Beta'd by Azure_Chaos


1. I'm making the Master survive still in the Simm!Master form. The Doctor helped heal a lot of his insanity. The Doctor and Master are slowly working on finding a balance in their relationship.

2. This takes place after season 1 of Torchwood so things have settled down a bit between team members but before Season 2(I started writing before then plus it would have to depart from Canon anyway).

3. Information about Torchwood: it's a bit like a more adult version of Men In Black; a secret organization that polices alien life forms and technology while also keeping an eye on a time/space rift that runs through the city of Cardiff. Instead of a flashy device they have pills to get rid of memory. Jack is in charge of Torchwood 3, a base that is underground but has a tourist office front that Ianto runs. Ianto also works a lot of other little odds and ends, from driver to tea/coffee maker to clean-up man. Owen is a medical doctor and does alien autopsies. Toshiko is a doctor (not medical) but also a computer expert. Gwen was a police officer before being pulled into Torchwood. She's supposed to be 'the everyday person' or their conscience but I find her annoying. We know that Captain Jack Harkness is not our beloved Jack's real name, but that name hasn't been revealed yet. He is originally from the 51st century and is flexible when it comes to dancing (sex partners). He has also been made immortal thanks to adventures with the Doctor, an alien time lord. (I hope that helps for those who don't know about Torchwood season 1 & 2 are on DVD, I highly recommend it).

Part 2-

Harry stayed quiet during the entire ride back to Cardiff, although he did seem a little less shy once Toshiko had been dropped off at her car. From there, Jack decided to go straight to Ianto's apartment figuring that he could always nip back out for any supplies they might need for his grandson. In the meantime, Jack was very glad that Ianto and Harry were bonding. Hopefully, that would make the transition into his new life a bit easier on the young boy. Even though Snape had given him the potions to fix the more severe injuries, he thought it would still be a good idea to have Owen look over Harry tomorrow.

Parking the car, Jack climbed out and smiled when Harry shyly reached for his hand. Taking the hand but also kneeling down so that Jack could look into his eyes, he told him, "It's a bit of a walk to the apartment, Harry. Would it be okay if I carried you instead?"

Harry thought about it for several long seconds before nodding that it was okay with him.

Jack carefully picked Harry up in his arms. Smiling again when the young boy rested his head on Jack's shoulder. Ianto watched them from the doorway with a smile on his own face. With Harry now settled in Jack's arms, the three of them headed inside the apartment building. Ianto stopped to pick up the mail while they waited for the elevator that would take them to the sixth floor apartment.

"Harry, would you like a small pet? Like maybe a hamster, turtle, lizard, snake, tropical fish, or even a parakeet?" asked Jack.

"Really, a pet of my own?" asked an ecstatic Harry before he got a thoughtful look on his face. "I wouldn't know what to get."

"Yes, really. How about we just go to the pet store tomorrow and you can look around to see what grabs your attention," Jack suggested, he was of the opinion that every young boy should have a pet.

Ianto walked over just as the elevator doors opened. He gave Jack a kiss on the cheek and ruffled a smiling Harry's hair. It was bit obvious that Harry wasn't to sure about the elevator though by the way he tightened his grip on Jack during the entire ride.

"Tomorrow we can also plan how you would like to decorate your bedroom. At the moment it's just a decorated for grown-up guests. Also, start thinking about what some of your favorite foods are. I'll make a special dinner tomorrow night where you can meet our friends. They are actually as close as family to us and I'm sure they will be with you too, Harry," said a happy Ianto as he stepped off the elevator and on to his floor.

"You doing okay still, Harry?" asked a worried Jack wondering if it might all be a bit overwhelming for the six year old.

Harry just smiled and nodded his head as Ianto unlocked the front door and took a deep breath in. Smelling something delicious, he was surprised because he knew nothing should have been cooking in his apartment.

"Jack, it looks like someone's been in the apartment to prepare us a late dinner. It must have been Owen since Tosh wouldn't have had the chance and there is no way Gwen would do something like this. That was really nice of him, have to thank him tomorrow," said a shocked Ianto as everyone entered the apartment. He could see the guest room from the doorway too, and added, "Maybe we won't have to redo the room after all, Harry. It looks like our friend, Owen, decorated it while we were gone. Let's go see if you like it."

Jack carried Harry into the beautiful and fun designed space-themed room. Harry quickly wiggled out of Jack's arms and started exploring. It was obvious he loved the room and didn't want a thing changed in it. Jack pointed out to his lover that it looked like Owen had also got pajamas and play clothes in Harry's size.

Leaving the room to discover what was cooking for dinner, Jack smiled when he spotted a note saying that rolls where in the fridge, just needed to warnm them in the oven. The slow cooker had a delicious looking beef stew in it. Opening the fridge, Jack was shocked to see a couple more days worth of meals that just needed to be heated and a couple in the freezer too. Owen had obviously gone to a lot of hard work, he hadn't left a single dirty dish and all the dishes he'd used were put back in place.

Walking back into Harry's new room he whispered in Ianto's ear about what he'd found in the kitchen.

"We really need to give Owen a thank you card. Harry, maybe you could color him a picture to say thank you for making your room so nice, I bet he'd like that and I'll figure out something to give him myself since he saved me from doing lots of cooking; he must have remembered Jack can't cook," said Ianto with a smile.

Harry nodded and quickly sat down at the little art desk to immediately start work on the picture to say thank you to this Owen that he hadn't even met yet but had already been so nice. Jack and Ianto watched, smiling from the doorway, the older man had placed an arm around Ianto's waist and was nuzzling his lover's neck lightly. This was a scene that Jack was sure that he would never have had again: a scene of family; domestic happiness. Yet, here he was with a grandson, a lover, and he was happier than he could remember being before.

