Well, this is a short story, with only six chapters. I wrote a long time ago, but never posted it. But I'm going through all my files and sorting everything out, so I thought I would post it. Hopefully someone will like it.

I do not own Gravitation.


Wicked Game

Chapter One

Shuichi Shindou's eyes never moved an inch, they stayed glued to the screen of the TV. The images being scarred into his brain, the images causing his heart to break over and over again. The sound was turned up loud, and he could hear every pant, every moan from the man and woman screwing on the bed.

Shuichi watched as the star of the video held himself up in a push up motion, his lower body moving rapidly. Long red painted nails marking the pale muscular body. Mingled cries clashed together as the pair orgasm, then silence as the woman fell asleep, and the man lit a cigarette.

The tape goes blank for a second, before the same man appears, this time with a different woman, and a different room.

Shuichi's eyes once again fill with tears, but he had not allowed one to fall. He had cried over that bastard more times than he cared to recall, and it's always because of him. Shuichi gave everything he had to the man, and what did he get in return? Fuck all that's what.

In some far part of his brain, he felt guilty, guilty for doing what he did. But he reasoned with himself, if he didn't do what he did, he wouldn't have found out what that fucker was doing behind his back.

Yuki had been distant with him for a while now, and he wondered what was going on. Yuki had been on four book tours in two months. Shuichi didn't know what made him do what he did, but he's glad he did.

He hired a private detective and had the man follow Yuki when he left to go on his book tour. The detective found more than enough evidence to prove that Yuki had been cheating on him.

He received the video today, Yuki was back tomorrow. The four hour tape had four hours of sex recorded on it, Yuki fucking seven different women. Shuichi had a feeling his lover had been cheating on him, and now he had the proof. It was time to set his plan into action, he had been planning for a month now, and it was now time.

Yuki and Shuichi had been together for six years, and in that six years, Yuki had changed, showing Shuichi affection and confessing his love. Yuki also promised to stay faithful, and always be Shuichi's, and Shuichi naively believed him.

Shuichi regretted his time with Yuki, he wasted his time with a man who didn't deserve him. He wished he could go back in time, and not have met Yuki in the park six years ago.

Shuichi didn't know what his life would have been like, but he thought he would maybe be happy, maybe he would have found someone who truly deserved him.

Anyway he couldn't sit around here all day, he had a lot to do.

After rewinding the tape, Shuichi pinned a note to the TV. He stood still for a moment, he knew he couldn't take any of his belongings, which was going to be hard, he didn't want to leave it all behind. But even if he took one item, it wouldn't work.

Grabbing every bottle of aspirin in the bathroom, he emptied each bottle, putting the tablets into his pocket. He was not going to take them, it's just all part of his plan. There was no way he was going to kill himself, Yuki wasn't worth it, Shuichi knew his life was worth more than that heartless bastards.

After putting all the bottles in front of the TV, he placed the letter beside it. Got to have a suicide note, like in all the good movies, you can't leave without leaving a suicide note.

After checking his new passport, and ID, he made sure everything was ready. He had a new identity, which the private detective got for him, Shuichi didn't ask him why he was able to get it, he was just grateful that it was easier to obtain than he thought it was going to be.

Shuichi had already changed his appearance, like he said, he knew Yuki was cheating on him. He called work to tell them he was taking a break, they weren't happy about it, but Shuichi didn't give them a choice. Hiro had called him a few times, but he just told him he was all right, and just needed time to himself, Hiro agreed. But Shuichi knew he would be all right, it gave his best friend more time to spend with Ayaka.

Shuichi had dyed his pink hair, it was now a dark purple colour, he wore green coloured contact lenses, and he bought a pair of glasses. He also bought a new outfit, which consisted of black pants, white shirt and black jacket, a briefcase finished off his outfit, making him look like a business man.

He was a little concerned about Tohma, he knew Yuki would probably not want to find him, why would he? But if Hiro asks, then he might be a problem. Shuichi had cleared out his account the day Yuki left. He just hopped that Tohma wouldn't guess that his suicide was a set up, but he didn't care, he would be long gone before any of them found out the truth.

