The second-ish part to the previous drabble. This is my fourth drabble, with a three more after that possibly--and the next three all tie into each other. I might just end up posting them all in one chapter, because posting the drabbles one by one doesn't seem to get much response. On that note, please, drop me a review. I really want to know what people think of my writing. Now on to the drabble!

Kid Flash was the only one that made her laugh Why? It wasn't because his jokes were funny. It was because he had this twinkle in his eyes when told her them, because he acted like a fool, because he was cute when he smiled, that she would laugh.

And now, he made her laugh again. With blood gushing from his body, with his limbs splayed around him, with lifeless eyes. She laughed, hysterically, as the tears steamed down her face, mixing with the pounding rain.

He was the only one to ever make her laugh. In life, in death.