Hello everyone! I know that I haven't updated this one in a really long time but I've been busy and when I got a lot of other things out of the way this one was at the top of my get done list. Well… after updating Silver Slits… So I'm really sorry that this took so long. –sliding bow down ---

Thank you so much for reading the story all the way through and especially to all the ones that had reviewed. I'm happy that you all enjoyed my story, and I look forward to seeing what you might have to say about this last chapter.

Please enjoy. :3





The End…

Axel walked down the street of the World that Never Was, emerald eyes looking all over the buildings and streets. It had been a few days since she had disappeared in the darkness.

He had searched every world that he could think of and hadn't found anything; neither a Heartless nor a Nobody. He couldn't help but wonder on why one hadn't even shown up at all. Would he know it was her when he saw her? Would he be able to tell the difference between her and the other Heartless? His expression became solemn at the though. How could he possibly find her in a world like this?

Demyx came out of a door of darkness beside him and he was looking around rather frantically.

"How are we supposed to find her Axel?" the blond asked with a cocked brow, "There are too many Heartless and Nobodies in the worlds…"

"I don't know… We just have to find her."

"Now why would you want to do that Axie?" Larxene asked from to their side, sounding amused.

Axel glared hatefully in her direction.

"Aw, what's the matter? Miss your girlfriend?" she asked with a smirk present on her face.

Both Axel and Demyx summoned their weapons; threatening Larxene to back down.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," she continued, "Especially if you want to see your girlfriend again."

"…Why not? If I get rid of you then there would be less danger for Ixaon."

"You could get rid of me, but Marluxia is a bigger threat to her than I am," the girl mused even more, "Not matter what you do she'll still be in danger."

"How could you know where she is?" Demyx asked rather doubtfully, "We've already been everywhere. I doubt that you'd be able to find her at all."

Larxene seemed to smirk a little more then, causing both guys to watch her suspiciously.

"Well of course it's impossible to be able to find her whole. No one would be able to find both halves of the same person," she laughed, taunting them.

Axel's jaw clenched together tightly. What was she getting at? Was she leading him up for a trap? By the way she was talking about Ixaon, it sure seemed like it.

"What do you think Axie? Do you need both halves of her together? Or do you only need the one half?" Larxene asked; the pleasured smirk still on her face.

A hand was placed on his shoulder and the tall blond moved closer to his ear.

"She's playing games Axel. Even if she had a half, Ixaon would still be a different person," Demyx told him lowly.

"I know," the red head murmured.

If Larxene had half then he could defeat her and take it away. If she had half, then it could have also been something Vexen had created in his lab as a trap.

"Clock's ticking Axie," Larxene chided across from them.

The other dilemma on his part was whether or not he'd ever be able to find the other half. What if someone destroyed it already?

"I can't leave her in their hands though," he explained to Demyx, stepping forward to Larxene.

Larxene opened a door of darkness and reached into it, pulling out a figure slightly shorter than her self.

"Of course you need proof that we found her Nobody," she mused, holding onto the girl's arm.

Axel's emerald eyes widened slightly at the sight of her Nobody. Her long hair was cut short to chin length. Her red eyes were blood red; vibrant against her darker hair. She was dressed in a simple light blue shirt and baggy dark blue shorts. Her expression was so foreign… so blank and empty. He guessed that they hadn't given her a new name yet.

The red head gripped his weapons out of anger toward the female Organization member. He was angry that she had been able to find her first. At the same time, he was grateful they hadn't just pulled her into their side of the fight.

"Here she is Axie, your precious little princess," Larxene laughed, "Would you really want to fight me for her? If you want her… then you have to find her."

His eye narrowed as she made the Nobody girl disappear.

"Demyx, you go find Ixaon's Nobody," Axel ordered, holding his weapons ready, "If you need help then find Roxas."


"Go Demyx!" he ordered again.

"That's not very smart Axie, risking your friend's life for your pathetic girlfriend.

"There's so much that you don't understand Larxene," Axel growled.

The red head created a circle of flames around them; and inferno in the dark. His weapons were set aflame as she charged in to attack. She cast Thundaga, striking bolts of lightning around the small circle. The electricity forced him to dodge and lose ground and back away slightly.

"I don't understand why you'd fight for someone so pathetic," Larxene laughed with amusement, casting Thunder, "It's not like you can actually feel everything she feels anyway."

He retreated into the flames of his circle to dodge her cast.

Traveling around, he lunged out at her, attacking her from behind. He slashed his weapons into her back before they surrounded her, setting her on fire. They came back to him as she landed on the ground. She stumbled, getting to her feet.

