A/N: Needs work, really short, I know... I just felt REALLY bad for not updating in forever, so I figured I miswell put up the next part

A few weeks went by and 210 retreated into her shell. She gave her all during training but the rest of the time she acted like her simplified sisters.

One night as she lay awake on her mattress she heard a mewing sound and turned to see 425 with tears streaming down her face. Against her better judgment she got up and lay down next to her sister, holding her tightly like she used to when 452 would have seizures. She didn't let go until 452 turned around and faced her. Her eyes were puffy but they held more then just a blank stare.

"Thanks" she said simply.

210 smiled, "No problem Maxie." The forbidden name was out of her mouth before she could stop it. 452 closed her eyes and remained silent for a minute, the entire time 210's heart was pounding. But when she opened them, there was a spark in her almond eyes. The simple use of her name triggered a barrage of memories. It reminded her of the warm, happy times with her siblings. The memories months of psy-ops had managed to veil in a cloud of darkness and lies. It was like the clamp that held her at the bottom of the water tank had sprung open. She smiled and was about to let out a laugh but 210 covered her mouth.

"Jo..j..jon..jj..jondy!" She managed whispered through 210's fingers, "What are you doing?" Jondy put her finger to her lips and then motioned towards 599.

"Zack isn't himself yet…"

Surveillance Station


Lydecker had been called down as soon as x5-210 made physical contact with x5-452.

Renfro is going to have my head, why is the psy-ops failing?? Disgruntled the colonel stormed out of the office and went directly to their barracks. In a flurry he unlocked the door and stomped inside.

Max and Jondy had been too wrapped up in talking to each other. They didn't have time to get back to their respective bunks.

Lydecker inhaled sharply. "FALL IN!" The others in the unit jumped up, startled by his presence. "FOLLOW ME, NOW" Jondy and Max gulped as they made eye contact. Zack was eyeing them suspiciously. They might be put in the bad place for this. Instead of marching them to psy-ops or the basement where the nomalies were hidden, he took them into one of the classrooms.

"Private, I want you to call all off duty personnel and tell them to get their asses in the base 5 minutes ago."

Sighing, Lydecker faced them. "NO more names. NO MORE emotions. They make you weak. You are going to get everyone here killed with your sloppiness. Do you know what happens when a soldier lets emotions in?? They get themselves and everyone else killed, worse, they don't accomplish the objective. ALL soldiers are expendable, especially ones who have already betrayed command. EVERYONE in this compound knows you are failures. In case it hasn't gotten through your thick heads, your superiors are watching you 24 hours a day. If I ever see any of you talking to staff without being spoken to first, talking to each other about anything other then a current training exercise or displaying emotion, especially affection, I will personally put each one of you with the x2s. DISMISSED."

They lined up to leave. "EXCEPT 452 and 210." He's going to feed us to the nomalies! This is all my fault, how could I be so human? I got us killed.

"I don't even know what to do with the two of you. Do you want to be put on the outside? Your siblings have all been killed on the outside. Syl and Krit were murdered by the Russian government because even their corpses are worth millions. Brin contracted a disease we would have been able to save her from if she was home. I don't want to do this, but you've left me no choice. The director will be here in a few minutes to deal with you."

"Watch them!" He screamed at the guards as he rushed out.

About 5 minutes after the colonel left, a woman with unnatural short blonde hair entered.

She smirked at them. "STATE YOUR DESIGNATION"



"You don't fool me, I know all about your behavior. Don't worry; I'm not going to hand you over to the scientists yet. I think I might know what will cure this insubordination. Just remember, you are NOTHING but meat to me. I could shoot you right now and still have a hundred soldiers just as good. In fact, if it were totally up to me, I would."

What is she going to do to us? Maybe psy-ops would have been better.

Glaring at the shaven heads of the soldiers, Renfro went over her plan. This had to work. Otherwise those idiot psychologists would be fired within the hour and they would just be the start of the on slot.

Jondy couldn't stop herself from gasping as she rounded the corner; death would have been better. Yet, she steeled herself. They weren't going to break her will.

"452, over there!" The woman commanded, pointing to chair with full restraints. She walked over and two techs secured her, wrapping the restraints as tight as possible. "And you, over there!"

Jondy looked at the board with lots of dials that sat before her. "Push that button." Jondy hesitated, "PUSH THAT BUTTON, that's an ORDER!" She pushed it and Max yelped. "Now, push that one."

Jondy bit her lip. Why couldn't I be the one in the chair? I won't do it, I can't.

Studying the child, Renfro spoke, "PUSH IT NOW, or I will find another 'game' to play and it won't be nearly as gentle."

Jondy's heart was pounding at over 200 beats/minute. Growing pale, she locked eyes with her sister and passed out.

Rolling her eyes, Renfro turned towards the phone and called the on duty doctor. Well, they'd failed the first test.