Title: Sublime Animosity

Rating: M

Genre: Romance/Drama. Maybe slight angst.

Summary: Bad boy Seifer Almasy enrolled into Balamb High, stealing and breaking hearts. But then a certain individual captures his eye; and despite what others say about him, Seifer is curious and determined to meet this boy. But will they get along?

Pairing/s: SeiferxSquall.

Disclaimer: As soon as Hell freezes over :D

Notes: If this story sounds familiar it is mostly probably you have read the original version before, but I have been told it sounded too much like others, thus, I have rewritten it. Please excuse me.

Warnings: YAOI, High School AU, OOC-ness, Swearing. . . A cranky, morning-hating!Squall.

Chapter One

Good Morning, World, I Hate You.

Squall Leonhart was not a morning person. In fact, he hated this time of day.

Absolutely despised it.

A soft sigh escaped through soft, pale lips as Squall rested his head on the marble bench in his kitchen, his eyes closed with thought and tiredness. Sighing once more, the brunet lifted himself off the smooth surface and shuffled over to the other side of the room, retrieving a mug on the way.

Pouring himself some coffee, he proceeded to add a ridiculous amount of sugar to the dark drink. Although the brunet didn't look it, he had a pathetic weakness of foods sweet and sugary.

Sipping the drink thoughtfully, Squall felt a little more awake and calm from feeling of the hot liquid soothing his chest and to the tips of his fingers. Making his way to the small balcony, the brunet settled himself safely on the ledge, wearily watching the people below, wondering where they get their energy in the morning. Just watching them made Squall feel even more tired.

The young male lived alone, in a small apartment in a small and quiet part of the city. His home wasn't terribly flashy, but held a casual environment, styled with simple furnishings of his own creative taste. The apartment had five rooms, one reserved as Squall's art studio. The walls and floors were literally scattered and stacked with paintings and numerous sketchbooks of interesting clothing designs. Fabrics of the sort draped over what seemed to be a table, almost leaving no surface of the furniture untouched.

Squall stifled a yawn and settled his half empty mug down onto his lap. He was starting to regret the fact that he stayed up till the early hours of the morning just to finish his latest fashion design. He held out his hand in front of him, inspecting his bruised fingers from pricking himself with the needle one too many times: fatigue causes the brunet to become uncoordinated. But what was even more annoying is that he was dissatisfied with the finished product in the end.

Scrunching up his nose, Squall let out a soft sneeze. Deciding it would not be a good idea sitting out in the cold, wearing nothing but sweatpants and a thin shirt, the young male walked back into a warmer area. He set his coffee down and proceeded to the bathroom to bathe, grumbling all the way there.

The young brunet almost fell asleep in the shower. He had caught himself leaning against the cold tiled wall, nodding off ever so slightly. He cursed at the hot water's soothing magic and stepped out quickly, changing and brushing his teeth. Entering the lounge once more, Squall glanced at the clock and was relieved that not much time had passed during his unpredictable nap.

Discovering that his coffee had turned cold made the brunet unhappy. He poured the remaining contents down the drain before washing the cup and leaving it to dry on the sink. Looking at the clock again he decided that going to school early wouldn't hurt. Then he paused at the thought.

"Too tired," he mumbled to himself, sprawling over the kitchen bench again and closing his eyes for a brief second. And as if every existence in the world was against him, a taunting voice came echoing into his ears, vibrating in his head.

'Not good enough.'

Squall made an effort to turn his head and leer at the motionless frame adorning his latest creation in his art studio from the kitchen. The more he looked at it, the more flaws he had come to discover, and even if they were the most miniscule imperfection Squall always seemed to over-exaggerate them in his mind.

An artist is never satisfied after all.

Aware of the time, the brunet slid off the cold kitchen bench and retrieved his messenger bag from his art studio, along with his file of school work. As he approached the front door, Squall slipped on his beloved bomber jacket before leaving the apartment.

Squall stepped out onto the pathway outside, taking a swift left down the street to begin walking down the usual route he took to school.

