Chapter one

Gettn' There

"Finally",I said as we pulled around the bend into the magnificent view of the LaPush beach. The sun was just a tad bit off toward the left of the center point in the sky. This creating a water color picture so peaceful and so dream like, you would have thought you where in one of those commercials about how to get a free Hawaiian get away or at least get a discount on one.

The way the warm shades of orange and yellow along with a captivating shade of pink swirled together to show how life could be and just one reason why we get up every morning with a joyful expression on are face. One thing to be hopeful for and at least one thing in are lives we can depend on.

Right behind me 2 cars, 3 minivans, and 5 buses followed my lead and parked on the LaPush sand right next to the Jeep I was driving. Today was an awesome day to go on this so called "educational" field trip.

I know for a fact that 99.99 percent of the student body who came today, are here for other reasons.

For one, most of the girls here only came to brighten their fading tans and to have a reason to show of there navels. Oh, and the guys they all pretty much only came to lend a hand to the girls who need "help" putting on their sun tan lotion and to show off their chests and "mad skills" while playing a game off beach volleyball or Frisbee.

Most of the kids from my junior class from our school back in Phoenix, Arizona came on this two and a half day trip.

I closed the door of the Jeep as I got out. So did Bree while Jason and Cam hopped out of the back over the side of the Jeep. Everyone else seemed to be loading out as well. I turned my attention toward the buses and right in front of one of the buses stood my helpless and brainless science teacher, Ms.Todd.

I felt so sorry for her right now. She was being bombarded by students who flooded out of the bus she was standing in front of.

" So, where should we unpack?", Jason asked as we just stood there aimlessly next to the back of the Jeep .

Jason had longish brown and golden blonde hair that curved up right above his ears. His blue eyes stood out against his baby blue swim trunks with a hibiscus,( Normally referred to as Hawaiian flowers),print near the end of them.

" I don't care. I just need to sit down, this sand is like starting to burn a hole in like my feet." ,complained Bree as she rubbed the sole of her left foot.

Unlike me Bree was a total beauty freak and a complete girly-girl. Me, not so much. I'm more laid back and so much more down-to-earth than she was. Bree ran her fingers through her blonde highlighted light brown hair from the front of her scalp to the back. She is such a flirt.

As soon as I saw this I knew at once what she was doing. She, ( being the flirt that she is), was looking at himagain. And there it was. Her cell phone in left hand and her hazel eyes gazing over her background which was a picture of Rupert Grint. ( If you corndogs don't know who Rupert Grint is, I highly suggest you watch all the Harry Potter movies again. He's the younger one with red hair or a.k.a. Ron. DUH!)

I walked over to her to put my hand on her shoulder and said," Get over it." I know what your thinking " Dang you're a very supportive friend. I wish I some one like you to crush all of my fantasies." I know I'm just that good because I know right at this very second your sitting behind your computer screen wheezing with laughter. See, I told you I'm just that good.

"Um...what about...over...there.", I pointed out a spot as I skimmed the beach for a nice shady place to sit.

There it was the perfect hiding place. Over near the coast line was a tall, think, bulky tree that's branches formed the perfect umbrella to shade from those beautiful ,but harmful UV rays.

We all took are time to get over there except for Cam. As soon as we figured where to set up he took off as fast as he could. His wild rice colored hair with a tint of red in it was only a blur. This was just probably one of his many ways to get out of doing things he didn't want to do. He had always been good at doing this type of thing and it wasn't until the 8th grade that we all figured out are ways of how to not give in and not always letting him get his way.

"Dude" ,Jason called after him, "You forgot your bag and unless you don't want it, you'd better come and get it!"

" Shoot!" I heard Cam yell in the distance. This always happened to him. But it was always so funny to see him try and make us feel guilty and finally bring him what he wants or even better. When he tries to get some one else like a stranger to go and get what he needed by paying them.

Last time that happened Cam had almost lost the keys to his brand new yellow, mustang convertible. Dang was he stupid. And lazy and desperate and, and, well we all know this could go on forever ,but all this thinking about "and" and saying it over and over again in my head is making me start to feel a bit like...Bree. Except instead of saying "like" all the time I was saying "and". Creeepy.

We all finally made it over toward the tree, while Cam had finally gotten over to the Jeep. I slipped off the dark ,but bright blue shorts I had been wearing over my swim bottoms to revel my red-orange bikini bottoms. I wouldn't usually wear things like this but thanks to all these new diet systems and groups to boost your self esteem, people are starting to think that everybody wants to wear things that show,( to my option), way to much skin. It's just like buying water proof undergarments. But I had also forgotten to buy a bathing suit and luckily Bree had an extra one just my size in her bag.

When I looked up I saw that Bree had already reveled her hot pink and turquoise tank-kini and that Cam and Jay had already taken off their shirts to reveal their nice and new toned torsos.

Just this year both Cam and Jason had picked up weight lifting as one of their extra classes. I just don't understand why boys get off so easily. I mean they have nothing to worry about unlike us teenaged girls and they don't take three months to lose 5 pounds. In that time they could probably lose 15 pounds and gain some new muscles in the progress. I just don't get it some times.

I took out my folding chair and sat in it and started to read my withered old copy of Wuthering Heights.

"Bella, aren't you going to come a play a little V-ball match with us and the guys?" ,Cam asked as he held a volley ball under his left arm.

" Yeah come on Bells, It wouldn't be as much fun with out you." ,Jason edged.

"I don't think so. I'll probably just ruin your guys chance of winning. and besides I'm fine here. I have Bree." I retorted.

"Actually, no you don't. I'm going over there as well. Matt finally let me be on his team." ,Bree said enthusiastically.

She had always had a crush on Matt ever since the 3rd grade. You would think by now he would have already gotten the hint that Bree liked him. You never really know with boys though. There all stupid in one way or another.

"Come on Bells. You know you want to.", Jay said again.


"Please Bella." Jay asked one last time.

"I don't think I will. I'm not really into sports and I don't feel like getting another sprain this school year.", that was the lamest excuse I've used in a long time, but at least it was true. I hated to lie.

"Fine, but later if you want to join just come over there'll be enough room form ya." ,Jason said. There was a touch of sorrow in his voice. That was the last anyone of them had said before him and the others walked away toward the volley ball net the junior jocks had put up.

As soon as they left I put my attention back on to the book. About 30 minuets latter an unfamiliar tone brook the silence.

" What ch'ya reading?" the boys voice asked.

I looked up to see Connor Vince staring at me with his brown creamy eyes." Are you talking to me?", was all I could think of to say.

"Yeah, who else?" ,Connor retorted.

" Um... that's not what I meant.", he looked at me with a confused look on his face., "Well it is what I meant , but it isn't what I meant to say. What I mean is why are you talking to me?" ,I probably sounded like I was stupid or something like that to him.

"Um...", and with that Connor Vince stocked off in the other direction, away from me.

Right now Connor was probably thinking of how dumb I sounded. Why was this even happening? I knew for a fact that I did not like Connor but then why was I scrabbling for the right words to say when he had started to talk to me? That was it! He had never once ever talked to me. Why all of a sudden did he what to strike up a conversation? Like I said before boys are so stupid.

Thanks to all who revewied. I really do mean it. Some of the feed back I recived for my story really helped/will help me a lot as a writer. I love ya's so much. Thanks once again. (as always) -heart-

Penguins. Lovely.