Gabe, I Need Help

Gabe, I Need Help

Chapter 14

As we sat down in the park I listened to Nick's story I was moved. His story was sadder than mine. As he explained every detail I was awestricken at how much his powers helped him. I saw mine as a curse and a burden that only brought me pain, but his were a gift that saved him from himself.

Nick Wasserman was born to Janet and Ray Wasserman who were two of the most powerful and influential politicians in Florida. He was brought up in a wealthy family, a caring family, a family that raised him and taught him how to find loopholes and how to manipulate people and situations to his advantage.

He was happy, he had a great life, he had everything that he wanted, and he could turn on the tv and see his parents almost all the time. All of that changed when he was seven. He sat in his living room, watching his parents on the news when from the tv came the sound of gunshots and on the screen was the image of his parents falling to the ground.

His parents were dead. He watched on the TV as they were shot and collapsed, hoping that it wasn't true.

My attention was caught by a rustling in the bushes behind me as he told me of the terrible orphanage that he was put in, when his powers developed, he used them to escape.

As I attempted to listen to the detail that Nick told but my mind became fixated on the bush in front of me. Through the branches I could make out the blurred outline of a wolf, or a dog, a big dog. It saw me looking at it and turned to leave.

Nick finished his story and I told him of the shape in the bush. We both got up and walked over to the bush in which I saw the animal. Though there was nothing there, there were prints of a large dog's feet.

Nick and I followed them to a pond where they seemed to disappear. We let it go and walked out of the park.

"where do you plan on going now?"

I was taken aback by the question. "I don't know. what about you?"

"I've been traveling for a while. I don't have any one specific path to follow. I just go where my heart tells me to."

I thought for a moment. "is there room for two on that non-specific path?" I was new to this and was unsure where to go. I figured that it would be good to go with someone who had experience with this kind of traveling.

Nick only stood there and laughed. "sure. It might be fun to have some company with me. Who knows, maybe you'll learn a thing or two from me."

I laughed at that. "a bit cocky, aren't you?"

He only nodded. "dude, when you've been on the road as long as me, it helps to be confident."

I laughed and agreed. "so, where are we off to first?"

Nick walked ahead a bit and turned. "I've been meaning to stop by the reserve."

I looked confused. "what's the reserve?"

Nick smirked. "you'll have to wait and find out. First stop, Kentucky."

AN: GOD. It's been so long since I've updated. I apologizing for rushing through nick's origin but every time I attempted to write it, I would fail miserably so I made it as short as possible. For those who wish to guess what the reserve is, feel free to guess. Special prize appearance to those who get it. And yes, the dog is important to the story.