"You don't know, because you've never tried," Axel hissed, "And now… now you never will."

I came into a dark room, looking around at everything. There were a few desks and cabinets in the dark room. Papers were scattered everywhere; all over the floors I was on. I was looking all over the room, seeing nothing that was familiar. It was hard to go through the darkness and come out somewhere familiar.

The door creaked open and the light turned on immediately. I panicked before sinking into the floor and crawling under it. A man was walking into the room and didn't notice me leaving. I came out of the floor and started to run down the long hallway to escape. I went under the doorway to go outside and looked around at the surroundings.

I knew this place… it looked so familiar.

"Hey Hayner, I'm going to beat you to our hang out spot!" a familiar voice laughed as a dark haired boy ran by.

Cocking my head, I saw the messy haired blond run after him.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Pence!" the blond shouted, "Come on Olette, hurry up!"

A brunette ran by, running slowly behind them.

"Come on guys, wait up!" she called after them.

I knew them, I knew I did. Their names and faces were familiar… so I followed after them rather eagerly.

"What is that thing?" another familiar voice asked, "It's creepy y'know?"

"Extermination," a girl stated.

"Hold up Fuu," a different guy ordered.

My head turned to him. I knew his face well. I wasn't scared as he came close with the foam baseball bat in his hand.

"Be careful Seifer. It might be dangerous y'know?"

"No Rai, I think… I think I know this thing…" the guy with the hat replied, kneeling down in front of me.

He held out a hand; a confused expression on his face. Cocking my head slightly, I placed my hand in his. It took a moment of thinking for him before be seemed to grasp on something.

"…Ixaon?" Seifer questioned in a whisper.

I jumped up then, placing my hands on his shoulders. He wrapped an arm around my smaller body.

"Is it dangerous Seifer?" Rai questioned, sounding confused.

"Chicken," Fuu stated right after.

"No," Seifer stated, standing up and walking past them.

"Where are we going, y'know?"

"To find whoever did this. You two can stay here," Seifer ordered, "I can deal with this on my own."

As the blond walked away, his brows were furrowed. Was he angry? Why would he be angry? I cocked my head with my own confusion as I looked up at him.

"Don't worry. I'll fix this and beat whoever did this to you into a pulp," Seifer explained to me as he walked into the forest of the mansion.

My antennae twitched slightly; causing me to turn my head.

At the opening of the old mansion there were a few bigger things of me; the ones that were small with blue armor. I tugged on Seifer's white jacket to get his attention.

"They friends of yours?" he questioned.

My head shook to the side once in response.

"Then we'll get rid of them," he stated simply.

Axel went through the door and slammed it closed. Roxas was there, waiting for him.

"Even if you found her Heartless as well, you know that you have no way of putting the two back together, right?" the smaller blond asked with crossed arms.

"I heard Vexen talking about it once," the red head stated as he looked through al the papers in the lab, "He said he had figured out a way to make a whole person out of a Nobody and a Heartless. I thought he was just blabbing to make himself feel important."

"He was probably just pulling everyone's leg," Roxas muttered, scanning over the papers on Vexen's desk.

"Better hope not," Axel nearly hissed.

By the way Roxas was talking, it sounded like he didn't want them to find the girl. It sounded as if he'd rather she not be found.

"Why not ask one of the higher ups if they know anything about it?" the small blond questioned.

"Like Xamnas would be willing to hand that information over to me," Axel replied rather doubtfully.

"Never know," Roxas mused, reaching for a piece of paper and picking it up, "Some of the Organization are unpredictable."

The red head paused at Roxas's tone. As he turned to the side, the blond turned the paper around to show him.

On the top it said "Project Whole" and there was a sticky note attached to the corner. Axel pulled it off with confusion.

'Number Eight,

Here's a copy of Project Whole that Number Four was blabbering about. I heard about little red and thought that you might need this. Don't worry, Number One won't hear about the Project.

Number Two: Xigbar'

Axel cocked a brow at the note before looking over the other sheet of paper. It wasn't the original – having not been written in Vexen's handwriting – but they needed to hope that it would work. Not for their sake, but for hers.

If he had to, he would live with just her Nobody. She wouldn't be whole, but neither was he. He would live with that fact.

Demyx ran down the hallway with the girl's Nobody following him closely. He was pulling her along behind him as they dodged long vines stretching to impale him.

"Aw man, this is totally the wrong job for me," the blond complained as he ducked around a corner with the Nobody.

