Diclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

A/N: This is just something I came up with for an assignment in my Creative Writing class. I liked it, so I decided to put it up. I'd appreciate any feedback you might have.

For those reading "Second Chances", it will be updated by the end of the week, I promise.

Spiritual Watcher

Cold eyes. Cold, hard eyes. They were everywhere. Staring at him. Angry, hateful, vengeful eyes. The young boy had done nothing wrong. Nothing to deserve the constant glares of the villagers. Only be the victim of a cruel twist of fate.

And I stood there. Watching. Observing as the village that I loved so much, turned its back on the one I loved more. The boy they should be seeing as their savior, not a demon. But that was how they saw the boy, who had not even spent a handful of years in this world. The boy with the golden hair and the sunny smile; so bright despite the pain held within those sky blue eyes. My boy.

Yet I did nothing. I could do nothing. I had learned that long ago already. For them, I did not exist. They could not see the glares filled with anger and disappointment I sent at them. Could not hear me yelling at them to stop. Could not feel my hands that tried to push them away from him.

So I did nothing. Nothing but watch. That was all I could do. And cried. Crying the same tears that flew down my boy's cheeks; crying in the solitude of his empty home. And every time, my heart broke.

Nothing pained a parent more than to see their child suffering, and be unable to do anything. Unable to hug them; to comfort them; to kiss the pain away; to hide them from the evils of the world. No matter how many times I wished and prayed, I could not do anything.

So I stood there, watching. Praying. Wishing. Hoping that someday, someone will come and wipe tears away. To do the things I cannot.

For that was all I could do.