Corrie grabbed a muffin and ran out to the yellow school bus she had nearly missed. And just like all of the times she had almost missed the bus, there was no more available seats. Corrie sighed as she jumped into the back of the bus which conveniently held everyone's bags. Temporary seating, I suppose. Oh, well. I just hope the day doesn't get any worse.

And of course, it did. She caught up with her friends, Maddie, London and Mary-Margaret. However, the one person she was not looking forward to seeing came by and said hello.

Trevor Bale was walking towards the four of them. Every girl went fluttery for him, including Maddie, who was probably the most sane person she knew. He was very good looking, and very popular with the ladies. Plus, he was very smart, and when there was a damsel in distress who needed "help with their homework", he'd certainly be there. Corrie was disgusted by him, but he never passed up an opportunity to talk to her and give her the smile he knew would make her melt.

"Hello, ladies," he said with a signature Trevor smile.

"Hi," London, Maddie and Mary-Margaret said together, eyes fluttering.

He started walking past to Corrie, the cologne coming off his skin completely distracting her from her thoughts.

"Corrie," he said in a friendly gesture.

She merely nodded, with a smirk on her face. She didn't want to say anything, because the moment she looked into his blue eyes, every meaningful word would come out like mush. She didn't want to admit it, but she was as head-over-heels as everyone else at the school.

The warning bell rang through Corrie's ears, a sign that she would have to move fast to English. She was an A student, and all of her classes were advanced placement courses, which she was glad to be labeled, since she liked knowing she was smart. It was something to tell people when they got the wrong impression of her. She normally was very hyper and energetic, and seemed like a total ditz, but you could look her straight in the eyes and have an intellectual conversation with her if you wanted to.

She entered the classroom and was quite early compared to the rest of her classmates. It was open seating, which meant the students could sit wherever they wanted to. Corrie chose the middle section, considering it was easier to pass notes and listen to what Mr. Parker was saying at the same time.

Just then, he came in. He took a seat next to Corrie, making her blood boil underneath her skin.

Finally, he spoke. "Hi there, gorgeous," he said, with his undoubtedly beautiful smile.

Corrie scoffed. "Hi to you too," she said, turning her head the other way.

"Ooh, why the cold shoulder? I just complimented you. Consider yourself special, since I don't do it often."

"Oh, please, don't start with me, Bale," she said harshly as she turned back to her binder, filled with blank pages of math homeworks, she had yet to complete. Math was her worst subject, but she wasn't going to let Trevor know that.

Trevor looked over into her binder. "Ahh, so it's the cursed thing called math. Let me guess," he said with a stupid grin on his face. "You are no good at math."

Corrie's face turned absolutely red. "Uhm, well, yeah. I'm no good at it. But I need at least a B average in that class, and I only have a couple weeks to change my low C to a B average." She felt stupid telling him this, but he didn't seem to think she was stupid.

"Well, if you'd like, I can help you with your math." He seemed almost persistent, but Corrie didn't want to read anything into it, just in case this was a trick to get her in bed with him.

"Oh, no, Trevor, really, I can handle-"

"Corrie, this is me, offering one of the best tutors to you, if I do say so myself. I think that you should just say yes." He winked slightly and gave another quick grin. She nodded yes, and they started scheduling times to meet.

Class had started and ended with a blur, and by the end of the day, Corrie and Trevor were making their goodbyes.

"So I will be by your place, 7:30?" Corrie loved to double check everything.

"Of course," Trevor said, laughing slightly. "And don't worry about food, since I will have some there already."

Corrie smiled and got on the bus after waving goodbye to her tutor.