Title: The Test

Summary: Carmen has the perfect test to help with Spencer's lack of 'gaydar'.

Disclaimer: Don't own South of Nowhere or anything related to the show.

Rating: G

A/N: Spencer/Carmen. Vague spoilers for 3x04. Short one shot.

"Ok, what about her?" Carmen nodded towards a young blonde sitting a few tables behind them in the fast-food restaurant they'd been sat in for the last hour. Carmen had taken it upon herself to try and improve Spencer's 'gaydar'.

"Straight?" Spencer shrugged, even after an hour she still hadn't improved.

Carmen rolled her eyes and shook her head. "She's blatantly gay." The blonde frowned and looked over the girl again, nothing about her seemed to particularly say she was gay.

"How can you tell?" She quizzed, it seemed as though everyone was more 'tuned in' than she was when it came to spotting who was straight or not.

"I know her girlfriend." Carmen admitted nonchalantly. Spencer frowned at the revelation.

"That's cheating…" The blonde's girlfriend returned from the counter and waved at Carmen as she sat down. "I so suck at this!"

"You know there's a foolproof way of finding out if a girl's gay or not." She grinned mischievously and leant to kiss the blonde who happily returned to gesture. "Hate to break it to Spencer but you're gay." The blonde sighed overdramatically.

"Are you sure that test of yours is one hundred percent accurate?"

Carmen smirked at the blonde's feigned innocence and leant in so close that her breath tickled Spencer's cheek as she spoke. "Maybe I should check again?"