Disclaimer: See ch 1


4 JULY 1999

Explosions of colour filled the sky as the seven friends lay on blankets at the river court as they watched the Fourth of July fireworks.

"This is so much fun!" Haley sat up and crawled to the cd player someone had brought. She turned it on to the local radio station as Ryan Adams' "When the Stars Go Blue" started.

"I love this song!" she stood and started to dance. The boys laughed, while the girls joined in.

They convinced the boys to join them as "Sun's Gonna Rise" started.

Later that night while they lay watching the pyro-techniques again, Lucas sat up and announced, "We should make a pact." Everyone turned to look at him. "We should make a promise to each other that we'll always be like this."

Slowly, they all stood up and joined hands (at Brooke's request)

"Ok, what are we supposed to say?" Jason asked.

"Always and forever," Haley whispered.

"Friends till the end." Nathan squeezed Peyton's hand.

"Standing together," she added.

"No matter what." Lucas finished.

They repeated the whole thing; the boys dropped hands and put them in the middle of the circle. The girls followed suit, giggling.


"So that's it now, you guys." Jake said as they moved the blankets off the court. "We're stuck together."

"Oh God! Tutor Girl, why didn't you stop us? You're the smart one!" Brooke asked, as the girls moved off the court, allowing the boys room to play.


"Brooke, can we come in?" Jake asked, knocking softly.

"Please just go Jake." she replied.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that." he opened the door and walked back in.

Jenny was awake now and when she saw Brooke, she smiled and stretched her arms out. Jake held her out, but Brooke took a step back.

"I can't. I don't remember-"

"Of course you do. Here, take her." Reluctantly, Brooke took her daughter in her arms. "She's really missed you, ya know?"

"I missed her too." they were silent while Brooke studied their baby as if she were trying to memorise her face. "Why are you doing this? I thought when you broke up with someone that was it. It's over and you stop caring."

"No. Not in our case. I never stopped loving you. Just because we weren't together, doesn't mean I didn't want to be." Brooke turned away and Jake followed her as she moved across the room. "Don't you get it? We're a family. You, me and Jenny, we're a perfect fit. We are meant to be together."

"But you can't... What I did, it was unforgivable!"

"Too bad. I forgive you. I love you and I always will."

Without a word, Brooke shifted Jenny, pulled a chain from under her shirt, and put her ring back on.

"I love you too." they both took a step forward and kissed for the first time in seven months.


Jenny was now eight months old, Jake and Brooke were back to their happy selves – Brooke moved out of her parents house and into Jake's; she was in the process of getting emancipated.

Nathan and Peyton were going strong again. After working through their issue's they were back on track.

Haley and Jason, along with their four other friends decided it would e best to back off with Lucas, just let him have his space until he decided he wanted to be friends again.

After a month of having no one to talk to except the boys at the river court and his mom, and lonely basketball practice with no one except Tim (who still didn't really know what was going on) he finally decided it was time to talk to his friends.

If they would take him back.

As far as he knew they weren't spending time at the river court, or the cafe (except when Haley was working, but he was never there then) Luke decided they must be at Jake's. His mom would love it, she always enjoyed having a full house.

Peyton opened the door to reveal their friends gathered on the couch watching a movie.

"Luke, hey."

"Can I come in? I wanna talk to you guys." she nodded and Nathan reached over to pause the movie.

"I, ah, I wanted to apologise to all of you for the way I've been acting lately. It wasn't fair to treat any of you that way. I mean, I've had a lot of time to think about things and I guess I can understand why you didn't tell us," he explained, looking at Jake and Brooke. "And you guys were just doing what you were asked. If I told anyone of you something in confidence I could only hope you'd do the same for me."

Everyone looked up at him, trying to think of something to say until Claire entered the room.

"I was just wondering if you kids want anything to drink before I leave for work- Oh, Lucas. It's good to see you."

"You too mrs. J."

"Ah, we're fine Mom. Thanks."

"Alright. Well, I'll see whichever ones of you are here when I get back." she smiled at the kids before leaving.

"Ok, so I'm just gonna-"

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Jake asked. Everyone shifted to make room before he answered.

"What are we watching?"

"The Breakfast Club." Haley supplied.

"Right, Hales how many times is that now?"

"Shut up!" Haley threw a cushion at him and he caught it, before sitting between her and Jason.


9 SEP 1996

Brooke Davis walked the halls of her Elementary school, with her best friend Peyton Sawyer and their friends Nathan Scott and Jason Lidell.

Jason was a friend of Nathan's from basketball camp, he was also Jake Jygalski's cousin.

Jake was walking in the other direction with his friends Lucas Scott, (Nathan's older brother - by three months) and his best friend Haley James.

The nine-year olds came to a stop all facing each other. Nathan and Lucas weren't too thrilled about having to be in such close proximity but aside from Brooke's disgusted looks at Haley's hat, everything else was fine.

"You guys remember Jake right?" Jason asked, his friends. "He just moved back from Savannah."

"Hey." Nathan and Peyton nodded. Brooke smiled.

"Hey guys, good to see you again."

"So, are you guys gonna be at tryouts tomorrow.?" Nathan was referring to the junior leagues.

"You should come to cheerleading tryouts next week Kaley." Brooke decided. "But don't wear that hat."

"It's Haley..." she replied, pulling her hat off.

"We'll be there." Luke answered for himself and Jake. Who hadn't spoken yet.

"We haven't been introduced." Brooke nudged Jason, speaking to Jake. "I'm Brooke. This is Peyton."


"So, Jake, how are you liking Tree Hill?"

"It's not bad. I think I'm going to like it here."

"I'm sure you will. Listen, Peyton and I have to go talk to Morgan. But we'll see you boys later. Come on Tutor Girl!" Brooke called over her shoulder, holding Peyton's hand.

"Haley." she told her again, as she slowly followed them, looking back at Luke and Jake, uncertainly.

The four boys, split into their groups of two and continued walking.