Summary: This another story where everyone thinks Harry's brother is the Boy Who Lived. Harry runs away and comes back years later with a plan, a girlfriend and powerful. I know what you're all thinking: not another one! But this one is different. Rated M for safety.

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Sirius Black was through. That was all there was to it. He had put up with his girlfriend, Jennifer, for the past four years--ever since she had found out she was pregnant.

She had their child Cassandra Alexandria Black one month before Lily had the twins. In fact the only reason his and Jennifer's relationship had been anything more than a one night stand was because she had found out she was pregnant with Cassy.

But this was the last straw. He had just discovered that Jennifer had a new boyfriend while she was still engaged to him.

He walked through the kitchen with all of his belongings, minimized to fit in his two bags while he and Jennifer still yelled at each other. As he opened the door to leave the crummy apartment that he had lived in with Jen for the past four years, he felt something collide with his legs. He looked down into the tear-streaked face of his little girl.

Sirius dropped his bags and scooped up his three year old daughter, who had been listening to these kinds of arguments her entire life.

"Please, Daddy, don't leave. I'll be good, I swear. Please, Daddy, don't go. I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Listening to Cassy made Sirius's heart break. She didn't deserve this life, hearing her mummy and daddy fight from dusk till dawn almost everyday. More often then not, one of them losing it and storming out.

Trying to calm his little girl who was still sobbing and clinging to him like a lifeline he hugged her, wishing more than anything that he could take her with him, just run out, just the two of them...but he knew he couldn't. He had work and couldn't leave her alone all day. Jennifer was not the best mom but she never made Sirius think she didn't at least care for their child.

Still trying to calm a frantic Cassy, Sirius cooed, "Hush, baby, come on now, be daddy's big girl. Just because I'm not living here anymore doesn't mean that I'll never see you again. In fact I'll see you every weekend. I'll see you, okay?"

Jennifer made a snorting sound by the counter where she had watched this whole scene without comment.

Setting down Cassy on the floor, Sirius looked lovingly at his daughter and he smiled with pride. She already showed signs of becoming extraordinarily beautiful when she grew up. Her blue-gray eyes were exactly the same shade as his, shining and blurry from tears, though she had stopped crying now. He brushed her dark brown, almost black hair behind her ear. Told her he loved her one last time, grabbed his bags and was ready to leave.

Jennifer strode forward, at first making him think she was going to tell him good bye, or plead with him to stay. But no, she just grabbed Cassy's arm and none too gently pulled her behind herself. As though afraid Sirius would run off with her as he dearly wished to.

Sirius turned around, taking one last look at the place his daughter had taken her first step, and said her first words. He left forever, not knowing this was to be the last time he saw his daughter for many, many years


"Oh, Yaxley, sweety, that's amazing," cooed Lily Potter over the...something her oldest son had made.

"It's nothing really, mum, you should see what Harry made," said Yaxley Potter--or as the Wizarding world knew him, the Boy Who Lived.

Lily Potter smiled and nodded, not paying attention as she grabbed the colorful drawing her son had made. Putting a sticking charm on it, she stuck it on the wall along with the rest of her hero son's masterpieces.

Meanwhile, upstairs hiding by the stairs, little five-year-old Harry Potter, the twin to the Boy Who Lived, sat listening to his mother fuss over his brother in the kitchen. He was in the process of trying to make a decision that had been plaguing him for a while.

He was alone he realized, the most alone he had been for the past two years. The two years that Cassy had been gone were horrible. She had been his best friend. The only person who had liked him more than they liked his savior brother.

But two years ago today, she had vanished with her mum, right after Sirius had come to stay with them for a few days.

Uncle Sirius had been really upset at her disappearance. He had even started to cry when, after looking everywhere for them, he still couldn't find them. But now he doted on his oldest godchild like everyone else. Harry tried not to be upset by it, but sometimes he couldn't help it. He didn't understand, why did everyone like Yaxley so much more?

It couldn't all be because he defeated the worst wizard in a really long time. Could it? But then what else could it be? They were almost exactly alike besides that. They did almost everything together.

But if Yaxley drew a picture, everyone cooed over it. And if he, Harry, did, he would get a quick, "That's cute, now go and play." Or something like, "I'm busy right now, show me later."

This just seemed so cruel and unfair to him. Why was he not just as special as his brother?

Sometimes Harry's parent's would come to his room right after they left his brother's, which was right across the hall. And they would tell him, "Now, Harry, you know we love you just as much as we love your brother, right?" Or sometimes his brother would tell him that he was his best friend, and he didn't know what he would do without his little brother.

But all Harry had to do was look at his brother's cheek, to see the blob of a scar that looked like a burn mark glistening there to show the world the mark of his brother's defeat of Lord Voldemort, to know he was nothing, nothing compared to his brother. Sure, he had a cool lightning-bolt shaped scar on his forehead, but he was told it came from the harmless remains of the curse after it hit his brother and catapulted back to kill the Dark Lord.

Suddenly he heard laughter and talking. Peeking around the corner of the staircase, Harry saw his dad had come home with Sirius and Remus in tow. All of them were talking and laughing, and then Yaxley ran out and disappeared into the mass of men and talking and laughing, each of them now hugging Yaxley.

It was then that little Harry Potter knew what he was going to do. Walking back to his room, he got his backpack with the Quidditch balls that zoomed around on it he packed up some of his muggle clothes. For in that moment, Harry Potter decided that he did not belong here with his parents and his brother. His parents should not have to waste time on him.Yaxly deserved all of their love and attention; they shouldn't waste any more on the likes of him.

A/N: Thank you for getting this far! If you could review, I would love you forever! Thank you to my beta for helping me! And next chapter will come along soon!