Alright everyone I am so sorry that I have not updated in so long...I have no excuse. I know I have major grammatical errors in here as I have not yet had it betaed. This chapter was mainly just to let you know that I do intend on continuing this story and have not given up on it. Now that it is summer I hope to be able to write and update more. So with out further a due on with the story...

Chapter 9

The Truth Reveiled

As if on cue all of the participants in the room lept to there feet. Wands drawn and fighters stances ready. But what came into the room was not to any of there expectations. Instead of a murderous assassin or angry death eater. A single black raven soared in. But the bird had a fiery glint to it's eye, and without even blinking it landed in frount of Kira.

Her eyes betraying no hint of the fear she must of felt a emotionless mask becoming her face. She picked up the smocking howler as the raven took flight again. All eyes of the order either on the bird or the girl. And with one deep breath Kira closed her eyes and ripped the letter open. At once different voices started screaming in languges unknown.To mixed to come with only one particular voice,. Then it all went silent. As thought a dementor had taken the place. In a hollow voice a man spoke from the letter.

Kira,you have betrayed us.

With that the letter burst into flames. The cinders blowing up into Kira's face from a nonexistent breeze. No one said anything,then the whole kitchen burst in to chatter at the same time.

"There outlaws they need to be put in Azkaban!"

"Maybe they have turned."

"We have to interrogate them NOW!"

"No,we can't let them know we know!"

Sirius Black and the Potters were beyond speech. Their children...but how?Surprising everyone himself included Black jumped up with a vengeance,and spun around to head out the door. James a half a step behind him reached out to throw the door open. But with no need the door burst open itself for the second time that night.

Blasting everyone within fifty feet of the door away. Dumbledore stood up imminently and an eerie calm filled the room. A group of a dozen or so people in dark clocks stood in the door. Standing in a strong indecipherable fighting stance.

The order member all reached for their wands only to discover them all missing. The only people remaining holding their wands were Dumbledore and Mad-Eye Moody. Moody pointing his at the apparent leader of the group and Dumbledore holding his loosely.

The leader of the group stepped fowared and pushed back his hood,to revile the man they had seen for the first time that night. The newly installed leader of the covenant stood in the heart of the order looking in complete control. Several of the order member lurched forward shouting only to clied headlong into an inviable brick wall.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Dumbledore asked politely addressing Nate,not completely discing the emotion in his voice.

"I think you know what I want old man."Nate replied cruly. Staring directly a Kira who was staring at the floor as though she wish it would come and suck her up.

"I'm sorry but you know I can give her to you.I have vowed my protection to her."

"Then we'll take her by force then."Nate replied calmly.

Suddenly shouting came from upstair and Lily Potter who stood with silent tears poring down her cheek stood up horror struck."Yaxley!"she screamed

"James Yaxley you have to ...oh my god Yaxley!"

Laughing cruelly Nate looked at her with an evil look. Making it impossible to imagine the kind caring leader Kira had described. "Don't worry about your special little golden boy. Harry and Cissy are under special order not to hurt them. I guess they have figured out by now that their missions over."

"You can't do that you can't take them back Cassy's my daughter,mine."Sirius shouted from the other side of the wall.

"She may be your daughter but shes my soildure Black and don't forget it."Nate growled.

"This is uncalled for maybe we can discus this in a civilized manner."Dumbledore interrupted.

Opening his mouth to reply Nate was interupted by a blood curling scream admitting from Kira with apparently no cause.

Suddenly the six teen appered from the stairs a black raven perched on Cissy shoulder. While her eyes were fixed on Kira one hand out streached pointing at her as a beam of red light hit her full on. Harry followed closely behind a wand pointed at the other teens who had emotions ranging from discuss to betrayal on their faces.

As they entered the room Harry pushed the teens behind the inviable wall to join the order."Enough Cissy,"Nate said and reluntically Cissy lowerd her hand to leave Kira cluched over gasping on the floor.

"Harry please you don't have to do this just walk away from all of this and come home with us." Lily begged in a hushed wisper.

Laughing cruelly a look the Potters had not yet seen came into his eyes. A hate filled vengeful look. "And why would I want to do that?"

"Harry,I'm your brother."Yaxley silently pleeded.

"Only by fault."Harry replied coldly befor turning back to Nate and the rest.

"Cassy,please..."was all Sireus had to say.But without turning around Cissy coldly replied in a voice unheard of before.

"Save your breath Black."Never takeing her eyes off of the girl.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Well' this is an unexpected surprise. May I ask what you intend to do now?'

"Why Dumbledore,aren't you planning on fighting us?"Nate asked in mock innocence.

"I was hoping that it had not progressed to that stage as of yet."he replied with a sad ancient look in his eyes.

"Look old man lets cut to the chace,are you going to let us deal with our people as we may. Or will you intervene with your damn Griffindore nobility.'

"I have promised this girl my protection and that i do intend to honor."

"Then you have declared yourself to war."Nate replied coolly.

"I thought we had an understanding Kira."Cissy said all the while starring with eyes of intense hatred at Kira.

"We do Cissy please. Think about it stand up for yourself please. You are so powerful but you let Harry control every move you make. Everyone one knows that you could be the most ..." Harry sent a spell at Kira making her blast into the wall behind her.

"I would be quiet about what you do not understand girl."He growled,spinning around he turned to face Cissy who was looking the same as before.And curling his hand into a fist pointing with one finger he said. "Out!"

"But Harry."she started to complaint

"I said out."

"Cissy,"Nate said in a gentler yet equally as powerful voice. And spinning around Cissy threw the hood of her clock up and with one finger at the large mass of people becand them to follow with out even looking.

"Cassy wait!"Sirius Black yelled recovering his voice.

"I don't need to hear it." And exiting the room half of the people in the mass followed while others with out moving stayed were they were. As if this was a typical thing, and had been practiced and rehearsed many of times.

Until only Harry and Nates group remained. All wands out but not pointing the group remained emotionless.

"There coming."said a quiet voice from the back.

"We'll be back for the girl Dumbledore. You can not hide her forever."Nate said calmly.

"And we'll be back for our children. You can be sure of that."James replied icily.

Laughing coldly the group exited the room disapearing. The order stood in a dumb stupor for a few moments after that not relizing they were released from there inviable jail until Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"I think this requires another meating, but at a latter date. James,Sirius,Lily I assume you will want to clear your heads right now."

And collapsing into her husband Lily Potter started sobbing. As the order exited slowly around them leaving the grieving family's alone.


I am aware this chapter is rather short and not all with poor writing quality but as I said before it is just an alert chapter. I may even come back and re due this chapter latter on. As also mentioned before I know I have serious grammatical errors in this chapter I do hope to get those fixed soon as soon as my beta gets back to me. But seriously people grammar is just not my thing. So I beg of you do .not send me a million reviews saying I need to fix my grammar is ssssoooo annoying.Well sorry for the long wait I will try and update very soon.

Also, I wold like to mention that any ideas about how you think the story should go is very appreciated, and if you have already sent me Ideas do not think they are being ignored I am takeing all ideas and forming them together for the over all plot. P.S.S please send all ideas to my e-mail there is something wrong with my fanfiction account and I no longer receive any e-mails from them. So.. thanks