Author's Notes: Alriiiight! Here it is peoples, last chapter! Enjoy :)

Disclaimer: I still don't own Hannah Montana. Nope. But to do so, I'm going to need 500 minions, 900 glass eyes, 70 bottles of Elmer's Glue, a Hannah wig or two, and lottsss of alcohol :)

Lol. Just kidding people.

Miley's POV

"Night Dad," I called out to him as I stepped into my bedroom. I heard his answering, "Nigh Bud," through the door.

I took out my English book to start my homework. For the past two weeks, I had been confined to my house, doing nothing but school work. No computer, no television, no music, no phone, no Hannah parties. It was pretty depressing. Lilly was only allowed to call from nine o clock to nine thirty on weekends…

That had been the worst part of getting grounded, of course. The Lilly free hours drove me up the wall. I was usually dying to go to school these days, just to be able to see my girlfriend. I knew I deserved the punishment. I just wished my dad could have been more… lax with the Lilly rules.

I paused halfway through my English work. Lilly. I smiled. Just thinking her name made me grin. I shook my head. I couldn't believe we were together. Sometimes that reality struck me, taking me by surprise. I remembered the fear of letting myself… feel for Lilly. I remembered my resolve to fight it. And I laughed out loud when I realized I had hardly fought at all. I hadn't really put in any effort. I couldn't. She had me. She always had me.

I shook my head again and returned to my endless mountain of homework.

Lilly's POV

I sighed.

I was bored.

Very, very bored.

Oliver was, shockingly, out on a date. I didn't even have homework to do.

I missed Miley. A lot.

I glanced at the time. Ten o clock. Ten o clock on a Friday night, and I was sitting in my bedroom, staring at the wall, with nowhere to go, and no one to go anywhere with…

My eyes fell on a picture of my girlfriend, taped to my mirror. I pouted. I wanted to see her so god damn badly!

I decided to be spontaneous.

Jumping up from my bed, I grabbed my skate board, yelled out to whoever was in the house that I was going out, and wheeled away in the direction of the supermarket.

I put my skate board behind the bushes, took off my helmet and shook out my hair.

In one hand, I held a single red rose. In the other, a pebble. I threw it up at the window over my head. It made a small tapping noise. I reached down and picked up another pebble and threw it. Five throws later, the window opened. Miley's head stuck out of it, and searched the ground for the source of the rock thrower. Then she spotted me; grinning like a fool, and holding a rose.

I cleared my throat. "Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down-"

Miley giggled. "Lilly come on. That's so cliché."

I shrugged. "Well, drop down the escape ladder then."

She disappeared back inside and came back a few minutes later, holding the ladder. She let it drop at my feet, and I climbed up. Miley grabbed my hand when I reached the window and helped me through it.

After climbing through the window, I straightened up, and presented the rose to my blue eyed angel. She took it, smiling, and looked up at me.

I brushed my hand across her cheek. "Hello stranger."

She laughed softly, and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Nice of you to drop by."

I took her by the waist and pulled her into a hug. "Jesus, do you know how pathetic I felt, sitting in my room alone on a Friday night?"

"I can't imagine."

I chuckled and pulled away. "Well, I feel a lot less pathetic now. Being spontaneous is fun."

She shook her head, smiling. "Well, at least you had the guts to break in. I've been dying to sneak out, but I'm not half as brave as you are."

I smirked a little, and leaned down to kiss her neck, whispering against her skin, "I don't know about that." She shivered. If I wasn't afraid of Mr. Stewart barging in through the door-again- I would've continued. Tonight though, I just left it at that, and pulled away. Miley's eyes were positively begging me to finish what I started. It took a lot of will power to shake my head no. "Not with you being grounded and not with the fact that I'm not supposed to be here and all."

She sighed. "Oh, alright. But you owe me one, missy."

I nodded, grinning. "Alright."

I spent a few hours over at Miley's, content to just talk. Our conversations were in whispers, and I was a little paranoid, but still. At least I was with her. My everything. The girl that I was no longer ashamed to think about when I thought about forever.


Author's Notes: There it is! I hope you liked it :)

Thank you, thank you to ALL the reviewers! I couldn't have finished this without your support :)

Maybe I'll write a sequel. I'm thinking Casa Blanca parody :) lol