Disclaimer: I of course do not own any of the characters mentioned or written about in this fic (well at the moment anyway I m still trying smiles wickedly

Authors Notes: ok here's the thing. Warning one! - if you don't like female/female slash stories then please do turn away now and not return, cos that is most definitely what this is.

Warning Two! – if your ok with F/F slash stories, but don't like those of the Hermione Granger/Minerva McGonagall relationship, then again will you just go back now and not bother reading cos this will only upset you. Cos again that is most definitely what this is.

And on a lighter note to my most faithful readers (there are so few of you and I treasure you all, thank you for reading and reviewing my stories up until now) I thought I'd treat you all to a little short fic while you are waiting on my next update to any of my other stories.

Thank you

XX Minervarulez XX


Yesterday someone one had told me that I would be waking in the arms of one of the most beautiful creatures ever to walk this Earth, not to mention one of the most intelligent people I have ever had the privilege to know. My response was to tell you to stop talking a lot of old rubbish, that you had most definitely had gone senile as you had gotten older and most of all that your skills in predicting the future and in divination had left a lot to be desired. Then again you could have argued that I was the one talking to a portrait so there for I would have been seen as the senile one – would I not? But then again that was yesterday – wasn't it.

ha ha ha i know thats short lol, but its only the prologue, this is gonna be bout another 4 chapters long which have already been written out lol so they will get posted up very soon, if you want quick updates all you need to do is reply.

luv yas

xx Minerva rulez xx