.

Sasuke never did realize he was looking into a mirror just like everyone else.

He never did realize that the smiles were fake.

Ok, that was it, R&R!