A/N: This is a very short dialogue/joke me and my friend Chihiro made at school today. Hope you like it! Read and REVIEW!!


XxShiraHimexX, animallover135, yamishun, Bacaforeva, Chihiro Hiroshima, Keiko Oda, tina1061, Spring Fairy 14 and clairecandy. Fine nine!! Wahaha! You guys ROCK. Tell more people to review Wishbones and my soon to come fics! Below are some replies to your reviews. Gracias!

Chihiro: Gee, thanks a LOT, Feli –turns angry red-

Keiko: Yeah! I am! You:)

Bacaforeva and tina1061: Yaaay! I'm glad you guys want a sequel! PM me your ideas and I'll start working on it when I can! Thanks!

clairecandy: You're a good guesser! Hahaha! I think you're the only one who got that:)

DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN IT OKAY?! That's seriously obvious –rolls eyes-

That Sounds Like a Song! (Dialogue)

by WhateverSatomi and Chihiro Hiroshima

For Feli and Bea O. for the idea—and of course to my (so-far) nine reviewers of Wishbones!

Mikan: Natsume, even though you think I'm a baka I just have to say… you are the music in me! -hugs Natsume-

Natsume: GROSS!! I can't be near a person who thinks I'm the freaking music inside THEM!! -takes hands of Mikan off him- We're OVER, Mikan! I gotta go my own way! -walks away- You're so disgusting!!

Mikan: -worried- But Natsume, I DON'T DANCE!! I really can't!! You have to teach me!!

Natsume: -stops in tracks and shakes his head seriously- Well, I guess we'll have to work this out, then

Mikan: -excited- You can bet on it!

Natsume: -smirks- That's fabulous!

Mikan: -concerned- But Natsume…when can we work this out?

Natsume: -thinks- Hmmm...Everyday!

Mikan: -surprised- But we need a specific time…what time is it?

Natsume: -thinks- Are we all for one (o'clock!)?

Mikan: -jumps up and down excitedly- Humuhumunukunukuapua'a!!!


A/N: Hahaha! There's more to come!! Songfics, oneshots and m-o-o-o-re!!! I hope this is funny enough. I'm in a rush. It's dinnertime and I wanna FINISH. And now I'm done!! Review!!