Ohayo! Well, this story got as a request from brave kid, so it was his idea not mine. See? I gave you credit! Don'tcha feel special? Anyways I agreed that it could make an interesting story, it won't be that long but it is a multi chapter fic. So let me know what you think, I work really hard on all of my stories so it's really nice to get feedback on them. Basically it's an alternative to what happened in brain drain (yes, another brainy focused story) so temporarily Brainy's twelfth level intelligence is replaced with that of a small child. Basically he starts taking his role as the youngest seriously without even realizing it, thinking of superman as a sort of big brother. With that, I'll let ou read.

Disclaimer: I do not own legion of superheroes or all the characters in it.

Somewhere randomly in future metropolis…or…wherever they live!

Brainy walked out of his large lab doors to find Superman, timber wolf, Saturn girl, and lightning lad standing there, looking slightly perplexed. Not really caring what they were doing at the moment he just walked past them to get a certain piece of machinery for what he was building.

After he tore it off the wall, Superman raised a finger as if wanting to say something but brainy just kept walking, after all he had bigger things to worry about at the moment.

No sooner had he closed the door, brainy looked up at the sound of knocking.

"Hey brainy, we need to talk to you" Superman's voice came through the door.

"Go away!" Brainy called back.

"we're starting to get a little worried about you!"

Brainy rolled his eyes, ever since what happened at quaver mass 12 Superman had become slightly more overprotective when it came to his friends. Being the youngest and not always the most open with the others, brainy as often finding visitors in his lab, most likely 'checking up on him' just making sure nothing was wrong if he was being particularly quiet. Kinda like what was going on right now.

"Nothing to worry about! Everything's fine here! Totally (grunt) fine! Ugh!" He gasped as the piece of machinery he was handling at that moment fell on top of him.

"Brainy? Computo, override lock." Superman stated and the others rushed in and Brainy rolled his eyes again.

He winced as they noticed what he was building.

"What is all of this?" Saturn girl asked as Brainy heaved the huge piece of metal off of him.

"If you must know it's a containment chamber. "

"nothing's getting out of here without a fight." timber wolf stated as he looked at it.

"What on earth is it for?" Lightning lad asked.

Brainy turned to him, "Me."

At that moment, somewhere hidden in the HQ near Brainy's lab.

A masked man crouched in the air vent as he looked at his communicator watch, "boss, I'm in."

"Good, have you located the power source?"

"Yeah, the robot kid's got it inside his head, we should be able to get them out quickly enough to get out of here before the legion notices."

"Good, and don't mess up fool!" The other man said before the watch switched off.

The masked man smirked, "no problem, just a few hours from now and we'll be the most powerful thieves in all of metropolis!

(a/n Don't ask how he got in there without being detected…lets just say, for the sake of the story, he's there and no one has noticed him)

Back with the others.

(time skip to after Brainy's explanation.)

"So for the next 10 hours I'll be unpredictable, aggressive, and quite possibly incoherent."

"Why would you keep something like this from us?" Superman asked concerned.

"This is my first alignment without the collective what could happen could be…embarrassing…" He raised an eyebrow at them as if daring them to laugh. Saturn understandingly placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Brainy, we're your friends, you don't have to got through this alone."

Brainy smiled as he heard a buzzer go off, " It's starting." He stated and walked into the chamber, the door closed and the alignment began.

After a few hours, it started to take it's toll on the android, his limbs wet haywire, he started shouting random comments, and…dancing of some sort around the chamber. What no one realized, was that in the last hour, the masked man had damaged the containment chamber so that it would start to implode, giving him time to sneak inside of it, retrieve the power source, and get out by the time the other legionaries found the android.

Finally, the man took position as he saw a billowing white smoke start fuming out of the chamber.

"Let me out! Something's wrong! AGGHH!" Brainy screamed as the man took him by surprise, he swiftly detached his head, tinkered around for a split second then pulled out three chips, one red, one green, and one yellow. He reattached the head quickly and leaped out of the chamber, building and escaped out into the city. Brainy was left to die in the explosion. But you forgot that the robot had friends didn't ya sucker! What now masked man?!

"He's in trouble!" Saturn girl exclaimed as the smoke increased and sirens went off in the lab. Superman quickly flew to the chambers door but was blasted back. Flying up to one of the pipes after that had smoke fuming out of it. He ripped it off to see brain laying there, unconscious. Flying in at top speed he picked the android up and flew out as the explosion started to come.

The others managed to get out of the lab before the explosion, as superman rushed out with brainy in tow. Finally the lab exploded along with the containment chamber.

"Brainy! Are you okay?" Superman asked worried.

Brainy's eyes opened and he stared around at his friends, they gathered around him and waited for his reply.

Brainy blinked then raised and pointed at Timber wolf, "Puppy!" He cried, grinning like a maniac.

timber wolf's eyebrows raised and the others looked at the youngest member funnily, something was not right.

eah, the first chapter is kinda boring but it gets better the next chapter. Poor timber wolf, through this whole thing he's probably going to be referred to as 'puppy'…can't imagine how damaging that is for his pride. Oh well, next chapter is funnier.