This is a love story in Two-Bit's POV. Sodapoplover wanted a romance with Two-Bit. I thought it'd be a good idea. Right now, it's just setting the mood for the actual story, telling that it's winter and that Darry is all fuzzy in winter(lol). I think I'm gonna have to really think about this one, like the chicks name. I need a good one... Anyways, the beginning is in Two-Bit dream thoughts, so don't get confused.

Disclaimer: I do not own The Outsiders, but I wished I did. I'm gunna own Two-Bit's girl though...

I might have had a fucking number of blondes, but none of them were really for real. I mean, one got to me to get to Soda, another got to me because of a bet, another got to me to see if I could handle her, and the last one because of her stupid-ass boyfriend. Hell, Sylvia got to me once, but I shunned her off. Then the fling with Angela Shepard to get Tim's boxers in a twist. I got a black eye for it too. But although I have had quite a number of blondes, and I have never shown them to the gang, I've never been kissed before. I mean, sure I put up a front of that I've screwed every chick at the high, and I've kissed just about everyone(except guys, that's just ew) a few times. But I haven't. I want to save that kiss for the one I'M serious about, not about her seriousness. I've never really been loved before. Sure, my mom and sis love me but it's not the same. I want someone to love me without concern, and I want someone to love without concern. It's more like a fantasy, actually, if you think about it. Nothing like that could ever happed to a fucking greaser like me; a drunk and a prankster. My mythology teacher nicknamed my nickname cause I joked so much in her class; to her, I'm Loki, Norse God of evil and treachery, and known for being a prankster too.

But that's beside the point. I'm eighteen and a half and never been kissed. I thought for sure that Marcia would be the one, the first kiss. I mean, we hit off real good, both have the scatterbrained sense of humor. But she wasn't a blonde. And besides, I should date my own type, not a Soc. But... I wonder if that's the best way, to ignore feelings you have for a person because of social class and money. Or music likes and how we dress. Pony told me the only difference between a Soc and a greaser is that the greasers are too emotional and the Socs are too hard and icy. I'm middle class, probably the only greaser who hangs with the Curtis' who has a bit of money to spare, but that excludes Steve who had like, hundreds of five and ten dollar bills in a dresser from when his father ran him out and gave him money to make up. So if I wanted to, I could be a Soc instead of a greaser. All I had to do was keep my hair clean and wear the stupid pants they wear... okay, maybe not. But love is fishy. Soda loves Sandy, Steve loves Evie, Dally 'loves' Sylvia, Darry has been seeing a chick lately, Pony and Johnny have too, but I'm a loner at this moment.


I woke with a start that morning, on the Curtis' couch. I had fell asleep there last night after Pony asked me for help with his girlfriend. I said what was on my mind and told him the truth. He got some meaning out of it, so I was okay. It was the winter break, and by the smell in the house no one was up. Well, I was up first, so I'm cooking this morning. I swung my feet off the couch and the blanket fell in a pool at my waist. Then I noticed how cold it was; I was shirtless. I shivered a little and got up. I wasn't a winter person, I was a summer. But I didn't mind. I went to the kitchen and rummaged through the ice box. There were a few eggs there. I took them and shut the ice box. I knew how everyone liked their eggs: Pony liked 'em hard, Darry likes 'em in a sandwich, and Soda liked 'em with grape jelly. So I got started.

Darry came in as the eggs sizzled on the stove nicely. He looked from me to the eggs and smiled. He looked better smiling.

"Hey Two-Bit, I didn't know you were here last night." he greeted, taking out the cake from the ice box.

"I wasn't planning to, I just kind of fell asleep after talking to Pony." I explained, piling eggs on a piece of toasted bread. I could tell Darry was smiling behind me. It was nice just to talk to Darry without Soda or Steve running in and bothering us. I felt something hit my shoulders and noticed that the blanket I slept with was now wrapped around me.

"You'll catch a cold without the blanket, Two-Bit." he said, "By the way, you're acting all weird... You okay?" he asked.

"I'm not a winter person..." I muttered, making his laugh. "Why are you so happy?"

"I'm a winter person... Snow makes me all fuzzy inside." I had to laugh at that one. I passed Darry his sandwich. He took it and ruffled my hair as thanks.

"You're welcome." I said, putting Pony's eggs on a plate. I began to fix Soda's eggs as Soda himself came in ungreased and shirtless. He was shivering so bad his teeth chattered. I shrugged off the blanket and tossed it onto Soda. "You gotta start wearing clothes, Sodapop." I said, making him laugh.

"Look who's talking."

"Shaddup." I said, jamming his eggs in his hands. He smiled happily at me and went over to the table to eat. There was a grin on his face as he downed the eggs. I leaned on the stove and waited for Pony. Darry and Soda had finished their eggs. Darry turned to me.

"You wanna go wake Pony for us?" he asked. I shrugged.

"Sure." I said, throwing down the towel that was draped over my shoulder, the little warmth now gone. I trotted over to Pony and Soda's room and went on in without knocking. I looked around and saw Pony asleep on the bed, curled up under the covers like a small kitten. I sat next to him on the bed and stroked his hair. He opened an eye to look at me. "Hey kiddo, I made food for you, come get it before Soda does." I said, making him sit up.

"You cooked? Is it poisoned?"

"Darry ate it and he's okay, so it's fine." He chuckled.

"But he has a stomach of steel."

"So do you." I shivered and rubbed my bare arms.

"You okay?"

"Yeah... just not a winter person, you know that. I hate the cold." I replied, rubbing my arms more. I got up, allowing him to follow.

"I don't like the winter either. Darry loves it."

"I know. Makes him feel all fuzzy inside."

"That's his weakness: snow. Ha ha ha."

Review please! And if you have a name for Two-Bit's future girl, please tell me.