Leon and Sora form a club. Cloud is jealous. Calamity ensues.


Cloud woke to the scent of pancakes. He was curled up on his side in the squishy bed that he shared with no one else. It was a Sunday, and although he'd like nothing better than to sleep, he knew he had to get up or Yuffie would have eaten all the pancakes—or at least chugged all the Aunt Jemimah's.

He was up and dressed in the amount of time it would take a drunken chocobo to win the Hades Cup at the Coliseum. There went his plan of getting up on the bright.

The blonde made his way down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. On his way into the kitchen, he caught a glimpse of something he never thought he'd witness out of the corner of his eye. 'No... It can't be... it's just not possible...'

But it was.

Leon and Sora were building a pillow fort in the living room.

Cloud turned, wide-eyed, and watched as the construction of the pillow fort neared completion.

"Don't forget the sign, Leon," said Sora, handing the older man a piece of paper and a permanent marker.

"How could I forget the sign? It's the most important part of the club," Leon replied, taking the supplies from Sora and scribbling something in his narrow, slanted handwriting. He took a piece of tape from Sora's finger and adhered the sign the front of the pillow fort.

Cloud came closer and saw that it read, "SMART CLUB. No blondes allowed." "' Smart Club'? What's that supposed to mean?" he cried, his hand shooting to his hip to make for a very indignant pose.

"It means only smart people are allowed in the Smart Club, Cloud. That doesn't seem to include you at the moment. Being a private club, the Smart Club does reserve the right to decline membership at any time," Sora explained, crawling into the pillow fort.

Leon closed his eyes solemnly and put one hand to his heart; the other he held up as if taking an oath. "As President of the Smart Club, I, Squall Leonhart, accept the fact that not everyone is perfect. However, as President, I also accept the fact that those who are not perfect, e.g., not brunettes, do not have to join all clubs for smart people."

Cloud pouted and stamped his foot.

"What's wrong, Cloud?" asked Aerith, coming up behind him.

He pointed to the sign, attached with masking tape, to the front of the pillow fort. "'Smart Club'? Did you know about this?"

Aerith suppressed a giggle. "I was wondering why they kept asking if I knew where there were any more pillows, but..."

Leon's head poked out of the pillow fort. "Ah, Vice-President Gainsborough, how good of you to join us. Please, come into the fort. We have important, smart business to attend to."

"You guys are such children." Cloud frowned and decided not to take out his Buster sword and disturb the fort.

Aerith giggled good-naturedly. "Oh Cloud, they're just having some fun. You know how it is. Blondes are the ones who have all the fun, traditionally." She smiled and patted him on the head before entering the pillow fort.

Cloud frowned and waited for someone who wasn't a brunette to enter the room and relieve him of his loneliness, but none came.

After about thirty minutes, Vincent Valentine came in, and, with a husky grunt, rolled into the pillow fort.

A few more minutes ticked by; then, Yuffie came in, did some karate moves, and crawled into the Smart Club headquarters.

Cloud gave up after hearing minutes of hushed whispers. He went into the kitchen and salvaged what he could of the pancake wreckage.

Suddenly, there was a sound like the smashing of glass in the living room and deep, wicked laughter that was all-too-familiar.

Then, a voice said, "I suppose your club was intended to segregate blondes and brunettes, but in the process of establishing such an alliance, I believe that you forgot about the hair-color minorities, like me. Maybe next time you'll consider this."

Cloud got off his stool and rushed into the living room to discover that the window behind the Smart Club had been shattered. The Smart Club was destroyed; feathers, bits of fabric, and filler cotton littered the floor. In the middle of it all stood Sephiroth, Masamune in hand.

"You know, Sephiroth, you really do come in handy sometimes."

The End...?

I think I might turn this into a SephirothxCloud fic. If people read it. No one's reading my other story, so why should they read this one? Ah, well. Who cares anymore? lol Review if you feel like it; apparently no one feels up to writing a review recently.