A/N- Please Review so I know that you guys want to read more ;)

Chapter 11

The sun rose the next morning and let its bright rays shine through the

window which awakened Peyton.

She awoke to her head resting on Lucas' bare chest as he was still

asleep. Even after three months being back in Tree Hill she still

couldn't believe that Lucas was in her life again. Two years is such

a long time to be apart from the one you love. He was the best thing

in her life and vice versa. They weren't wasting a single moment to

be together. Both Lucas and Peyton knew how fast a life can end all

too well which is a tragedy in itself.

As Peyton began drawing circles on Lucas' bare chest he began to stir.

"Hey You" he said as his eyes flickered open.

"Hey" she replied and kisses him on the cheek.

"So last night was-"

"Wonderful." she said cutting him off. "I'm glad we waited Luke."

"You do know we have done this before right?", he said trying to be funny.

"How could I forget?" she said with a smirk. "Last night was really special."

"For me too Peyton."

"About what happened."

"I need you to know how sorry I am."

"I know you are. I'm not asking you to apologize again."

"Did I do something else?"

"No." Peyton said as she got out of bed and wrapped the sheet around

her body. "I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"I said I would be right back."


She returned with a box in her hands and gave it to Lucas.

It was the box that was filled with all the letters she had written to him.


"Its ok. When I wrote these I never thought I would be sitting here

with you again. On September 25th I wrote to you that if it was

meant to be we would find our way back. I guess it is meant to

be because here we are.", she said and kissed him.

"Are you sure Peyton. These are your private thoughts."

"You really don't need these though. You have me but I want you to

have them."


"I wish we could just lay here forever", Lucas said.

"Me too. I have to get to work though."

'I know."

"You know, I do have to shower before I head out."

"You do, do you?"

"Uh-Huh", she said as he chased her into the bathroom."


Unlike Peyton Lucas had the day off from work and spent

it reading some of her letters.

There was something that he has wanted to do for two

years now and after reading those letters he was finally going

to do it.

He went to his closet and reached for a shoebox. The box

was filled with love notes, drawings, and pictures of him

and Peyton.

At the bottom of the box there was a small jewelry box and

inside was the ring he had bought for Peyton 2 years ago.


Lily walked in as Lucas was looking at the ring.

"Whatcha doin?", she asked.


"Whats that?" she asked pointing to the ring."

"Just something I'm gonna give to Peyton."

"Is it her birthday?"

"No, not for a few months."

"Then why are you giving her a present? Christmas is over."

"Can you keep a secret"


"I'm going to ask her to marry me."

"Really? Like Aunt Haley and Uncle Nathan?"

"Uh-huh, and if she says yes she's going to be your sister."

"Can I come to the wedding? Jamie teases me because

I've never been to one."

"Of course. You can even be the flower girl if she says yes."

"She'll say yes."

"How do you know?"

"Because she loves you."