"It's not right!" Kate argued, "it's not fair to Tony!"

"I can't help him Kate, he has to go to jail" Gibbs sighed.

"But it's too dangerous! People will recognize him! How could Shepard even THINK of such a thing! Personally, I think-"

"Tell me, Agent Todd, what do you PERSONALLY think?" Shepard asked from behind Kate.

Kate turned around and looked her straight in the eyes.

"Personally, I think you're holding a grudge against him because HE killed your toy froggy, instead of you" Kate sneered.

"Agent Todd! You are out of line! Agent Gibbs, I would appreciate it if you kept your agents under control!" Shepard said and marched off.

"Off the record, good work, on the record, sit down and shut up before she fires you" Gibbs said.

Kate sat down.

As Tony came walking down the stairs, he looked kind of lost.

"Tony, are you okay?" Kate asked.

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be? Nothing'll be like spending at least a month in a stinking hellhole with a bunch of guys that may or may not recognize and kill me? I'm super! Yay me" Tony said, sarcasm dripping.

"DiNozzo.." Gibbs started.

"No, really, it's fine, it's my job, and I'll have to do it.. good thing I have a life insurrance though" Tony added as an afterthought.

"I will not have you think like that Anthony" Ducky said, having just walked in with Abby.

"So you heard?" Kate asked.

"We did, stupid director bitch" Abby muttered.

"Agreed" Mcgee said unexpectedly, making the others look at him. He looked up, "what? It's not right, everyone that knows about this knows it's revenge because you shot froggy boy"

"So the other testicle finally dropped Mcgeek? Good for you" Tony grinned.

"Shut up Tony" Mcgee sighed, looking into his paperwork again.

"Enough! We have work to do, Tony, go prepare" Gibbs growled.

"Uh oh" Abby said as Tony's face got whiter.

"uh oh what?" Gibbs growled.

"You used his first name..." Kate said with big eyes.

"I'm not allowed to use it?" Gibbs asked.

"Jethro, honestly, you always say DiNozzo this and DiNozzo that, and you never use Anthony's first name, unless.." Ducky said, leaving it hanging.

"Unless what? Not psychic here" Gibbs said, exasperated.

"Unless you think something's going to happen.. boss" Mcgee said as Gibbs glared at him.

"So that's what this is about? Fine! DiNozzo! Go get ready! NOW!" Gibbs growled.

Tony got up, and left along with Abby and Ducky, mumbling something under his breath, Gibbs picked it up.

"Great, he used my first name, now I'm REALLY glad I have that life inssurance"

Gibbs shook his head, sometimes, Tony could be very hard to understand.


AN: Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees??? You likey?