The school was a fair distance away, the trip taking an approximated thirty minutes, forty at the most during heavy traffic. Despite the long walk, Squall quite enjoyed it. It allowed him to think freely: it comforted his mind.

He adjusted his bag strap, the heavy weight of his bag now starting to strain his shoulder. Squall let it slip to the ground and rubbed his sore muscles, wincing softly. Crouching low, he inspected his bag, wondering why his belongings have gotten so heavy.

A small smile came to his lips as he discovered more than enough boxes of simple packed lunches at the bottom of his bag.

Squall sighed, slinging the bag back on his shoulder and continued walking. He concluded that his father had broken into his apartment and sneaked the food into his bag this morning while he was asleep.

Time after time, Squall reminded his father that he could take care of himself. Laguna did agree, but still fretted over his son like a worrying mother over her small toddler. It annoyed the brunet, especially when the older man became overly concerned; which happened once, to a point, where Squall became paranoid.

After a while, Squall convinced Laguna to allow him to live by himself: he wanted to prove his independence. Seeing his son was able to care for himself, Laguna's motherly antics died down dramatically, but he still pestered Squall with worried questions every chance he got.

Squall chuckled. He loved his father, of course, but he still wished that Laguna wouldn't worry so much.

During his silent pondering, Squall reached the school without even realizing until the sound of noisy students reached his ears. The loud chatter brought Squall's mind back to the present and he quickly made a swift bee-line towards the school entrance, avoiding large groups who he suspected would be more than glad to pester him in the morning.

Squall was not exactly loved, but was not exactly hated either.

'It's an unfortunate cycle,' Squall mused to himself, sliding the door open to the school's art room. He barely took a step forward without stopping to stare at the people who were already residing inside his sanctuary in the school.


Dear, Hyne, Squall forced himself to nod at the greeting in return as a bubbly girl bounded up towards him, latching onto his arm immediately. Squall set his bag down and patted the girl awkwardly on the head, her bright, round eyes staring up at him expectantly.

"Selphie, what are you doing here?" Squall finally said, wriggling his arm free from the girl's death grip, "Don't you usually sit with-"

"Zell?" the young female finished for him, "Yeah, well, since I'm such a star student (she said with a grin) Headmaster Cid asked me to show the new kid around before school starts."

Before Squall could question Selphie, another figure moved into his view. The brunet was slightly impressed by the newcomer's frame: it was strong and solid, and, he had to admit, it was attractive.

Steely grey met bright jade and Squall was immediately feeling slightly small, his lithe figure appearing frail compared to the other, but wasn't at all intimidated, he just felt small. The staring continued and no words were spoken until Selphie broke the awkward silence.

"Squally, meet-" she barely uttered anything before a high-pitched chorus of the word "SEIFER!" could be heard from the hallway outside, and in a split second, the art room was flooded with students of different value, most were of the female race.

Squall choked and stepped back, avoiding the stampede, from getting crushed under the heels of many girls. He watched as the crowd formed a ring around the one named 'Seifer', and how this 'Seifer' grinned.

Oh yes, Seifer Almasy loved attention, and having an attractive appearance does not make it difficult for him to receive it. Females would kill to have hair as golden as his. Lightly tanned skin made him look luminous and healthy. His figure was desirable among both genders; well toned muscles and strong broad shoulders. Jade green eyes could entrance and lure people under his charm. And on his face, he wore an everlasting smirk, radiating arrogance.

Oh yes, life was easy for Seifer. Women and men would practically throw themselves at him, fawning over his body. Seifer also had a talented tongue, both verbally and for questionable uses behind closed doors, creating good opportunities for the blond to get a good lay; he loves to dominate in bed.

Oh yes, and of course, he knew he possessed such charming features, the many fools he had wooed never failed to be in awe with his body were his living proof, constantly cooing over how luscious he looked, and how wonderful he was.

And Squall felt like vomiting.