The vines seemed to stop as he his and he opened a door of darkness.

"Let's go," he whispered to the Nobody before climbing through and closing it.

The plan was to always meet back at the old mansion after going on a search. It made the blond hope that that was still the case. If they never showed up then he didn't know where they would go. Not even the old mansion would stay hidden from Marluxia for very long.

Axel ran through Twilight Town, buying every potion and item that was on the list on the sheet. He needed the occasional accessory and weapon to add to the list.

"Do we have everything yet?" Roxas asked, grabbing the last item off the counter.

"I think that's everything," Axel murmured, showing the list to the blond.

"You idiot!" Roxas almost shouted, "You have to buy two of everything!"

"What? Why?"

"One for both of them!"

The red head groaned with annoyance before turning around and buying another of each item they had bought. Then they went back to the Accessory Shop, Potion Shop, and Weapon Shop.

"Good job," the blond muttered with his own annoyance.

"I was in a hurry," Axel defended.


"Let's just go."

They ran across the Tram Common to the large hole in the wall. The forest was empty as usual, but when they got close to the mansion, they were confused to see a Shadow helping Seifer fight off Soldiers.

I clawed at a thing's armor, stunning it for a moment. Seifer's bat cam down and knocked the last one away; leaving no more to be taken care of.

I collapsed to the ground, lying on my stomach and staring at the gates of the mansion.

"What are you doing here?" Seifer asked someone behind me.

"Looking for a friend," they replied almost cautiously.

"What did you do to her?" Seifer asked angrily, "I know it was you. She's been missing for weeks and suddenly she shows up like this… I know both of you have something to do with this!"

At his anger, I turned my head to see who Seifer was yelling at. I got up when I saw the tall red head and cocked my head to the side with confusion.

"What are you talking about? It's just a Shadow," the blond asked with confusion, "How could a Shadow have anything to do with us?"

"You three troublemakers disappear for the same amount of time that she was gone and suddenly two of you are back again?" Seifer asked, tone rather doubtful and clearly annoyed as well.

"Who is she?" the blond asked.


The red head and blond looked at me then, seeming surprised by what Seifer was saying.

"How can you be sure?" the blond asked almost doubtfully.

"I've known her a lot longer than you have lamer," Seifer stated coldly, glaring at the smaller blond.

The blond glared back angrily.

"Roxas, calm down," the red head stated, looking at the blond for a moment.

I couldn't stop looking into the red head's eyes. They were such a nice colour… and I lost myself in them.

"We're going to fix what happened to her Seifer. We came here in hopes to fix it… but we didn't have the Heartless yet," he explained, looking at Seifer, "Thank you for knowing that it was her."

"You can keep your appreciation, because I'll never be able to forgive you," the taller blond stated with narrowed eyes.

Axel looked confused at Seifer's words. I was as well. Roxas didn't seem to care all that much.

"Everything was fine until you came along. I really wondered why she was always just sitting there doing nothing… I just acted like she was causing problems. Then she met you," Seifer said, eyes watched Axel with an expression I didn't understand, "You became a big part of her time and you dragged her into trouble… You took her away from me."

Axel looked at me with a rather solemn expression, causing me to turn my head with confusion.

"I'd give her back and say sorry," the red head murmured, "but I can't… because I love her."

Seifer laughed slightly, "I can forgive you for keeping her happy, but not for getting her into trouble… for letting this happen at all."

"I'll be sure to right my wrongs."

Axel came over to me and picked me up into his arms. He then motioned for Roxas to follow him into the mansion.

"Do a better job of keeping her safe, otherwise I'll be the one doing it," Seifer called from behind us.

"Fat chance," Roxas scoffed.

Demyx paced around the room while the Nobody sat in the computer chair. He couldn't stand sitting there and waiting; knowing that Marluxia was looking everywhere for them. He knew that Number Eleven would be at the mansion soon. The girl's Nobody's silence didn't exactly help either.

"What's the matter Number Nine?" Marluxia asked from the doorway, leading into the pods.

"Nothing at all," Demyx replied nervously before running to the Nobody and grabbing her wrist.

"You're really bad at Hide and Seek Number Nine," Marluxia stated, summoning his Scythe.

The blond led the two up the stairs to the library before vines past them. They were up the second set of stairs and out the door in a few moments, escaping the attack.

Breaking out into the main room of the old mansion, Demyx took the girl into his arms before jumping down all the stairs to the floor. They needed to get away from Marluxia before the Nobody was back in his hands and Demyx was no more than a part of the darkness.

