OMG! I finally wrote the epilogue! I really hope you guys like it.

Every Albuquerque house that was seen, every familiar thing that was passed, every smiling person that she recognized, was breaking my heart. I silently stared out the darkened window, refusing to talk, for fear it would cause myself to break down in sobs.

Who did they think they were, taking me from everything I loved? Taking me from the spirit of my mother?

Taking me from Troy?

Tears pricked my eyes at just the thought of Troy. My heart broke at just the fact that I wouldn't be able to kiss him, or touch him, or have that wonderful feeling of being in his arms; like everything was going to be okay. It was that blissful feeling of wrapping my arms around his muscular torso, breathing in his soft scent, that kept me going. I was going to miss him so much.

Did they honestly think that this was the best thing for me? At this point I might as well go and die. A small smile played across my lips as I pictured the scene.

Gabriella, wrenching open the door of the moving car, turned and smiled at her shocked social worker. "You ruined my life, so now I'm going to ruin your career. Bye now!"

I laughed grimly, earning me a curious look from the woman afore mentioned.

It sickened me how my life was such a medley of wrong turns, tragic endings. Didn't I deserve a fairytale ending as much as the next girl?

Rain had begun to fall from the darkened sky as I turned my gaze to my clasped hands. I could feel Sarah's anxious eyes on me, and if anything, it only made me feel worse.

The 'Now Leaving Albuquerque' sign caught my eye, causing tears to prick my eyes. I was really leaving, leaving everything that had saved me. Leaving Troy.


I tapped my pencil impatiently on the wooden desk; I was going insane with apprehension. Troy told me he was going to ask the girl he liked to the dance today, and I really wanted to know who she was. I mean, come on! He was my best friend and he didn't even tell me who he liked? What's wrong with this picture?

But, despite my utter need to kick him repeatedly until he told me, I had stayed calm and told him I'd wait until he asked. Then I could kick her ass. Wait, what?!

Okay, ignore me. Anyways, so I was tapping my pencil repeatedly in some weird pattern, if you could call it that, until I felt a warm hand clamp over mine. I looked over in surprise, and nearly jumped out of my seat when I was met with those electric blue eyes. Seriously, eyes that blue should be illegal. Actually, maybe not, they look really hot on Troy. Okay, what the hell am I saying?

Troy smiled weirdly at me and carefully let my hand go, as though afraid I might start tapping again. Grinning sheepishly, I withdrew my hand and set it in my lap.

"So." I whispered. "Who is it?" Troy shook his head at me and grinned.

"I'm. Not. Telling. You." He said slowly. I rolled my eyes and watched him as he turned back to the teacher. I loved the way his hair fell in his blue eyes, the way he cocked his head to the side when he was confused. Okay, I am truly going insane. I don't like Troy. Not now, not ever. Even when he looked SO good in that swimsuit yesterday at the pool, or when he acts so thoughtful and caring when I'm down. Or when--

Oh god. I like him. At this thought, I brought my hand up and started repeatedly hitting myself in the head, until I realized that everyone in the class, including the teacher and Troy, was watching me. I paused in my actions and slowly lowered my hand to the desk.

Anyways, it's not like it matters that I like him. He likes someone else, he told me that. And there is nothing I can do about it!

"You okay?"

See, there he goes again. Acting all sensitive and caring. Ugh, if he doesn't stop this soon, I'm just going to kiss him involuntarily. And that would NOT turn out well. I turned to Troy, smiling and nodding, all the while screaming in my mind, 'NO! I AM NOT OKAY! I LOVE YOU AND YOU LOVE SOMEONE ELSE!' But of course, I could never tell him that. That would be like, the end of our friendship, and I value it way too much to go and screw it up like that. So no, I am never EVER going to tell him. End of story. Deal with it.

"Troy. It's your turn." My attention turned to the front of the class as Troy made his way to the projector to make his presentation on how he interpreted Romeo and Juliet.

"So, I just came up with a few words to describe how I felt about the book." Troy flipped to the first screen.





I looked at the screen with a raised eyebrow. Just like Troy to somehow incorporate himself into the presentation. He grinned stupidly at me as I just rolled my eyes and laughed.



Very good read



I narrowed my eyes and looked at Troy questioningly. Was this his way of telling me who he liked? Because it would be so much easier for both the girl and me if he just came out and told us. Despite my anger at him for being stupid, I anticipated the next slide.



Beloved book


I stared at the screen, wondering if I had read it right. The entire class turned to look at me, and I looked up at Troy. He was looking anywhere but my face as he flipped to the next slide.

Gabi, will you be my Juliet and go to the dance with me?

