He Who Sees Me

Author: Ladelle

Rating: T

Comments: I had to get some writing out of my system in order to start finals...So here goes.

This is like my mini-stress reliever story. Ha.

Naruto's POV.

He looks at me.

It's an expression I cannot read; but even so, he continues to stare.

I wonder vaguely if it is because I am foreign. My hair, my eyes…everyone stares at me.

And no matter how long I stay here, they will always stare at me.

Just like him.

Dark eyes; deep eyes.

Like he's examining me; reading me like a book. Wondering why I am here and maybe even curious as to what I am thinking.

Wondering why I can't look him in the eye.

It's simple, really.

He wouldn't understand.

Just like I know nothing of him he knows nothing about me.

Together, we know nothing. But apart…we know everything.

I wonder why.

Would it really be so difficult to say hello? To smile?

Would his curiosity leave…and would I be alone?

I can't bring my lips to part. To scare him away. To bring him into my world…a world that not even I am proud of.

So I will be quiet…I will remain mysterious. If he'll only keep looking...

It's misery.

And that's why I have to leave.

Though I have no home, I cannot call this place my own.

But in his eyes—for one moment—I thought I saw one.

A home.

But in the end, we are both strangers. Not even a language connects us.

But when he looks at me, I feel something.

He looked at me for the last time.

And I wonder if I will feel that something again…now that I am gone.

A/N--> I have no idea where this story is going, just to let you all know.