
Disclaimer; I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! But I do own this plot line!

Bakura turned his knife around in his fingers, watching as the moonlight glinted off the soft silver of the blade. He turned to the bound figure in front of him when his sharp ears picked up the faintest of moans. He walked over slowly, before kneeling down so that his face was merely inches away from the others.

'Wakey wakey.' He said softly, the cruelness shining through.

Slowly crimson eyes fluttered open as the man groaned in pain. 'Bakura…' He gasped weakly.

'Got it in one.' The thief winked.

'What are you doing?' Atemu coughed quite suddenly, retching.

'Trying to figure out what would be the most painful way for you to die.' Bakura watched, in satisfaction as Atemu's expression flicked suddenly from a pain filled grimace, to pure fear. He knew the situation, knew that there was no hope. Bakura smirked in amusement as Atemu hopelessly tried to twist his face into an expression of courage.

'And,' Atemu's voice shook, 'What would that be?'

'Not sure,' Bakura mused, 'I was thinking I would just…' Bakura ran his blade down Atemu's cheek, watching with fascination as his blood welled up, vivid crimson, 'Go with the flow…'

Atemu shuddered. 'No chance in going quickly then?' He said, trying to mask his fear.

Bakura chucked, 'I'm afraid not.' He said smirking.

I free you of those tiresome ropes, it's not like you can move anyway, I took great pleasure in that part, cutting away at that flesh, unfortunately it wasn't unmarked, I suppose years of saving the world will do that to you, but I loved it, letting your blood mark the floor. Pulling your flesh away to reveal pure white bone underneath.

I can see you worrying, it doesn't suit you, your face is meant to be filled with courage. You gaze at me; I wonder if you're losing your sanity, you seem to be disappointed, in fact I can hear you telling me that you thought I'd be a bit more honourable. Idiot, I shake my head, I'm a thief, I don't do honourable. Mind you, those eyes, it almost hurts to look into them. You know you're going to die. It's inevitable; I wonder what is going through your mind. I hope its insanity.

I gaze up into those cold eyes, those eyes that assured me I would be dead in the next few hours. I should be worrying about my Hikari, I wish I was, but he can deal without me. It's been seven years since we separated into two different bodies and we grew apart after that. He had no use for me. No one had any use for me. What was a 5000 year old Egyptian spirit supposed to do in a world of technology and science? Waste away into nothingness. That's what. I don't know how Bakura survived with even less experience than me, but then again, surviving is his talent. But I wonder what he'll do when he's killed me. I ask him this. He looks flummoxed for a minute. I don't think he knows. I feel quite honoured to be the thief's life mission. But I suppose I could do without it.

The thief has left me coughing on the floor, I can feel blood seeping out of my legs and my stomach. I wish he would hurry up. But then again, I've spent many years waiting and in pain, I'm sure I can wait some more. He seems a little reluctant. I can see why he would be worrying; he's been waiting as long as I have for me to die. If this is disappointing, he can't do it again. As much as he'd like too. I wonder what it's like to die, will it fade to black, will I travel down a tunnel of light, will I meet the Gods, will I be judged? I should go to paradise for all I've been through. I suppose I shouldn't really think that.

I pace steadily, one side of the building to the next. I can feel the Pharaoh's eyes burning into the back of may neck. He must think I've lost the little sanity I had, hell I think I've lost the little sanity I had. I have him right where I want him. It would be so easy to just slip my knife in between his ribs and watch the life slowly drain from his face… but I can't. I just can't. I've waited so long for this. Dreamt about it every night. Spent years planning how to do it, wondering what would be his last words. Would he scream? Would he cry? But now… I just don't know anymore. I growl and run at him trying to force my knife across his throat, but something stops me, inches away from my desire. I scream and the Pharaoh looks bewildered. I can see why, it's not like me to hesitate. After what seems like hours I walk over shakily to the Pharaoh. I sit in front of him and lay my knife between us.

'Pharaoh.' I say. 'Do you know how much I would like to kill you?'

He is silent before taking a deep breath. 'I know full well, the constant death threats tipped me off.' His dry humor made me chuckle.

'A comedian until the end I see.' I say.

'Ah, but is this the end?' He asks.

He has a point. 'Now, you have a point there.' I say reluctantly. 'See, I want to kill you, I want to be the one that rips the life from your body… but I can't.'

'And you're telling me this why?' He asks.

I look at him strangely. 'Do you want to die?'

'To put it frankly, yes.' He stares at me with those crimson eyes, I wonder if they're the same colour as his blood.

'And why would the great Pharaoh want to lose his life?' Surprisingly, my tone is void of the cutting sarcasm that usually adorns it.

'Why wouldn't he?' He shoots back. I raise an elegant eyebrow. 'Fine,' He spits, 'As we're having a nice soulful conversation,' Hell, he's more sarcastic than I am, why haven't I seen this side before? 'The truth is,' The Pharaoh paused, 'The truth is, I just want to see my family and my friends… Mana, Seto, Mahaad.' I can see his face lightening slightly as he says these names, as though they are Gods. I ask him why he would want to leave his Hikari behind. He fixes me with a long glare. 'Because he has no use for me.' He finishes reluctantly.

We're silent for a minute.

I sigh. 'Damn you Pharaoh. You just made it impossible for me to kill you.' His expression sours.

We wait, it seems like hours, neither one of us talks. The sun slowly rises and we just sit there. Finally he breaks the silence. 'So what will you do with me now.' I rise to my feet and walk over to him. I kick the knife that was between us out of the way and kneel where he is slumped against a wall, losing more blood by the second. He turns wearily towards me, his eyes showing the pain.

I lean in, not sure of what I'm doing, I get closer and he gets closer, I can see the smudged kohl around his eyes, it suits him, to have it dirty his pale cheeks. His eyes are rimmed with red, I think he must have been crying at some point and I didn't notice. I move a little closer, I can feel his feeble breath against my lips. It smells nice, like cinnamon and vanilla, but with the coppery stench that belongs only to blood. I feel something stir within me as I lean close enough so that our lips are so close. Another millimetre and we would be kissing. I wonder what that would feel like.

I close the distance. He breathes out, he must have been holding his breath, in anticipation, or worry I'll never know. I pull away, a little reluctantly and pull out my cell phone. I dial the emergency number and speak to a very understanding woman on the other side. I tell her my friend needed attention immediately as he had been stabbed and beaten up badly. She assures me that an ambulance will be there shortly.

I end the call and turn back to the crimson eyed man that was currently looking at me with no emotion.

'You owe me your life now.' I say as I walk away from him, 'When you've recovered I'll find you.'

Alright, I have reposted this chapter after a review from my favourite fanfiction writer Toxic Hathor, I know that the injuries described sound quite serious and I don't think I normal human would survive with the amount of time waited until an ambulance was called, but I think that years of pain and injuries will have toughened up Atemu's body and failing that, the Shadow's enhance his strength so he's going to be stronger anyway.

Thank you for reading and please review!