I stared open-mouthed at the screen. Was this really happening? Was I dreaming? Apparently Troy took my silence as a no, because he silently returned to his seat, leaving an awkward silence lingering in the classroom. He wouldn't look at me as he slid into his seat, and I tried anything to get his attention. He just wouldn't look at me.

Finally, I decided on something that HAD to get his attention. I grabbed his head, turned him towards me, and kissed him. Did I do this in the middle of class? Yes. Was the entire class staring? Yep. Am I insane? Definitely. But that didn't stop me. I just kissed him hard on the mouth right there in the middle of class.

"That would be a yes." I whispered as we broke apart. He grinned at me before kissing me again.


I wouldn't leave him. I couldn't leave him. He was my everything.

Sarah gave me a bright smile as we neared the Albuquerque airport, and when I saw that, it was the last straw. I just broke down right there in the car. Kicking and screaming for them to turn around, I began repeatedly trying to hit Sarah. Luckily for her, I was too blinded by my tear to actually hit her.

All I could hear were the screams of Sarah as we plunged into darkness.


My eyes fluttered open as I found myself in a familiar place; the hospital. I sighed in relief as I leaned back against my pillow, smiling about the fact that I would HAVE to stay in Albuquerque now.

Suddenly, it occurred to me what had happened. I had made us get in a car accident, because I wanted to go home. Sarah could be dead for all I knew, and it was all my fault. Guilt washed over me as I thought about it. How could I be so stupid? How could I be so selfish? Surely my mom would hate me now, wherever she was. The clock ticking and the heart monitor beeping were the only sounds in the room, and the silence of it was overwhelming. I could feel tears coming to my eyes as I thought about it. Was it possible? Was it possible that I had killed Sarah or the driver?

Finally, a doctor happened into my room, and I immediately began bombarding them with questions. "What happened to the other two? Are they okay? What about Sarah? Or the driver?"

The doctor looked at me with a weak smile. "I'm afraid Sarah didn't make it. The driver is still here in the hospital, he is doing well." She gave me a small nod before leaving the room.

I stared in shock at where the doctor had once stood before bursting into tears. I ripped out the IV and immediately dressed myself. I was so overwhelmed by the whole thing, I couldn't stand it. Everything was wrong. All I had wanted was to get back to Troy, and I ended up killing someone.

Barely able to see through my uncontrollable tears and guilt, I ran through the hospital, screaming in agony. People from inside the rooms watched me curiously, wondering what had happened that made me so upset. I ignored them. They meant nothing to me.

Upon entering the waiting room, I saw Troy; and I collapsed onto the ground. Everything was wrong. This wasn't how we were supposed to be united, not when someone got killed because of me. I felt his arms around me as he held me close and whispered sweet soothing thing in my ear as he had so many times before.

This was all wrong.

I cried into Troy's chest for what must have been hours.

"I did it." I whispered to Troy finally. He looked at me in confusion. "She died. It's my fault." Realization dawned on him, and he only held me tighter. The guilt was so overwhelming.

Sarah must have had a family, or maybe kids. Or a boyfriend. And I just ripped her away from them because I wanted to go home. It wasn't her fault I was being taken away, she was just doing her job!

"I want to kill myself." I murmured. I felt him shake his head, and rub my back soothingly. "I killed her, I'm perfectly capable of killing myself."

"It wasn't your fault. You weren't yourself. Don't blame yourself." He said softly. I could feel his tears on my scalp, and just the thought of Troy crying made me cry harder.

This was all wrong.


Troy held me in his arms as we lay there in his bed. My crying had stopped hours ago, and now I was just trembling beneath Troy's muscular arms.

"I'm sorry." I whispered into the silence. "I'm sorry for being a burden. For not coming back without killing someone. For not being a better girlfriend. I really am." Tears pricked my eyes yet again, and my voice started to crack. Troy smiled sadly at me and held me against his chest.

"Don't be sorry. I'm just happy your in my arms again." He whispered back and kissed the top of my head. Sniffling, I slowly released myself from his grasp and told him I was going to get water. After trudging downstairs and grabbing a glass, I felt someone tap me gently on the shoulder. I slowly turned around just to be engulfed in a hug by Mrs. Bolton.

"I'm so sorry you have to go through this, dear." She told me. "But I have some good news."

I looked at her curiously, all traces of Sarah gone from my mind. "Your birthday is next month?" Mrs. Bolton asked me. I nodded. "Well, I asked the social services and they told me you could stay with us until your turn 18! Won't that be great?" I smiled sadly at her and looked down.

"I think… That I can't stay here. There are too many memories." I told her, my heart sinking with every word that left my mouth. What is wrong with me? I killed someone in trying to get back here, and now I'm trying to leave?

