Okay it seems a lot of people were not very happy with my ending...so here's an Epilogue for all you wonderful readers. This was a bit unplanned so please enjoy any way. Thanks!


Namine sat in her chair her hands gripping the hem of her skirt. The small blond's shoulders shook as she sobbed silently.

"Namine what's wrong?"

Roxas knelt next to his wife placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. Namine wiped her eyes on her shirt sleeve and sniffed.

"I'm her mother I can't help but worry."

Roxas kissed Namine's cheek "She's fine you know that." He took a hold of Namine's hand and gave it a small squeeze.

Namine looked up and reached out for Keyna's hand. The unconscious girl was covered in bruises and bandages.

"We just need to keep her very comfortable when she wakes up." Roxas gave a small smile. "It's been a few days, and her body is exhausted so give her some time...okay."

Namine nodded then stood; she kissed Keyna's forehead and followed Roxas out.

"How is she?"

Riku leaned against the wall near the door a curious look on his face; he looked over his shoulder into the dark room.

"She's still unconscious and the bleeding has slowed." Roxas sighed "What about Axel?"

"Same...bleeding isn't as bad as it was but...Xenos did a number on him." Riku shrugged off the wall. "He might be out for a while..."

"Oh Riku!" a sing song voice echoed down the hall of the castle.

Riku groaned and slapped his palm to his forehead "Damn it...it's Demyx..."

The hydro poked his head out of a room down the hall; he was giving a small pout aimed at the silver haired man.

"When are we going to Twilight Town?! My sitar strings aren't going to repair themselves you know!"

Riku groaned again his hands balled into fists "Why do I have to take you!"

"You're the one who broke my sitar when you were fighting Lexaeus! I was able to fix the base so you at least owe me new strings!"

"That's getting off easy Riku." Roxas chuckled and glanced over to Riku.

Riku shot Roxas a small glare. "Fine...go and get ready!"

Roxas leaned towards Riku "Hey mind taking a small side trip to Radiant Garden for me; something I ordered might be ready by now."

"That stuff for Keyna?"

Roxas nodded "He said it should help with the pain after she wakes up."

Riku smirked "Surprisingly that shrimp has any kind of optimism..."

Roxas chuckled again "Hey, he's helping us isn't he..."

As evening fell Roxas checked in a Keyna one last time before turning in for the night. He walked into her room and walked over to her bed. Roxas sat on the edge and gave Keyna a small smile.

"You fought well kiddo I'm proud of you." Roxas smoothed her hair and kissed Keyna's forehead. He held her hand and hummed her lullaby. A light groan came from Keyna; Roxas stopped humming.

"Dad...?" Keyna's eyes opened slightly "I had the weirdest dream..."


NOW it's over. How's that ending for you guys? Better? See you next fan fiction. Keep an eye out for the sequel okay. Sorry this was short but it was unplanned. Please review and thanks again to all of you that have read, reviewed, faved, and put this story on your alert list. THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!!!