Because Why?

Rating: It's okay.

Disclaimer: (sigh) I don't own them.

Summary: Mulder's curious.

A/N: LOL. I love the episode Small Potatoes or w/e. I watched it last night and I HAD to write this! (giggles)

Another A/N: You should read this while listening to the song, You Make Lovin' Fun by Fleetwood Mac. LOL!

Mulder ran his eyes over his partner's face one last time before smirking and finally speaking up.

"You know, you came pretty close to kissing him." He raised and eyebrow and held up a finger to stop her from replying. She watched as his amused grin grew wider. "-or should I say... me?"

"But I didn't," she quickly added. "So stop talking about it."

"What if it were me?" She stopped and turned to face him.


"What if it was really me about to kiss you? Would you let me?" Her breath caught in her throat as she gave him a confused look, much like the look she gave the other 'Mulder' not more than a few hours ago. She searched his face for anything to tell her that he was kidding, but he wasn't. He was serious.

"What kind of question is that?"

"Answering questions with more questions. I like how you think, Scully." She rolled her eyes and headed for the car. He sprung into action and picked up his pace, wanting a direct answer from her. He followed closely behind her until they made it into the parking lot. "And you still didn't answer my question."

"And you didn't answer mine," she threw back.

"Well I asked you first."

"Mulder, that's so childish." He had followed her all the way to her side of the car and placed his hand on the handle, stopping her from getting into the car.

"So is answering a question with another question." She let her arms fall to her sides.

"What are you getting at?!"

"I think you're afraid to answer me," he proudly stated.

"What nonsense."

"So spit it out already," he challenged her. She hesitated for a moment, trying to think of anything to throw him off the topic for a little longer. "Stop analyzing and just give me an answer, Dana."

"Alright!" She felt a warmth grow in her cheeks, and silently thanked whoever that it was dark in the parking lot. "I would," She shyly admitted. He slowly nodded his head and brought his face closer to hers.

"Why," he pressed on. "Why would you let me kiss you, Scully?" She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest, not finding his little game of 'torture Scully' fun at all.


"Because why?"

"I refuse to answer that." He placed his other hand against the roof of the car, trapping her between his chest and the cold metal of the car door. She kept her hands at her sides, her fingers brushing against the car door as she sucked in a deep breath, feeling the warmth of his body radiate towards hers.

"I'm not taking 'no' for an answer." He inched his face closer.

"Mulder," she softly whispered. She flinched when she felt his hand caress her waist. "Because I love you." She closed her eyes, not wanting to look up at him, afraid of his reaction. When she felt his hand close around her chin, her eyes flew open. He leaned down and brushed his lips against hers softly. Her hands rested on his chest, trailing up until they rested behind his neck. She kissed him back tenderly, parting her lips slightly and pulling back when she felt his tongue on her bottom lip. "You weasel," she squeaked out, embarrassed at what he finally got her to admit.

"Babe, the name's Fox." She laughed against his lips and pressed another kiss to them, tugging on his jacket and slipping her hands into his pockets. She pulled out the car keys and dangled them in front of his face.

"Let's go reenact that living room scene, shall we?"

A/N: LOL. How was that? Short and sweet. Kinda. LOL. Reviews would make my day... or my week, possibly. (smiles innocently) sorry for any grammar mistakes.