Sigh….last chapter. This was seriously fun to write, but….No one reviewed my last chapter! Graaag!

Disclaimer I do not own legion of superheroes.

"HOW THE HECK ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO THIS?!" The legionnaires shouted in unison in front of a very confused Brainy.

I mean seriously, what where they expected to do? Tear his head of, chuck the chips inside rattle them around a bit and expect everything to be hunkie dorie again? Nu uh, with brainy it had to be something more complicated tan that.

"Please tell me we don't have to ask that jerk again!" Phantom girl groaned.

Superman sighed, "Sorry Phantom girl, it looks like we'll have to see Teeto again…" His shoulders slumped. Even he had had enough of Teeto's cocky attitude to last a life time.

Brainy cocked his head to the side confused. Why the heck was he sitting on a table with everyone staring at him. He looked at the three shiny little objects on his side. They had the same circles as he did on his chest and forehead…but they looked sorta like cheezits. Only different colors.

To experiment with the 'cheezits' he picked it up and brought it in front of his eyes.

So this is why big brother has been so busy, but why would he need these?….does he like cheezits?

Brainy raised his hand innocently as the others argued over whether or not they should ask Teeto.

No one paid any attention.

Brainy pouted, he hated being ignored. He tried poking Bouncing boy but he brushed him off. He tugged on Superman's cape but received a tired 'not now Brainy.' He tried imitating Mr. Ego again but Lightning lad hadn't even noticed. As a last attempt Brainy plucked out a hair from Saturn girl, but she merely winced, rubbed her head in annoyance and continued to argue with the others.

Brainy whined and stamped his foot childishly, why didn't anyone listen to kids these days?

He crossed him arms and huffed, he looked around the room sulkily, trying to find something other than the group of teenagers in front of him to look at. He came across a drawer and he opened it curiously.

Brainy peered inside, glancing around for a moment until his gaze froze on something. His bad to the bone smirk spread across his face as he found a different approach to getting everyone's attention.

"I'm telling you we should just try opening his head and putting them in! Maybe there are little slots they go in or something…or maybe little labels telling us where they go." Bouncing boy suggested.

Lighting lad rolled his eyes, "Yeah, like a game of operation, Red chip in the ear! Yellow chip in the mouth!"


Everyone seemed to hover in the air a moment in result of the thundering siren. They plopped onto the ground again and whirled around to see Brainy, plugging his ears and squeezing his eyes shut. His finger hovered over the button of a bull horn.

"Brainy what the heck was that for?!" Triplicate girl exclaimed rubbing her ringing ears. Timberwolf had little swirls in his eyes because of his super sensitive hearing.

"None of you were listening to me, so I thought I could get you to pay attention with this." Brainy smirked, "Plus it was funny."

"Alright well what do you want?" Timberwolf asked trying to shake the dizziness he felt when his ears were blasted.

"Why are you all fighting over cheezits?"

Everyone stared at him, Superman blinked a couple of times before a resounding, "huh?" went through the room.

Brainy walked over to the table and picked up the so called cheezits. Everyone blinked again, oh.

"Brainy, first of all those aren't cheezits, they are computer chips…they well…" Saturn girl began and looked at Superman to see if they should tell him.

Superman nodded his approval. He would have to know sooner or later…and now was probably the best time since they might end up ripping his head off later.

"Well, they are supposed to be in your head. You see, a while ago that bad man that kidnapped you and janey? He took these from your head and that's why…your…well being like this."

Brainy cocked his head to the side, "Being like what? This is how I've always been."

The team sighed, how could he understand? Telling someone who had the mind of a four year old that in reality he was a somewhat stoic android….to say the least it gave everyone a head ache.

Superman put a hand on his shoulder, "Look Brainy, this isn't easy, but your not yourself. This isn't how you've always been….its…just the after affect of the chips leaving your head. You see, while your joking around your usually serious. You've actually come through for several mysteries in crimes we have to investigate."

Brainy still looked confused.

Superman sighed, "The point is we need that serious side of you back."

"So to do that I gotta put the cheezits back in my noggin?"

"Can we get off the cheezit topic please?" Triplicate girl asked exasperatedly.

Brainy looked deep in thought…well as deep in thought a four year old could go. "Okay, I think I know what to do."

Everyone looked surprised when Brainy typed down simple instructions, "I think if you take my head and look at this thing that looks like a ravioli? If you just stack them there it might do something…I don't know what." He finished, he looked slightly nervous at the prospect of taking his own head off.

The others looked over the instructions then asked Computo to bring up an X-ray of Brainy's head. There was indeed a ravioli type…thing in his head.

They talked it over and decided it was worth a shot. Superman looked a bit nervous himself though, what if something went wrong? What if they did this and Brainy came out a completely emotionless android like his people?

Superman blinked when he felt a tug on his cape. He looked down to see Brainy looking up at him.