Surprisingly, Mrs. Bolton nodded understandingly. "I knew you were going to say that. I already have a friend out in Arizona that's willing to take you in until you turn 18." I smiled to myself and gave Mrs. Bolton a hug. I felt her tentatively hug me back before I let go and went to go pack my stuff. "I guess she's leaving my boy again." Said Mrs. Bolton sadly, shaking her head and walking to her room.

"Troy?" I asked in a small voice as I reentered the room. Troy grunted in reply without lifting his head from the pillow. "Um, I just wanted to tell you… I'm going to leave Albuquerque tomorrow. I'm going to live in Arizona."

That definitely got his attention. Troy's head shot up and he stared at me warily. "What?" he asked stupidly.

"I'm going to Arizona." I repeated.

"Why?" Troy choked out, staring at me with wide eyes. "You just got here." I bit my lip and looked at the floor.

"Too many memories." I whispered, more to myself than to Troy. He just stared at me.

"Get out." He said finally. I let out a choked sob before turning and leaving the room.


"I don't understand. What did I do? Why is he so mad?"

"Gee. I wonder." Scoffed Taylor. We were sitting on the floor in her room talking about what had happened earlier. She was attempting to talk me out of leaving, but her tactics were no better than Troy's.

"I know, I know. It's just, why does he have to do this when I need him most?" Taylor smiled at me sympathetically and looked down.

"You hurt him. He wants to be together with you, but he thinks you don't want that."

I was so frustrated at the point. I loved Troy with all my heart, but I just couldn't stay here. It was too hard to be surrounded everyday by memories of my mom, and what I had done to Sarah and her family. Too much was here. I was still over whelm with guilt about the whole thing, and it really was killing me from the inside out. I just didn't know what to do anymore, and Troy certainly wasn't helping.

"I guess I'll just go tomorrow then. I'll call you as soon as I get there." I promised Taylor, standing up. She stood too and wrapped me in one of her famous bone-crushing hugs. "Bye, Taylor."


I leaned against the cool car door, feeling a sense of dejavu. Yet again, he hadn't come. It had just been Mrs. Bolton showing me off.

"Stay strong, dear. You'll always be loved." Mrs. Bolton whispered in my ear. I smiled gratefully at her before getting in the car. The driver gave me a tentative smile and asked me if I was ready. I nodded.

Here I was again, leaving everything behind. Leaving Taylor. Chad. Kelsi. Jason. Zeke. Ryan. Sharpay.


My mom.

I licked my dry lips and tried to ignore the tears that were springing to my eyes, not entirely because I was leaving, but because I was the one who wanted to leave. They would probably all hate me now, because I chose to leave them. I was already regretting my choice.

Suddenly, the driver shouted, "Holy shit!" And stepped on the brakes hard. Through the glass I could see Troy waving and shouting in front of the car. Screaming for the driver to stop, I was ridden with terror.

But it was too late. The car just rolled right into him, right into his middle, sending him out of sight below the hood.

"TROY!" I screamed hysterically, pushing open the door. And there, lying on the pavement, was Troy. "Troy, baby, please be okay." I whispered to myself as I rushed over to him, setting his head in my lap. His eyes fluttered open and he groaned, rubbing his head.

"Shit! That fucking hurt!" He groaned, standing up. Upon seeing me, he suddenly forgot about his pain and engulfed me in a hug.

"Troy! Why were you standing in front of a moving car?!" I asked my eyes still wide from the whole incident.

"I couldn't just let you leave now could I?" He asked, grinning cheekily. I playfully whacked him on the head and laughed.

"You are such an idiot."

"I know."

We watched each other for a moment, before he suddenly leaned in and captured my lips with his. As he was kissing me, I realized just how much I had missed this. The feeling of being loved. The feeling of his hand tangled in my hair, the feeling of being cared for. As we broke apart, we rested our foreheads against the others, our breath coming in short gasps.

"Stay? For me? I know it's hard for you and everything, but I just really need you in my life, and we can face all the memories together, and I'm really sorry I yelled at you. I was just really frustrated. I just don't know what I'd do without you in my life, I mean not just in my life, but as my girlfriend. I need you Gabriella." He finished his rant and looked at me with desperate eyes.

Tears had sprung to my eyes at the end of this, because I knew I was facing a choice. A choice between having everything I loved, or running away. Finding a way out, like I always had. It was just like that choice I had to make in the hospital, like choosing between life and death. And I choose life.

I wrapped my arms around Troy's neck and gave him the sweetest kiss I could muster. "That would be a yes." I murmured, before he once again crashed his lips onto mine.

There it is. Review please, and this is ACTUALLY the end of the story. Also, go check out my newest story, In Your Eyes!