His senses were overwhelmed with loud, screaming cheers and sighs and the cheap perfume was absolutely…

Squall dramatically stumbled out of the room, breathing deeply, his bag clutched to his chest. He looked back over his shoulder and watched how the women where practically hanging off Seifer, and, to his disgust, Selphie had seemed to also be hypnotized by this man. Well, this was absolutely fucking dandy, Squall scoffed. The beginning of his week was ruined by his sanctuary being stolen by Selphie (not that Squall thought she was awful) and some attention-loving fool who attracted almost entire campus, but Squall did have a habit of exaggerating.

The brunet reclined to different room in the school: his first class; seemingly to have decided he might as well wait here until the bell sounded, and as it did, he watched his fellow classmates fill the room, occupying the seats one by one. Selphie soon entered the classroom, claiming the seat next to Squall. Squall shoved his bag over to give her some room, because, despite being so small, the girl somehow took up a lot of space.

"Nice guy, that Seifer," she intoned, a little too dreamily for Squall's liking and he scowled. Selphie turned to face the brunet's frown and a silly grin spread across her face that Squall did not like so much either.

"Oh don't worry, Squally," Selphie chirped, "You're not so bad looking yourself, kinda like one of those pretty boys from a drama."

Squall almost jerked away from her in shock, denying the bubbly girl of any related thoughts, but Selphie just cheekily gave him a less than understanding comment.

The teacher's voice was dead to him, as to everyone else, but apparently not Selphie, whose cheerful mood impossible to dull. He sat at the back of the class, pen in his idle fingers, quickly sketching out smooth lines on a piece of paper, forming a picture of a lion in front of him. Grey eyes glanced up at the clock, watching and waiting in frustration as the hands seemed to slow down, and so, Squall dedicated his hour to drawing numerous lions and playing tic-tac-toe with the female beside him as she goggled at his drawings.

The bell startled Squall, causing him to create an unattractive black line to be smeared across the lion's face and Selphie pouted beside him, looking down at the picture.

"Damn, I really, really liked that one," she whined, watching Squall scrunch up the piece of paper in dismay: he was quite proud of the sketch as well. Selphie patted Squall on the back and smiled, unable to stay disappointed for too long. "But you've done better, Squally! Anyway, recess! Why dontcha come with me to the basketball courts? I'm gonna meet up with Seifer there and show him the rest of the school!"

Squall was about to consider Selphie's offer, but the mentioning of Seifer pushed such thoughts out of his mind. He tucked his belongings into his bag before replying with a casual: "Sorry, I have some things to finish," and hoped not to hurt the girl's feelings. His excuse was partially true, he did wish to complete some drawings left unfinished in his pad, but he was also judging, personality wise. Squall felt that he couldn't survive Seifer's attention-loving ways, and the aura of arrogance the blond had was even enough to make Squall-

"Seifer isn't bad," Selphie's voiced echoed into his mind. The brunet blinked, staring down at his friend who had a sly smile on her face. "Oh, don't make that face," she teased, "I know you way better than that, Squally. You think Seifer is bad, dontcha? Don't assume things before you have solid evidence, Mr. Leonhart-y."

Squall raised a fine eyebrow at Selphie's last spoken words and the girl displayed a goofy grin. "Okay, I know that wasn't the greatest nickname, BUT YOU GOTTA MEET SEIFER! He's really great, I guarantee it! And if you don't, I'll- I'll tell your dad that you've been working at that place with the pro-"

"Squall works as a prostitute?" a loud voice inclined. Squall and Selphie whipped their heads around, Selphie cackling with amusement and Squall scowling darker than ever.

"No, Zelly," Selphie laughed, trying to catch her breath as she snickered pathetically, "I was gonna say 'Professional Fashion Designers', but your guess is much more blackmail material."

The tattooed man grinned sheepishly, seemingly shrinking under Squall insulted glare. The girl swung her colourful bag onto her back and tugged at Squall's wrist harshly, causing the amateur artist to stumble forwards.

"Let's go!" she jeered, literally dragging Squall behind her. Squall struggled and protested, he didn't want to physically hurt the girl, but she was forcing him to do something he desperately would have given anything to avoid. As soon as the basketball courts came into his view, the brunet yanked his hand away from the other, absentmindedly caressing his wrist.

"Selphie," he began, "I have other things to do."