Taking one last look around the place that he had been living in for the last six years of his life. He left without looking back, throwing his key on the shelf by the front door.

He leant his head against the wall as the elevator descended. The doors opened and he stepped out, passing Tatsuha on the way. He silently applauded himself as they passed each other, Shuichi didn't even blink, and Tatsuha didn't look like he had recognised him. Shuichi did vaguely wonder why Tatsuha was here. The younger man knew his brother would be away until tomorrow.

Shuichi's eyes widened as he realised Tatsuha would be the first to find the note and the video, he knew he didn't have much time. Getting in the car he hired using his fake ID, he drove towards Tokyo Bridge, he had one more thing he had to do.


An hour later Shuichi was sat on the plane flying towards New York. He thought long and hard as he was setting up his plan, he knew he would need help. He would need a job and a place to stay. So he knew he had to trust someone, and they're was only one person who would be willing to help him.

He spoke with Reiji, and she was more than happy to help him. Shuichi knew she still had feelings for him. She had sorted everything out, she has found him a job and an apartment, she even found him someone to teach him English. Shuichi knew a little, but not enough to get him by.

As the plane flew nearer to his destination, his heart began to pound in his chest. He knew Hiro would hate him if he ever found out what he had done, he just hoped he had covered all of his tracks. Hopefully with his new disguise, not even Reiji would recognise him.

He knew he had to be strong, but he knew that was never going to happen. He knew he would never get over Yuki, the man was after all his first love, he gave his virginity to the man. He just hoped he could at least get on with his life. He didn't think he would be able to fall in love again.

He closed his eyes, and started to fall asleep. He thought of his new identity and smiled. Shuichi Shindou died the moment he stepped on the plane. In his place Iki Akari was be born.


Tatsuha let himself into his brothers apartment, hoping Shuichi would be in. He needed some company, but it was actually more than that, he needed to confess something. He had done something bad, and he was too afraid to tell his brother.

He knew Eiri was going to fucking kill him, he hoped Shuichi didn't find out before he had the chance to explain. That would be all he needed, a rampaging Shuichi going to kick Eiri's butt for something he didn't do.

After toeing off his shoes, he entered the front room, his mouth opening to call Shuichi's name, but it snapped closed when he saw the empty aspirin bottles on the floor near the TV, a note laying beside them.

With a bad feeling, he picked up the note from the floor, and read it.


By the time you read this, I will already be dead. I guess I finally did something right, ne? I got myself out of your life without having you to tell me.

I guess you never thought I would catch you, but I did. I guess I'm a lot smarter than you gave me credit for.

Just follow the note on the TV.

Anyway, I wish I could say that I will always love you, but I can't. I will tell you one thing, you broke my heart.

Goodbye Yuki, the tablets I took a while ago are making me sleepy. I'm going to Tokyo bridge one last time, I want to look out over the water, which is the last place I'll ever see.


P.S I hope one day, you can settle down, instead of hopping from one bed to another. Tell everyone I'm sorry, you've never done anything for me, so it's the least you could do.

With shaking hands Tatsuha pressed play on the video, and watched. A sob wrenched it's way out of his throat as he realised he'd killed Shuichi, not personally, but he's the reason why Shuichi killed himself. The blonde hair, golden eyed man on the screen wasn't Eiri, it was him.

Tatsuha ran to the bathroom, and threw up. Tears blurred his vision as he realised that it was all his fault. Why did he do it? It's the same answer. So he could pretend to be famous, to get women, so he could get laid.

Eiri was going to kill him. He knew Eiri had been a little distant with Shuichi these passed two months, but it's because his brother had been nervous. Eiri told him he was planning on committing himself to Shuichi, he was going to ask his lover to marry him.

After he finished puking, he raced to the phone and called Tohma, he didn't know why he didn't just call the police, but he knew Tohma would probably get the job done quicker. As soon as Tohma answered, Tatsuha told him what happened, hoping for a miracle and maybe they would find Shuichi still alive.


Well that was chapter One, I'm putting the whole story up, so please go and read chapter two.