Disclaimer: I down own Naruto.

Chapter 1

Sakura stared out of the window, lost in thought. She was working a double shift at the hospital and she was waiting for her next patient, Sai. He had his annual physical coming up. She drummed her fingers against the hard wood desk. Her green eyes watching the clock move closer to three. Sakura's interest was piqued when she saw Naruto strolling with Hinata. Arm in arm. She smiled. She was glad they finally hooked up.

She glanced at the team seven photo she kept on her desk. Absentmindedly she traced the dark haired boys body. What was he doing now? Did he find another girl to take her place? A knife pierced her heart. She closed her eyes against the pain.

"Sakura-san." A nurse poked her head in.


"Your patient is here now. He's in room 207." The nurse left promptly. Sakura could hear her shoes clicking down the hallway, fading with each step. She sighed and heaved herself upright. Sai was her last patient of the day, then she was going to go and take a nice hot bubble bath.

She opened the door to room 207. Dark eyes greeted her as she walked in. Smiling, she closed the door and laid her clip board on the counter. He sat confidently, naked from the waist up and waited for his examination to begin. Sakura refrained from scanning her eyes over that delicious body and focused on her work. Her hands neat and professional traced over his skin.

"Okay breath in." She listened to his breathing then his heart.

Steady and strong.

She clicked on the small light she had in her hands and examined his eyes. As she started to pull away a strong arm wrapped around her waist. Sakura's breath caught as Sai gently pulled the buttons of her nurse outfit carefully, pulling aside the cloth to play with her rosy nipple. Her face flushed. Normally she'd punch a the pervert to the moon and back, but Sai had a pull over her, just as Sasuke had. That dark, mysterious, and brooding nature.

"S-sai, we shouldn't…" She put a strong hand against his shoulder.

Sai wasn't listening to her and dipped his head slowly, laving the nipple and pulling playfully. She gasped again, a rush of heat spiraled down to her core. She felt hot and bothered, suddenly her clothes felt sticky and itchy. The arm that was holding her in place jerked up her skirt. Her skin jumped beneath his touch as his free hand trailed up between her thighs and found her sweet spot past her panties. Sakura bucked against him, his digits sinking in deeply. He felt her hymen and gently rubbed it, eliciting a moan out of her sweet mouth. She could feel wetness sliding down her leg and stilled in alarm.

Clicking of shoes were coming closer and closer to 207. She started to struggle but he only held on more tightly. Continuing to suckle and finger her. She was panting now, her breasts heaving, her lungs burning. Sakura could hear a buzzing noise in her brain, telling her she was close to numbing ecstasy. Over the buzz she could faintly hear what the girls were talking about. A giggle here. A giggle there. Though lost in pleasure she managed to focus her hearing and listen in.

"Isn't he handsome?"

"Yes, he's an Uchiha right?"

More giggles.

"He's the heir to the Uchiha clan. They say he deserted his team mates and Konoha five years ago and now he's back."

"I'd love to bear his babies."

"Yeah in your dreams! Besides, did you see the red head he was with? She was clinging to him like an eel."

Hmm… yeah.. That feels.. Wait… Uchiha.. Red head? What?!

"Sai, stop!" She pushed him away and re-buttoned her blouse. Without a backward glance she left Sai with a burning need.


Flushed she slammed the door to 207. The girls that were standing in front of the door looked at her with an frightened expression. Then their eyes looked her over. Sakura knew she was a mused messed right now, but she needed to know!

"Uchiha? Did you say Uchiha?! What room??!!" She took hold of one of the girls and shook her.

"180!" The girl replied shivering.

Sakura ran down the hallway and down the stairs.

"Hey, wasn't she one of his team mates?"


Panting, she stopped by the room 180. Sakura was still blushing and she tried to calm her nerves. She heard a jumble of voices in the room. One was yelling… Naruto obviously. A strong female voice… Tsunade. The other voices were unfamiliar to her. Taking in a deep breath she opened the door slowly.

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto greeted.

Sakura smiled and came to stand beside Tsunade. She gazed upon her first love, who was bandaged all over his body. His dark eyes met hers and she was quick to break eye contact. A chill ran down her spine. Next her eyes laid on a very tall man who looked down at her with innocent curiosity. A toothy grinning man stared at her with a little to much curiosity. Sakura's eyes finally landed on the red head. A hand was resting on her hip as she tilted her head to look at the pink haired woman.

"Sasuke Uchiha. Deserter. S-Class Missing Nin. The penalty for such-" Tsunade was cut off.

"Please Granny! It was Orochimaru's doing and he's dead! Sasuke killed him! He also killed his brother and avenged his clan! I would do it if it was my own parents and family!" Naruto spoke loudly and out of turn.

Tsunade set her jaw and stood glaring at Naruto, then her stare softened when she looked at Sakura, who's eyes were cast down. The Hokage turned her attention back to the Uchiha.

"State your business. Why are you here? Why did you come back?" Tsunade crossed her arms.

"I came back because this is my home. The Uchiha clan built this village alongside the first Hokage. That precedence is more than enough to grant amnesty." Sasuke spoke, staring point blank at the Hokage.

Tsunade sighed.

"Very well. The estate, compound and district is to be re-instated. As for your comrades, we usually don't take outsiders. But this time, I'll make an exception." Tsunade noticed the curse mark on the tall mans shoulder.

"He is Juugo, he is the source of the curse mark." Sasuke explained.

"Please help me, I don't want to kill anymore." Juugo said sincerely.

"Juugo, you shall stay in the hospital until we find a cure to the curse mark. Whether it be a jutsu or medical removal." A smile graced her pink lips. If she could find the cure, she could then call herself a true medical ninja, the best.

Tsunade's eyes roved to the haughty red head.

"Who might you be?"

"Karin." The red head replied, her eerie red eyes raked up and down the Hokage's form. Suigetsu, known for interrupting things proceeded to walk up to Sakura and extend his hand. He toothily grinned.

"Hi, I'm Suigetsu-"

Sai busted in, knocking into Suigetsu.

"Sakura I-" He stopped and paled. He didn't expect a room full of people, not to mention the hard on straining against his black pants and that he was still bare chested. Sakura flushed, red hot spikes racing up the back of her neck.

"Brother?" Suigetsu looked at Sai. The black haired boy turned, his eyes widened.

"Brother…" They started to talk excitedly to the point where Naruto was feeling neglected and turned back to Tsunade.

"So when will teme be out of the hospital?" Naruto said excitedly.

"A week." Tsunade smiled.

"Tch, dobe. What are you so happy about?" Sasuke said sleepily.

"So I can kick your ass." Naruto grinned.

Sasuke smirked.

This was all to much for poor Sakura. Sai was still sporting a bulge between his pants which drew everyone's attention.

"Sai why do you-" Naruto began. Sakura turned even more red, grasping onto her cheeks to ease the ache. Sasuke looked between Sakura and Sai, he narrowed his eyes. He never liked his 'replacement' to begin with. Afterall, he was just filling in for him. And now he was back. Karin noticed Sasuke's chakra flux dangerously and followed his line of sight. Jealously stole upon her but she held her reserve.

Sakura fled.


End of Chapter 1!!!

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