From the desk of Professor Mohinder Suresh.

To whoever is reading this, I thank you. The log that you are about to read is probably

one of the greatest pieces of evidence that I have in my possession that can show both the

existence of those with unique powers and how difficult those powers have made their

lives. Although I have sent this log and my opinions on said documents to many

universities and colleges, the professors have all thought that these were merely written

by a 16 year old with an over active imagination. If I hadn't experienced what I have in

the past few years, I would have thought the same too, but due to the many events that

have taken place, I have not only found that people with these powers do exist, but also

what harm, or good, they can do. I have also found the evils of those with these powers.

Specifically those of the madman named Sylar. This log refers to this man many times

and was sent to me in the hopes that it could be used to help take him down. The child

who wrote this log and I both hope that this log will not only convince you of the

existence of these amazing people but will also help us find Sylar and finally destroy him

before he can kill again. Enclosed is a log of a young teenager who, due to the

sheer detail of the entries, I believe to also have had powers like those I have experienced

in the past few years.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this,


Professor Mohinder Suresh