Ichi: yehey! Thanks for the reviews guys!! Gomen about the errors, yeah know…. The Mochu thing? Hehehe… I promise I'll correct it….. huhuhu… I never did like Mochu anyway….

Chapter 3: "Kuro neko and Baka Yuro" part 2

Hyuuga Natusme slept yet again in our favorite idiot's bed room (Ichi: No offense Mikan!!) That mission that lasted 3 days took the best of him, he was so exhausted thet when he closed his eyes again after this morning's interruption, he fell into a deep slumber.

During Natsume's sleep Mikan Sakura, The girl he love most wandered, how did Natsume got in my room? Oh crap, I must have left the door unlocked, AGAIN! She sighed this time I'll make sure I won't forget to lock it" she looked back, Natsume's empty seat worrying why Natsume's not yet back Oh I forgot to tell Ruka that Natsume's already back…

The classroom door suddenly opened and did something that never happened in the history of ALICE ACADEMY, it intruder interrupted Mr. Jinno's class, Mr. Jinno was about to shout at his intruder when he suddenly stopped in mid sentence, "Wha-" he backed away in shock, a tall figure entered the room, a mask similar to a phantom of opera (Ichi: in RO terms, the item Phantom of opera is an equip there…) he was wearing some sort of leather clothing, whit ebony black hair and wearing different types of accessories known to all the students that helps a person to control their Alice.

It was Persona, he stopped in front of the class, Mikan who just looked up due to the sudden silence froze, Persona?

"Has anyone seen Natsume?" he asked sharply and very, very seriously.

There was more silence

What is he doing here? Mikan thought in disbelief. What does he want from Natsume? Wait is he planning to send him to another of those missions? MASAKA!

She stared at Persona, loathing filled her eyes, which happened really rare.

"None of you have seen him?' he asked again when no one answered.

Mikan looked at Yuu and Hotaru Oh please DON"T TELL! Pleasedonttellpleasedonttell!!!!!! She was practically screaming in her head

"No one has seen him" Hotaru lied, she might not read minds but she sure do know what Mikan's thinking right now. There was more silence…

"If any of you does know were he is… Immediately report it to me" and with that he left the room.

Later after class

A certain brunette haired girl ran across the school ground, the bell has just rang, but she's already covered a great distance from the school, as a mater of fact, she's already in front of her room, panting and searching for her key but when she reached for the door and was about to put the key in the key hole, she found out that it wasn't lock again…

"Darn it I forgot to lock it again!!" she mentally kicked herself for forgetting such an important thing…

She entered the room but when she was trying to lock the door she found out that the door knob was broken, its lock inside has vanished. (Ichi: of course Persona dissolved it)

"What? Oh man who the heck broke my door?" she sighed and placed her table on the hinges of the door so it won't open involuntarily.

She faced her room only to find that Natsume's still on her bed, sleeping. Relief started spreading all over her body, she was afraid that Persona have found him while she was still in school.

She walked silently towards her bed, Natsume did not wake up, this was the only evidence Mikan needed to prove her theory that he was exhausted on his last mission.

She stood in front of him, Maybe I should… she moved her hand towards Natsume. Wake…she hesitated them continued. To wake him up…

When she finally placed her hand on Natsume, he automatically grabbed her hand with his left hand and turned left, causing Mikan to fall on her bed, "NNNNNYYAAAA?" she went down with a soft "tub sound" Natsume pinned her down, Natsume was half on top of her….

"Natsume?! What the Hell are you doing?" she demanded trying to free herself from Natsume's tight grip, "Don't pretend that your still asleep!"

But Natsume was really asleep… "Mikan…" he whispered in her ear. (Hugging Mikan more)

"He-HEY!! Your chocking me?!" blushing….

"Don't leave me…" Natsume whispered, Mikan was not able to hear it though because of her screams…

"YOU PERVERT I SAID GET OFF ME!!!" she pushed with al her might causing them, yet again, to fall of the bed with a sickening crash…

Natsume snapped awake, surprised to find Mikan on top of her, skirt a skew her face only a few inches away from his…

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Natsume shouted at her, obviously annoyed being awaken with a bang.


"How the Hell are you going to free yourself from me by lying on top of me?"


A long pause

Will you just get off me?!" Natsume glared at her

"FINE!" she shouted beck and stood up, dusting her skirt…

"Nice bunnies" Natsume said while standing up and shoving Mikan's blanket back on her bed

Mikan Froze, turned a deep shade of scarlet and another long pause then….

"GGGGGGGGEEEEEEEETTTT OOOOOOOOUUUUUUTTTTTT!!!!!" and then Natsume was pushed out of Mikan's room.

She slammed the door behind him but it clicked open again,

"Oh darn!" Natsume heard her say, "Who the heck broke my door knob anyway?"

Ichi: yehey! I've finished the second chapi at last! Thanks for the reviews guys! MINNA ARIGATOU! ENJOY READING!!!