After a moment, Jack decided to join Harry and color with him. He flashed Ianto an impish smile a moment later when there was a flash of a camera. Harry looked up a bit startled but went back to coloring quickly, completely unfazed, although he kept glancing up at Jack and Ianto to make sure everything was still okay.

"I'm going to go dish up dinner while you both finish coloring," said Ianto leaning down to place a kiss on the top of both boys' heads. He left the room smiling, happier and lighter than he had been in a very long time.

"Do you have any questions for me, Harry?" asked Jack.

The little boy was too scared and shy to really ask any questions of the new adult that now appeared to be in charge of him. Both men seemed nice, but Harry had seen that behavior change very quickly in the past; he just couldn't trust them completely, yet.

"Okay, I'll just tell you a little about myself then, if you have any questions, just ask okay?" Jack told him, giving the boy a reassuring smile.

Harry looked very serious for a moment before nodding.

"I'm Captain Jack Harkness and I work for a place called Torchwood. Ianto and Toshiko work there with me as well as two of our other friends, Gwen and Owen, who you'll meet tomorrow. We work on keeping the world safe from bad aliens."

"No such thing," whispered a quiet voice.

"Oh, but there is, Harry. Not many people know it but there are aliens here. Both good and bad aliens; just like good and bad people. One of my best friends is an alien who I hope you'll get to meet sometime soon; I know you'll love each other. There is something special about me that I'll explain later. But you know you're special too right, Harry? Just like your mum and dad, you're a wizard and will be learning how to do magic," Jack continued to talk while they colored.

There was a scared gasp from Harry. Looking up, Jack saw the young boy was shaking in fear and staring at him in horror.

"What's wrong little one?"

"That's a really bad word! And it doesn't exist either," choked out a scared Harry.

"Oh, Harry, those dummies you were living with before were wrong about a lot of things. Magic is real and there is nothing wrong with it. Just not everyone can do magic is all and that makes some people angry, like the Dursleys. It will be okay," said Jack slowly moving to hug the little boy, who relaxed a little once he was wrapped in his arms.

"Dinner is ready, guys," said Ianto softly from the doorway.

Jack picked up Harry and carried him into the dining room where it was set-up so that the little boy would be sitting between the two grown-ups. Harry's eyes grew large with the amount of food placed in front of him.

Jack and Ianto ate while talking in calm voices about trivial things to try and get the boy to relax enough to eat. Eventually, the tactic worked and Harry tentatively dug into his stew, he looked like he still expected it to be pulled away though; they knew they would have their work cut out gaining his trust.

"It's getting late and we all have a busy day tomorrow. Harry, would you like to take a shower or bath before bed?" asked Jack.

"Shower," said a quiet Harry.

Just then there was a loud knocking on the front door. This caused Harry to jump but since he was in Ianto's arms the little boy wasn't to upset.

"Okay, Harry, I'm going to go get that but Ianto here is going to help you get the shower set up. After that we can read bedtime stories, okay?" Jack told him lightly.

Harry nodded before Ianto picked him up and carried him out of the living room. Although Ianto did pause to give Jack a puzzled look; letting him know that he had no idea who could be at the door either.

Frowning, Jack headed towards the front door. Looking out the peephole he saw a vaguely familiar man in a police uniform. With a sigh, Jack opened the door.

"Harkness?!" the man exclaimed in confused surprise.

"Yes? And how can I help you this evening, officer? I know you, don't I?" asked Jack, unable to help the mildly flirtatious tone.

"I'm PC Andy Davidson, Gwen Cooper's old partner before you stole her away to you spooky-doos. I'm checking out a report of a kidnapped child here. He was reported missing from relatives in Surrey."

Jack had to take a deep breath before he started cursing loudly. It was a damn good thing that he'd had the Dursleys sign those papers. However, Jack very much doubted it was the Dursleys who had filed the report. No, it was far more likely to be the person in the wizarding world who had been messing with all the abuse charges. It looked like Jack would be calling in that favor the Doctor had promised after all, but first he had to fix this little misunderstanding.

"I'm not sure who or why they filed a report but earlier this evening the Dursleys signed custody over to me. Besides, they aren't biological relatives, I am," said Jack before handing over the paperwork for Andy to read. "I even gave them money for the care they'd shown my grandson."


"Wild youth, I started young," smirked Jack.

"Fine, I really don't want to know. I wouldn't have even bothered showing up if I'd known Torchwood was involved. I'll tell my boss to talk to you for any further questions. Goodnight, Captain Harkness." And, with that, PC Andy beat a fast retreat.

Shutting the door quietly, Jack took another deep breath to keep from cursing again. Walking over to his coat he removed his cell phone from the pocket and called the Doctor.

"Hey Doc, yeah, so I'm going to need to call in that favor you promised me. You still have ties to the wizarding world, right? Great, I need help protecting my grandson. Yeah, I just found out by accident today. He's great, really special. Oh, his name is Harry Potter." Jack quickly had to pull the phone away from his ear with the loud shrieking noise the Doctor was making. "Calm down, Doc! Ianto mentioned something about him being a big deal in the wizarding world, so? Okay, sure we can talk in person. Yeah, we are living with Ianto now. No, no! I don't think landing in the living room is going to help endear you any to Ianto. Doc? Doc? Shit, he hung-up on me."

It was just then that papers started flying around the living room and that old familiar noise started from the family room. Ianto quickly popped his head out of the bathroom and fastened Jack with a dark look. The TARDIS finished materializing in the room and the Doctor came quickly out, followed at a slower pace by the Master who looked gleeful.

"I do so love chaos in morning," laughed the Master.

"It's nighttime," responded Ianto dryly before heading back into the bathroom.

"Jack, we really need to talk," said the Doctor.

End Part 2