Title: Can We Be

Author: Chantel

Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with Passions

Characters: Everyone, but mainly Ethan, Theresa, Little Ethan and Jane

Rating: PG 14

Summary: Theresa moves to Porta Arena with her kids and comes back to a whole new world a few years later.

Chapter Two

Three years ago Theresa moved to Porta Arena with Jane, Little Ethan and Martin. Ethan is now ten and Jane is three. Theresa learned to walk again and has a successful clothing line through Crane. Over the last year more and more of life back in Harmony has come into her life. Deciding it was time to move home. Little Ethan was glad to be going home. He missed his family and friends. Yes he made new friends in Porta Arena, he still felt like Harmony was his home. Jane isn't sure what to make of moving yet. Theresa is excited to be expanding the clothing line and looks forward to working with Whitney and Fox. They had a daughter names Laynie who is now two and a half and just had a son named Nicholas Junior. Luis and Sheridan welcomed twin daughters Cassy and Casey now one year old. Miguel and Charity welcomed son Alexander who is now two. She knew from the few visits Ethan made to see Jane and Little Ethan that he and Gwen were denied any adoption and that they were having problems. Grace and Theresa emailed often and she learned that Gwen had left Ethan and none have herd from her.

"Mom, do you think Uncle Ethan will be happy we are home?" Little Ethan asked as they packed.

"I am sure he will love to see you and your sister." Theresa said.

"Cool." Little Ethan said. "I just can't wait to see him. It has been forever since we have seen him."

"I know, but sometimes life gets busy." Theresa said. "Are you all packed?"

"I am just about." Little Ethan said. "Mom, is everyone going to be happy to see us?"

"I am sure they will be." Theresa said.

"Me no go bye, bye." Jane said walking in with Martin fallowing her. "Me no go grampa."

"What is this I hear?" Theresa asked picking her up.

"Me stay in Porta Rena." Jane said.

"Well mommy, Little Ethan and grampa are moving so Jane has to move to." Theresa said. "Besides we are going to be able to see all your aunties and uncles. All your grandparents and your daddy. Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Me no know." Jane said. "But I go with mommy always."

"Ok, well then she should get ready we leave soon."

"Oh tay." Jane said.

Soon they were sitting back on the Crane jet heading home. Theresa smiled as Little Ethan and Martin played cards. Jane sat in her car seat babbling as she colored.

"Mom, can we go see Uncle Ethan when we get home?" Little Ethan asked.

"We will see." Theresa said.

"Please mom, promise we will see him tonight." Little Ethan pleaded.

"Ok, we will make some time to see Ethan." Theresa said. "If he is in town."

"Why wouldn't Uncle Ethan be in town?"

"He is a lawyer sometimes they travel, I am sure mama has put together a welcome home party, so we can ask Chief Bennett."

"Ok." Little Ethan said. "I hope he there, I want to show him my new set of base ball cards."

"Ok, why don't you go draw with your sister for a little while?" Theresa said.

"Ok mama." Little Ethan said walking over coloring with Jane.

"Sweetheart are you ok?" Martin asked.

"Grace told me Gwen left Harmony and Ethan." Theresa said. "She said Ethan is going though a lot."

"Well, maybe having you and the kids back in his life will help him through it." Martin said.

"I just don't want to fall into the trap again." Theresa said.

"You are not the same girl you were three years ago." Martin said. "You have a head on your shoulders

"I know Papa, but I still feel so connected to him." Theresa said.

"It is because of Jane." Martin said. "A child is a strong connection, Little Ethan as well, because Ethan helped bring him into the world."

"I know, I just need to keep focus, my kids, my job and my family." Theresa said. "my kids are the most important."

"You will be ok." Martin said. "You will be just fine."

The plane landed several hours later at the Harmony airport. As the got of the plane Theresa held Jane in her arms, with Little Ethan at her side. The whole family was there plus some. They all greeted them with smiles, hugs and kisses.

"Hi mama." Theresa said when she could finally speak.

"Look at all of you." Pilar said. "You have all grown up so much."

"I know." Theresa said. "Jane is almost three."

"Oh, and look a Little Ethan, you aren't so little."