The cheeky grin on Selphie's face did not assure him. The girl peered and waved over his shoulder, indicating that the new student was behind him. His shoulders dropped slightly: he needed to escape. Squall did not bother to turn around to greet 'Seifer', but as Selphie shoved him aside to greet Seifer with a warm hug, Squall had to swivel around to regain his balance.

"Almasy," Zell sneered darkly. Squall was surprised by Zell's behaviour, watching the shorter blond stare at Seifer with deep hatred. Selphie lead Seifer towards the other two males, and Squall sensed Zell tensing. Jade green eyes settled onto Zell first, twinkling with mischievous glee.

"Fancy meeting you here, eh, Chicken-wuss?" Seifer mused out loud, almost laughing openly. The other's baby-blue eyes narrowed, a whisper of a growl escaping from his lips.

"Fuck you, Almasy."

"Yeah, love you too, Dincht," Seifer drawled in a mocking tone. Zell narrowed his eyes further. Both of the blondes had known each other since young, as they both attended the same school, until Zell moved away.

They also hated each other's guts with an absolute passion, or rather, Zell hated Seifer; whereas, Seifer found wondrous enjoyment in Zell's pain. At every opportunity that would come, both boys would seize it for the chance to humiliate the other, but it was usually Seifer who reined victorious.

Selphie looked from one blond to the other before beaming with delight. She slapped Zell on the back goodheartedly, resting her arm around his shoulders and pulling him close.

"You never told me you knew Seifer!" she exclaimed excitedly. Zell grumbled something which sounded like the words 'Unfortunately', but Selphie failed to catch it, but Squall never had seen Zell so severely out of character from his joyous self; Squall concluded that he was correct about Seifer's negative influences.

Squall tensed when he was next to have Seifer's green eyes on him, and he reserved his posture, calmly waiting for the opportunity to leave, but as Seifer reach out a gracious hand, Squall's mood darkened.

"Seifer Almasy," the blond declared, more than introduced.

"A fucking bastard," Zell added, shooting a glare at Seifer. The larger blond could only glare back, but with a hint of mockery. Squall took Zell's words into mind, hesitantly grasping Seifer's hand and shaking it with greeting.

"Charmed," Squall spoke with forced politeness, his voice steady and void of emotion, just like his eyes, or so he hoped. He released the handshake and dismissed himself from the edgy atmosphere, much to Selphie's objections; it was all too uncomfortable for him.

As Squall started to walk away, Seifer voice drifted towards him and Squall had the patience to ignore it and continue on his way, but it turned out the blond seemed to be as stubborn as he was. Squall pivoted on the spot, being the stupid thing to do as he nearly turned right into the chest of Seifer Almasy.

"Whoa, there," Seifer warned, gripping Squall's shoulders before the young brunet had a chance to stumble and fall backwards. Squall shook the blonde's hands off him and staggered away from the large male, straightening his misplaced jacket in an attempt to appear as indifferent as possible.

"Yes?" Squall offered coldly, not meeting the other's eyes, seemingly more interested with his clothes. Though, Seifer was not disheartened by the actions.

"I didn't catch your name," Seifer grinned in a friendly manner. Squall's sharp eyes observed the blond before him, pale lips pursed, frowning judgingly.

"You have no need for it," Squall heard himself say, voice as unwelcoming as ever.

"But I want it," the blond reasoned, less than intimidated by Squall's icy nature. Squall was a little glad that Selphie wasn't in their presence otherwise he'd have to force himself to be polite to the limit of his patience and probably mental capability. Ignoring the arrogant blond's expectant gaze, Squall continued on his way. Surprised and offended by Squall's response, Seifer angrily lurched forward, grasping the other's forearm in a firm grip.

"Your name, please, Princess," Seifer pressed with mock respect, smirking evidently as he watched the gloomy brunet glower at him affrontingly. Tugging his arm away, Squall glared at Seifer, practically sneering his words.

"Squall Leonhart."

To be continued, children :D

If you spot any mistakes, especially grammar ones, please let me know!

I've been informed on my tenses are not the best, so, yus xD

Review, if you'd be so kind!