
"We've had some good times, here haven't we?" Sirius' voice came from downstairs.

"Defiantly going to miss this place," Remus' voice came in.

"Yeah remember all of our pranks?" James asked.

"Good times, good times," Sirius said. Izzy could just imagine the smirks on all of their faces. She clomped her way down the steps.

"Morning boys," She said, coming over and standing behind the back of the couch where the four Marauders were sitting.

"Morning," They rang back to her.

"So last day. Got any prank ideas?" She asked with mischievous look on her face.

"Well I think we should do something on the teachers," James replied. The other boys nodded.

"Never had one on ALL the teachers. It's going to be great. And they can't get us for it," Remus said with a smile.

"I like your thinking Moony and Prongs. So...any ideas?"

"Well..." Sirius said, and then whispered their plan in her ear. Her smile went even bigger.

"I love it,"

"I knew you would," She kissed him briefly on the lips.

"Ewwww. Get a room," Peter said. Izzy stuck her tongue out at him.

"Doesn't that bother you when you guys are making out?" James asked, looking close at her piercing.

Sirius opened her mouth, but Remus answered instead, "You don't really notice,"

"What?! You've been kissing my girl? Moony I'm hurt! You could have asked!"

"Hey! I'm not just a play thing to share with your buddies!" Izzy crossed her arms.

"No I have never kissed Izzy," Remus said.

"Then ho-?" Sirius looked confused, as they both ignored Izzy's comment.

"Angel." He said.

"Oh. Never mind then," Sirius shrugged.

Izzy growled her throat, "Boys!" She threw her hands up in the air.

"What did they do now?" Lily asked, coming down the steps, and standing beside Izzy.

"They think I'm a play toy!" Lily glared at them.

"That's not what I mea- hey you guys are wearing the same thing!" Sirius said, looking them both up and down.

"So?" Lily crossed her arms. Izzy and her were both wearing dark colored jeans and black cami's with a red long sleeve, very low cut shirt underneath.

"We wanted top wear the same thing on the last day of school," Izzy said crossing her own arms.

"Come on Izzy, let's go," Lily grabbed Izzy's upper arm and led her out of the common room.

Peter sighed, "Girls are so confusing," The other boys nodded.

"Come on guys we've got planning to do if we want to make this by dinner," James smiled wickedly.

"I can't believe him!" Lily exclaimed as Izzy finished telling Lily the entire story.

"I know! But I can't stay mad at him forever. He is a boy, and boys say dumb things,"

"Still," Lily said as they rounded the corner almost knocking over Regulus and Severus.

"What about boys saying dumb things?" Regulus shot.

"See what I mean?" Izzy rolled her eyes, "They don't know any better," Lily nodded, avoiding Severus' eyes.

"See you two at dinner," Izzy nodded at them, pulling Lily along. They glared back, not getting over Izzy's statement about boys, then they kept walking.

"So the Marauders coming up with a prank for the end of the year?" Lily asked, Izzy nodded, "You know what it is?"

"Maybe," Izzy sang.

"Come tell me,"

"I can't. But I can tell you it's going to be good,"

Lily sighed, defeated, as Izzy pushed the door open to the Great Hall. They ate breakfast and headed to their first class of the day, where the teacher let them mess around. This happened not only in first period, but every period. Considering they were graduating and leaving the school, they had nothing to learn.

So they were left to goof off the rest of the day. The group of friends, sat by their usual tree during Care of Magical Creatures class. "I'm going to miss this place," Sirius sighed.

"Me too," Remus agreed.

"Ditto," Izzy said.

"What's ditto mean?" Peter asked. They all laughed. "I'm being for real," He said, knowing better than to say 'I'm serious'.

"It means the same thing," Lily answered him.

"Oh. Then Dito,"

"Let's leave something," Remus said.

"Like what?" James asked.

"Like a mark," Remus said, standing up.

"Yeah," Izzy said sanding also, she pulled out a pocket knife and handed it to Remus. He opened it and carved his initials in the tree.

"Good idea." James shot up too. Remus handed him the knife, and James wrote his in. And handed it to Peter, he did his also. Lily carved hers by James's and handed it to Sirius, who did his and handed it off to Izzy. Izzy started to put hers by Sirius but then started to laugh hysterically.

"What?" Lily asked.

"His initials are 'S.O.B'," Izzy said between giggles.

"So?" Sirius said looking offended.

" 'Son of a Bitch'," Izzy finally stopped.

"It's true though!" Sirius said, as everyone started laughing too. Then when everyone finally calmed down, Izzy put hers by Sirius's. Then the bell rang and Sirius put his arm around Izzy kissing her temple, as they went back inside.

Their best part of the day, came when dinner time came. Everyone was eating fine when,"I'm a chicken," rang through the hall. Students looked up at the teachers table, as Professor Dumbledore stood up and clucked like a chicken. Everyone started to laugh. Then McGonagall stood up and acted like an owl. Next Professor Slughorn started acting like a dog, going around on all fours, barking at the other teachers. Then all of the teachers, were up and acting like different animals and the rest of the hall was burst with laughter.

"I love it!" Lily screamed over the commotion to the boys. They nodded to her, too busy laughing. Many people were crying it was so funny. It was about ten minutes, until the charms wore off and McGonagall and Dumbledore took the Marauder's to Dumbledore's office.

They didn't come back to the Great Hall. So when dinner was over, Izzy and Lily went back to the common room to wait up for them. Lily was getting worried, and the train was going to be leaving soon. When finally they came back.

"What happened?" Izzy asked, hugging Sirius.

"Nothing. They just talked to us about how good that charm was and how advanced it was and how good we are," Sirius boasted.

"Not like they could have expelled you or anything," Lily put in. James nodded. Then the boys went upstairs to grab their bags.

"Let's go," Sirius said. They all nodded and walked out of the common room and boarded the Hogwarts Express for the last time. Well for at least some of them...

Remus John Lupin threw his luggage untop of the rack above him. He sat down and snuggled into the corner closing his eyes. Thinking about the last time he was on the Hogwarts Express, until he fell alseep, within three minutes.

HEY Y'all! It's me! Cho Raven Black! So Here is the Last chapter. I hope you all like it! I hope you enjoyed my story as I did writing it! Please review and tell me if you like it! Sorry I have put this up for the longest time but my computer was being fixed. THANKS to the reviewers, who have stuck by me! I know that they should have left in the morning, but I didn't want it that way, so put that in your juice box and suck it! Alright well I have to go now! FAREWELL! AND PLEASE REVIEW ONE LAST TIME!


CHo Raven Black:D