"I know grandma." Little Ethan said. "Mom said if I keep growing like this she was going to find some witch doctor to start shirking me."

Everyone laughed and they made their way to the car that where waiting.

"Theresa all your stuff will be delivered to your moms." Fox said.

"Thanks." Theresa said placing Jane in her seat.

"No, me want to get out." Jane said fighting.

"We can get out at grandma's house." Theresa said. "Dad will you get her to calm down?"

Martin nodded and moved over. A few moments later she was buckled in and licking a sucker.

"Works like a charm." Martin said as everyone laughed.

"Thanks." Theresa said. "Shall we go?"

"Yeah." Pilar said as they climbed in the many cars and headed out.

"Mom, are we going to go see Uncle Ethan?" Little Ethan asked.

"I will talk to Chief Bennett at the house." Theresa said.

"Ok. I am so excited to see him."

"I know but baby Ethan may be busy or not in the mood for company."

"I know, but I really want to see him." Little Ethan said looking out the window. "It looks like I remember."

"Yes, it does." Theresa said.

As they pulled up in front of the house Theresa got Jane out of her seat and they walked up to the house.

"I have been dreaming of this forever." Theresa said. "We are home."

They walked in and Theresa smiled at the party they together. She smiled at their friends and family.

"Thank you all, so much, I am so glad we are home." Theresa said.

Pilar, Grace and Eve brought out food and things and the party got under way.

Little Ethan was off playing and Jane stuck to Theresa.

"Theresa?" Grace waved her over.

"Hi." Theresa said holding Jane up. "Jane do you remember Grandma Grace and Grandpa Sam?"

"I don't remember last week." Jane said.

They all laughed.

"Ok, silly one, can you say hi?"

"Hi." Jane said. "Mommy drink?"

"I will get you one." Grace said. "Wanna come choose we got all kinds?"

Jane smiled and reached for Grace. She took her and they walked away.

"So, how are you?" Sam asked.

"I am good." Theresa said.

"You all look so good." Sam said. "The have grown up so much."

"I know, the last three years have flown by." Theresa said. "One moment Jane was so small and now she is walking, talking and learning so much."

"I see that." Sam said. "You are doing a great job."

"Thanks." Theresa said. "But I have to ask."

"You want to know where my son is?" Sam asked.

"Little Ethan and Jane want to see him." Theresa said. "I figured he would be here to welcome them home."

"He isn't doing to good, he has locked himself in the B&B." Sam said. "We don't know what to do?"

"I am sorry things didn't work out for him and Gwen, I left so they could have a chance." Theresa said.

"I know." Sam said. "They tried, but they got turned down for adoption after adoption and then she told him to either go take Jane from you and give her a daughter or they were over. Ethan said he couldn't take Jane from you, so Gwen walked away and hasn't looked back. She sent divorce papers a few months back, but nothing else."

"I thought they would work." Theresa said. "I take my blame for what I did do. I learned over the last three years that I did some awful things."

"You did what anyone fighting for your love and you children would do." Sam said. "What happened to you was not your fault, it was the Crane's."

"Hey we aren't all bad." Fox said.

"I know, but Julian, Alistair, Rebecca and Ivy did to Theresa and her family was horrible." Sam said.

"I know, but a new Crane name is being built." Fox said. "We are doing good things."

"I know." Sam said. "And I am proud. Whitney is like my daughter and she is always telling me she is so proud."

"I am." Whitney said coming up. "Theresa has worked for Crane for three years now, she knows it is doing good."

"I do, but if you will excuse me, I think I need to go see someone." Theresa said.

"The key is in the same place." Sam said.

"Thanks, will you help mama with the kids and tell her I will be back?"

"We will all help." Sam said. "Good luck.

He gave her a hug and she headed out. Walking the few blacks she stood in front of the B&B. Walking up the path she got the key and went inside. Looking around she saw he was in room 4. Walking up the stairs she could smell musky odor mixed with beer. Shaking her head she unlocked the door and pushed it open. The lights were off. She couldn't see anything but Ethan out cold on the bed. Walking into the bath room she filled a bucket with some water and walked back to the room. Taking it she dumped the water all over him causing him to jerk up.