I was confused to see another blond running toward us, pulling someone behind him.

"Demyx!" Axel called.

"Run! Run away!" Demyx called back, not stopping until he got to us.

"What's going on?" Roxas asked with a cocked brow.

"Marluxia's here. He found us," the taller blond explained.

"Demyx, you stand back and protect the Heartless and the Nobody. We'll keep him off you," Axel ordered, summoning his weapons and standing in front.

I jumped to the ground and stood behind Demyx. I was really small… I knew that I couldn't really do much to help now.

"I'm with you Axel," Roxas stated, standing beside the red head.

The pink haired mane burst out of the room and jumped down the stairs to the floor.

"Well, well Number Eight," Marluxia mused, "You've done well collecting the two halves of your girl."

"How about we just get this over with?" Axel growled, raising his weapons.

"I suppose you're going to run to Number One once this is over; tell him everything?" the scythe wielder asked with a slight smirk.

"The higher ups know much, but not because of me," Axel replied icily before running at Marluxia.

"…Really? That's too bad," the pink haired man replied, swinging his scythe to summon his vines.

Roxas went forward, using his Keyblades to cut through the moving vines. The Keyblades gave me a chill, making me back away slightly.

"Dance water dance!" Demyx shouted as he started to play his Sitar.

Water copies of the taller blond started to bounce around us; attacking Marluxia. The scythe cut through the copies with hardly any effort when he could get an attack in.

By the look of it, it didn't really seemed like fair odds for Marluxia – three against one – but Marluxia didn't seem like he really fought fair either.

Vines spread across the main room of the mansion, wrapping around the hand rails and climbing up the walls. I shuffled closer to the girl beside me, trying to avoid the man's plants.

Axel and Roxas attacked Marluxia with synchronized attacks before the red head created his circle of flames around the three. No one knew what was happening inside, not until the scythe wielder was thrown out of the flames; black pieces floating off his body.

All of us watched as the flames dispersed and Marluxia was fading.

"Enjoy your time in the nothingness," Axel hissed before throwing his weapon to finish the man off.

Marluxia disappeared and Roxas took a knee, panting. Things were silent as the weapons disappeared.

The tall red head walked over to Demyx and then picked me up into his arms. He walked a certain distance away before placing me on the ground. He mixed two vials together with various objects and potions. Turning my head to the side, I watched as he handed Demyx the one vial. They faced opposite directions of each other; Axel facing me and Demyx facing the other girl.

"One… Two… Three…"

The two threw both vials at each of us. A bright flash surrounded us and there was no one else around me.

Looking around with confusion, I turned myself around to see the girl that was with Demyx. She walked over to me, placing a hand on my large forehead.

"Hello… little me…"

The air felt fresh and cool against my face as I stirred from sleep. At least… I thought it was sleep… When I lifted my hand to my forehead, water dripped down onto my face. 'What's… going on exactly?' I asked myself with confusion.

When I opened my eyes, I could see the sky above me turning orange and dark pink. Clouds were small and thinly layered.

"Where am I?" I asked myself, sitting up.

My red eyes wandered across the vast amount of water. Was I at the beach? Was it the Twilight Town beach? Or had I gotten drunk with Captain Jack and dreamt the whole thing? I didn't know. All I knew was that whatever had happened had felt very real.

"Hey look! There she is!"

I looked behind me at the voice. The small smile couldn't stay off my face for very long. There stood the red head and two blonds, two of the three grinning at me; Roxas merely smiling slightly.

Immediately, I got to my feet and ran to them, nearly knocking Axel over when I hugged him. He held me tightly in his arms and I smiled.

You know," I murmured, "I really thought that I wasn't going to be able to talk to you guys again."

"You know everything that happened?" Demyx asked.

"I was that little black thing," I told them, "I saw everything. I just don't know how… I got back together again…"

"It doesn't matter how," Axel murmured, "so long as you're whole again."


This all made me wonder… if I could become whole again, then who was to say they the others couldn't too? Would they even want to be whole again? I didn't know. All I knew what that I was glad to have met the tall red head and two blonds. They really had saved my life, in more ways than they were aware of.

End of Fanfic

So… how was it? Was it good? Was it a good enough ending for everyone? I like how it ends personally but that's just me and I wrote it – sweat drops—I'm sorry if the battle scenes were kind of short and cut off. I didn't want to drag both battles on and bore you guys.

Thank you so much for reading this story. I really hope that you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. –hugs all of you—Please R&R and I look forward to seeing some of you reading other stories. :D

Thank you:
