Mysterious Angle Girl: Beta!

Chapter 19: Little steps.

It was now day three of the festival and the happy laughter of children filled the air. In central town Hotaru stood in her stall, selling pictures of Natsume and Ruka to crazy fan girls, as well as showing off her latest inventions to hopeful clients. Natsume sat nearby under a Sakura tree with a manga over his face, while Ruka worked in a small farm animal activity just across the other side of central town. Koko was at the food stalls, pigging out at the Alice food.

"It's too quiet..." Hotaru said inaudibly as the Panda phone sent out the message to the others.

"Maybe we were wrong?" Ruka asked while petting a baby lamb.

"I haven't heard anything from the people I've seen." Koko replied.

"It's coming, just be on guard." Was all Natsume mumbled before he started to slip away into the blackness that was sleep.

"That idiot will pay..." Hotaru said before turning back to her customers.

"This will be a beautiful day for an attack." Reo said as he stood in the forest's camouflage.

"Reo sir, when do you want me to give the order?" asked a man as he walked towards Reo in a black business suit.

"Have you found her?" Reo asked, not looking at the man, but at the 50 or so who stood behind him, looking ready for battle.

"Clare has not been able to locate her, but she says if we were to cause an incident, the future disappears like the areas she looks for the girl. She thinks she will appear then, but cannot see the outcome of this battle." The man reported as he slowly reached into his jacket to pull out a small and sleek black gun, holding it down towards the ground as he readied it.

"That is fine; there is no way we can lose with both a surprise attack and with so many powerful people at hand. Tell them to move out." Reo said as he pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Soon I will have Yuka's daughter and the fall of the academy will only be child's play after that."

"Vitals are good, health is getting better." A nurse read as she looked down at the patient's chart. "In no time you will be able to get up and move. Lucky you have the sight Alice sir." And with that she left the room.

On the bed sat a small body, white sheets covered the body to the abdomen with only a patients gown to cover the rest of it. Over the eyes though, was a black piece of material, as if to hide an injury. There was no sound except the small breaths of the boy who sat in the bed, until the door to the room opened again.

"Sir, how are we feeling?" asked a chirper voice as a woman came into the room carrying a basket full of goodies. She sat down on the chair beside the bed and looked up to the boy's face with a wide smile, before placing the basket beside the boy's arms which lay flat against the bed sheets.

"Victoria, it seems you have good news, for it is rare of you to be smiling." The boy said as he crossed his arms.

"Now, now, that's very good of you sir. Even without your eyes, you were able to tell it was me and see I was in a good mood." Victoria said as she put her hand in the basket and pulled out a small metal bracelet.

"That woman's child may have taken my eyes in her possessed state, but that does not mean I cannot see you." The boy asked turning his head to the object in Victoria's hands, "What is that Victoria?"

"Oh you know how you wanted something to finally control that snake Persona right? Well I met this guy, who knew this guy, who told him that..." Victoria rambled on as she waved her hands as she spoke.

"Victoria..." the boy said halfway through her explanation, as he continued to blankly stare at the direction of the metal object in her hands.

"Oh, sorry. Anyway this should be able to control any person that is wearing it. All we need to do is put a drop of your blood in it." With that Victoria pulled off a pin attached to her shirt and the boy held out his finger for Victoria to prick. With a quick point, blood came to the surface of his finger tip and he turned it over so it fell onto the metal object that Victoria had placed under his hand. "There it's all done. Now we just have to get this on him."

"Victoria, advise the doctors that I'll be leaving and bring me a fresh change of clothes. Then we will set out a plan for this device. Now hurry up!" The boy said as Victoria stared at him, then suddenly got to her feet and walked over to the door.

Victoria then stopped and turned around. She bowed to the boy. "Of course Mr. Primary Principal." With a click of the door, Victoria left the room.

"Now all that's left is to deal with Miss Sakura. This will be fun..." The primary principal said as he smirked and played with the metal object between his hands.

"Sir it is almost time for the final move..." Shadow said as she sat in her chair sipping a glass of water. Darkness lay around her and the only other thing that could be seen in the room was the white mask floating next to the wall.

"Good, now don't mess up." Persona said as the white mask that floated, which was of course connected to his face, moved before the sound of an opening door was heard and more light flooded into the room after Persona's shadow. "I expect a good outcome my precious little toy..." With that Persona disappeared into the sunlight and closed the door behind him.

Shadow sat quietly as she put her drink down into the darkness. "Hm, time's almost up." With that said she disappeared into the darkness too, knowing what was coming soon.

Or more like, what was going to happen right


The sound of explosions filled the air along with the screams of children as a fire bomb went off into the air. The explosion rose high above the ground, like a giant mushroom cloud in the form of an inferno. Soot and debris flew into the air with it, raining down on the innocent people below. The disaster awakened a certain black cat from his slumber.

"I think it's begun..." Natsume said as he stood up and began running towards Hotaru's shop where he would meet the rest of the gang.

It had begun alright. And they were smack right in the middle of it.


I'm so tired! I've finally finished my Vet pro and Exams, so here's the next chapter!

Need REVIEWS!!!!!!! Come on people, the green button right there in the middle. Even if there is no name or email on the review.

REVIEW.....because this fanfic is almost finished, and I would like to hit 200!!!!

Thanks, kmc27!?