"What the hell?" He asked looking to see who it was. Theresa had moved and turned on the light.

"Theresa?" Ethan asked.

"Hi." Theresa said. "I wanted to come by and see how you were, but looks like you are wasting away."

Ethan sat back down on the wet bed.

"What can I say, life has been cruel." Ethan said.

"Oh boo hoo." Theresa said. "Your daughter and god son were looking forward to seeing you, but I had to tell them you might be busy."

"I am." Ethan said.

"Yes getting wasted." Theresa said. "Where is the Ethan I loved?"

"He doesn't exist." Ethan said. "He died three years ago."

"He died while I learned to live." Theresa said. "It is a shame."

"So why are you back?" Ethan asked. "Another person have a baby or get married?"

"No, I moved back home with Jane and Little Ethan." Theresa said.

"For good?" Ethan asked looking up at her.

"Yes, we are home for good." Theresa said. "Porta Arena was wonderful to us, but home is where we belong."

"Oh." Ethan said. "I didn't know."

"I know, you have written, called or come to see the kids in forever, however they all still love you."

"Do you?" Ethan asked.

"Do I what?" Theresa asked.

"Do you still love me?" Ethan asked standing up and walking over to her. He was so close it scared her.

"A part of me will always love you." Theresa said.

"So if I kissed her now you would pull away?"

"Don't kiss me." Theresa said. "I have changed."

"I am lost in want and pain. I am not sure how I broke so much. The pain of not having the life I wanted broke me. I broke three years ago when you left. I couldn't not see you in my life. I wanted to run to Porta Arena and be with you, Jane and Little Ethan, but I couldn't think of letting Gwen down. I wanted her to be happy, I couldn't think of myself so happy with my family and her not being happy. So I stayed, I stayed and died a little more every day. When I came to visit, I never stayed long because I know I wouldn't leave if I did."

"Why are you telling me this?" Theresa asked.

"Because I have to." Ethan said pulling her to him. In a flash he leaned down and kissed her. Theresa lost in the fell of his kiss she didn't notice him shed her clothes or his. She found herself on the bed while he kissed her. The next moment she was in the throws of passion and was lost to the world.

Theresa woke up when she felt the sun shine on her through an open window. Sitting up she held the sheet to her and looked around.

"What happened?" Theresa asked aloud. "Ethan?"

Moments later Ethan walked in with a tray of food.

"Good morning." He said setting the tray down. Leaning over he kissed her.

"Ethan what is going on?" Theresa asked. "The kids."

"It is ok." Ethan said. "I called and let Pilar now we talked late about this and that and you fell asleep. She said it was ok."

"Oh god." Theresa said. "This shouldn't have happened."

"Will you relax." Ethan asked. "It is going to be ok."

"No, no, I promised myself I would stay away, this can't happen."

"It is happening." Ethan said. "Face it."

"No, no, you were drunk and I was out of my mind." Theresa said. "Yes, that is it."

"Stop, Theresa last night was amazing, all seven times were amazing." Ethan said smiling. "But it changed something in me."

"What?" Theresa asked.

"When you threw that water on me, I felt like all this sign, like it was a chance to start over. Then I let all the pain go and I was free. Theresa for months everyone told me go to Porta Arena and be with my family. But I couldn't, my fear haunted me, but last night Theresa I let it go and it was all clear. We made love and for the first time I felt whole."

"Ethan, I am glad you feel better, but we can't be together." Theresa said. "Yes I want it more then anything, but there is a lot of pain, lies and other things that lay between us."

"I know, so I don't think we should jump right in, I say we date and rebuild all we lost and become strong again."

Theresa didn't know what to say. This was the man she loved for ages and they were both finally at a place where they were free to be together.

"Ok, we can date, but Ethan one slip up and it is over. My kids need me whole."

"They will have you." Ethan said. "So, let's eat and I will walk you home, maybe we can go to the park?"

"I have to go in and get my office at Crane set up, get the kids set up in the daycare, get Little Ethan in school and Jane into pre-school." Theresa said.

"Ok, well can help. I have to talk with Fox any ways."

"Ok." Theresa said "You can come with us."

"Good, so let's eat." He said getting the tray and bring it over. They ate and talked while reconnecting.