Hey everyone! I'm back with a short NejiTen oneshot! I'm working right now on a NejiTen multi chapter but you'll have to wait to read it... I have so much ideas now but school is coming back. Why it's now that I have all my ideas? I had all summer but no! Anyway, Enjoy this story!

Disclaimer: No characters mention in this story are mine.

Tenten's Obsession

"And his eyes! They're so gorgeous! And he's sooooo cute!" said Tenten dreamily.

"Hn." respond Neji, clearly annoy.

"Hitsugaya-taisho is so sexy!"

"He looks like he's 10 years old and you're 16! And why do you call him taisho? He doesn't exist!" said Neji trying (poorly) to stay calm.

"And? He's still a taisho! He doesn't like when he's called Hitsugaya only, or worse, Toushiro, or even worse, Shiro-chan!" Tenten started to laugh while Neji rolled his eyes. "And for the age, you know he's older than he look! You're the one who made me read Bleach!"

"And I regret it!" thought Neji.

"Why are you so angry? I can find a guy cute if I want to!"


"Excuse me?"

"No you can't."

"Since when?"

"Since you accept to be my girlfriend. You should see only me!"

"So you're jealous!"


"Neji! Even if I'm a little obsess with Hitsugaya-taisho doesn't mean I don't love you anymore. You don't have to be jealous of someone who doesn't exist!"


"You're so cute!" She kissed him sweetly.

"Cuter than Hitsugaya?" asked Neji after the kiss.

"Cuter than any guy, from manga or not!" They kissed again sweetly. "But you don't have the style of Ichigo when he have his bankai. I mean I would totally jump on him."

"And here she goes again!" thought angrily Neji. "I have to kill every mangaka who draw cute guys!"

The End!

That's what happen when I'm watching Bleach, thinking about Naruto... I asked myself how will react Neji if Tenten was (like me) a Hitsugaya fan, and it give this... anyway hope you like it!