"Big brother…will I remember everything when I wake up? Will I remember you and…Janey and…Mr. Ego?"

Superman wasn't quite sure how to answer. Sure Brainy would probably recognize the legion members but would everything that had happened in the past few days remain in his memory? Would everything in that time, including his time with Janey just disappear?

Brainy looked up concerned and Superman just sighed and ruffled his hair, "I promise, it'll be okay." They had no choice put to wing it and hope it turned out alright.

Pretty soon Brainy was laying on the table with Superman, Saturn girl, and Bouncing boy around him. Everyone else had been asked to give them some space so it wouldn't get so tense. They awkwardly managed to remove Brainy's head and his body squirmed around uncomfortably. His eyes on his head where squeezed shut so he couldn't see that he really wasn't attached.

Bouncing boy placed one chip cautiously in the center in the 'ravioli thing'. When Brainy's head didn't burst into flame Bouncing boy took it a s a good sign and placed the other two inside of Brainy's head.

Immediately brainy started to glow a faint purple then it eventually dimmed as Bouncing boy put the head back onto Brainy's body. The three circles on his forehead and chest flashed brilliantly for a moment then died down just as the glow did.

Brainy was completely still for a moment. His eyes didn't open, like he was sleeping peacefully but he others hearts lurched for a second in fear. They waited and waited for 5 minutes until finally Brainy's eyes slowly opened and then they widened when he focused on the three heads above him.

"Wha? What are you all doing in the containment chamber? I told you not to let me out!" He sat up much too quickly and in result he ended up falling back clutching his head.

Everyone breathed out in relief, Superman put a hand on Brainy's shoulder as he sat up again (slower this time.) "Its okay, the alignments over…well actually its been over for the past week a d a half but.."

Brainy's eyes widened, "What?" he exclaimed, thinking he had gone into a coma that whole time. Saturn girl placed a hand on his other shoulder.

"it's a long story but we'll tell you all about it later. For now-" She was cut off by the sound of the door opening. In came all the rest.

"So is the real Brainy back or…should I get a cookie?" Phantom girl asked cautiously. Brainy looked really confused at the 'cookie' part.

"I'm not sure what you mean Phantom girl but I assure you I'm most certainly here…did I leave?" he looked around curiously and the others sighed in relief.

"No I guess…well kind of…well…er…" Triplicate girl trailed off. Everyone just kinda stood there awkwardly until Lighting lad got that look on his face. The one that just screams Revenge…sweet revenge.

"Hey Brainy wanna play shadow?" Lighting lad started. The others got the same smirk on their faces as Brainy raised and eye brow in confusion.

"What do you mean 'play' shadow?" He asked

"What do you mean 'play' shadow?" Lighting Lad mimicked. Brainy scowled at him.

"Do not copy me."

"Do not copy me." Lighting lad mimicked again.



"I mean it-"

"I mean it-"

"Cease and desist!" Brainy cried out fed up

"Cease and desist!"

Superman sighed, here we go again..

A while later…

Brainy wandered around his lab, trying to clean whatever was left after the containment chamber had exploded. Everyone had briefed him on what had happened, least to say Brainy looked like a lobster blushing in embarrassment. They hadn't mentioned Janey or Carlos incase he wouldn't get his memories back.

Brainy looked up when he heard someone knocking on the door.

"It's open." He stated turning back to his work. He almost regretted it in fear that it was Lighting lad for another round of 'shadow'. Thankfully it was only Superman.

"How's your lab?" He asked Brainy who looked around.

"Not so bad compared to all the other times its been destroyed…this time it should only take me a couple of hours to upgrade." He finished smiling.

Superman nodded smiling back and started to turn around to exit, but then he paused and turned back.

"Hey Brainy….do you think you'll ever get your memories back?" He asked and Brainy turned around to face him again.

He seemed to think for a moment then answered, "I'm pretty sure that in time my memories of the past few weeks will slowly but surely download themselves into my subconscious….so yes eventually I will get them back. Which makes me slightly worried, I have a feeling this whole thing was a lot more embarrassing than the others described." He finished scratching behind his head.

Superman laughed openly and before he could stop himself his hand had reached foreword and ruffled Brainy's hair one last time.

Superman pulled his hand away shortly and almost laughed again at the confused look on Brainy's face.

"Get some rest after your done okay?" Superman asked finally as he turn to leave, Brainy just nodded awkwardly and watched the door for a moment when Superman had left.

He blinked a few times and straightened his hair again so it didn't look so disheveled. He turned back to his work, "What was that all about?" He asked himself.

He subconsciously felt his head again, smiling at a memory he just regained.

Wah! It's over! That was a fun chapter to write, especially since I had the end planned out form the beginning…that may have been why I had such trouble with the middle chapters. Anyways thank you to all that reviewed and read Bravekid and I's story and please remember to review the this chapter cause NO ONE REVIEWED THE LAST ONE!! ERGG!