A/N: Warning: This chapter contains fluffy-ness! xD

Chapter 13:

The triplets woke up the next morning to the scent of delicious food wafting up from downstairs. They fumbled over the bed covers as they scrambled out of bed to rush down the stairs. They skidded to a halt to see their Dad dancing about the kitchen with their mom in his arms. Their mom was laughing like they hadn't seen her laugh before. She held a spatula in one hand, and had the other wrapped around their Dad's waist as he twirled her about the room.

"Morning kids!" Harry called. "I was just reminding your mom that I didn't get a chance to dance with her last night at the Weasleys." Harry released Ginny, to grab Lily's hands and began dancing about with her. Lily giggled, at the dance and at her father's now crooked eyeglasses. James and Charlie looked at each other and started laughing too. Their Dad sure was goofy.

"Mum, what's for breakfast?" James asked sitting down at the table.

"Pancakes, if I haven't burned them since your father insisted on making a fool of himself." Ginny grinned.

"I love pancakes!" Charlie said, sitting down next to James.

"Dad can you always come over for breakfast?" James asked.

Harry looked over at Ginny, "We'll see." James was about to push the subject further, but after catching the glance his father gave him, he resolved to wait.

Breakfast passed in comfortable discussion and Harry asked his kids loads of questions to learn more about them and they did likewise.

"So you really did get rid of that snake?" Lily asked.

"It's called a Basilisk Lils." Charlie said knowledgeably.

"Yeah, I did. You don't have to worry about snakes. I'll protect you." Lily grinned at him. "Well," Harry said standing up and cleaning off his plate with a wave of his wand, "I'm off to do some errands for the day. I'll see you lot later." Harry kissed each of his kids on top of their heads before reaching Ginny and leaning down to give her a slow kiss. As he stood back up, he checked his kids' expressions for their reaction. He worried they might not be ready for their mum to have a man in her life. However he needn't have worried. Charlie and Lily were giggling, and James was asking his mum if he could have thirds. Harry beamed before giving a little wave and left the house hearing the chorus of four goodbyes.

"Mum, you and Dad are together right?" James asked.

"Yes, I suppose we are." Ginny said blushing slightly.

"Does that mean you're married?" Lily asked. Ginny choked on her tea and spluttered.

"Wh- I mean, well we- You kids should go get dressed we have things to do today too." Ginny then bustled around the kitchen tidying up, her mind thinking about Lily's perfectly innocent question. Ginny figured she shouldn't have been so surprised; it was logical to assume they'd get married wasn't it? They had dated, and had children and loved each other. The thing was Ginny and Harry had never discussed marriage before. Not even during the war. There was a time when Ginny had thought Harry might propose, but she knew he would never get engaged with Voldemort still looming ahead of him. If Harry hadn't disappeared, would they have gotten married? Ginny froze, her mind conjuring up an image of Harry being there every day to help raise the kids and to always be there to share the experience of life together. What a bittersweet image that created.

Harry knocked smartly on the door. At the call of, "Come in!" Harry pushed open the door and made his way to the kitchen to find Mrs. Weasley washing dishes.

"Hey Mrs. Weasley," Harry said grinning when she exclaimed "Oh Harry!" and rushed forward to give him a bone cracking hug. "I was afraid I might have dreamed it." She said, drawing back from his arms to look him over. "You're much too thin; you need to have something to eat. Here sit down, I'll whip something up."

"Sorry Mrs. Weasley I've already eaten breakfast. At Ginny's." Harry said, the tips of his ears turning a light pink.

"I see," Mrs. Weasley said lifting an eyebrow with a knowing smile on her lips. "Well what are you up to today then?"

"Well I wanted to visit Ron and Hermione and then it occurred to me that I don't know where they live," Harry said feeling a bit idiotic. The moment he had arrived at the Burrow he had realized that surely Ron would not still be living with his mother, especially not with Hermione and their kids.

"They live near the village; past the Lovegood's house, just over the hedge. 16 Twin Leif Road."

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

"Take care, dear."

Harry apparated to their house and knocked lightly on the door. When the door opened and no one was there, Harry looked down to see a small boy holding the door open.

"Hi. It's Will isn't it? Are your parent's home?" Harry asked. Will nodded, looking at Harry curiously.

"You're Charlie, James and Lily's Dad."

"Yes I am."

"Will, how many times have I told you to ask whose at the door before opening it?" Ron said, appearing at the door. "Oi, Harry!" Ron clapped Harry in a brief manly hug. "Whatchu doing here mate?"

"Figured we'd do some catching up." Harry said. Ron grinned.

"Will, will you go fetch your mum for me?"

"Okay Dad." Will scampered off, as Ron lead Harry into their living room. The room was warmly furnished and held a comfortable atmosphere. It reminded Harry vaguely of the Gryffindor common room, but more modernly decorated. The chair Ron ushered Harry into was comfy and soft.

"Nice place you've got." Harry remarked, as Hermione entered the room holding a baby in her arms, with the little boy and a little girl at her side.

"Why thank you. Harry these are our kids, you might've seen them last night, but I don't think we did proper introductions. This is Will our oldest, then this is our baby girl Annie, and our new born Christopher." Harry could hear the love in his friend's voice as she spoke about her children.

"Nice you meet you guys, I'm Harry. The triplet's dad." Harry nodded toward Will.

"Harry is like another uncle." Ron tried to explain.

"So Harry how are you doing?" Hermione asked sitting down next to Ron with the baby, while Will and Annie climbed onto chairs near Harry to make sure they didn't miss anything.

"Good. Firstly I want to apologize for not coming back. It was stupid but I thought there was a curse on me." Harry went on to explain why he didn't come back and why he was scared of contacting them. He explained how he had met Ginny but didn't realize it was her and from there he learned that the curse hadn't worked." Ron looked surprised while Hermione asked question after question that Harry answered as best he could. When all had been explained Harry asked, "I was wondering if I could ask what happened after I left? What did I miss?"

"Well the whole wizarding world was in an uproar after your disappearance mate. Every single auror and many just regular civilians put every effort into tracking down death eaters to see who had stolen you from us. None of them provided any information to your whereabouts however, not even when they were put under veritaserum. The only thing we had was a pool of blood that was left from your body in the chamber. After months of fruitlessly searching, the world had come to the conclusion that you had died. It became common belief that Voldemort had killed you and your body turned to dust like his did."

"The Ministry set up a large statue of you right in the center of the Ministry." Hermione remarked.

"Yeah, imagine having to walk past your ugly mug every day while walking to work." Ron grinned. But Harry could tell that it must've been hard on Ron to walk by that memorial every day and have to remember what he had lost.

"You also have a gravestone. Molly was the one who wanted it. She said she needed a place to visit you and to grieve properly. We've all been there to mourn you. I know Ginny goes every time she's going through a rough patch. I understand why you left Harry, but I'm still upset that we lost seven years. I've missed you so much, you have no idea-" Hermione was positively crying now.

Harry went over to her and wrapped her in a tight hug. "I'm so sorry Hermione. I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt everyone like I did. I'm so sorry. I've missed you so much too."

Hermione sniffled and whipped the tears from her face, "These after pregnancy hormones have me a bit out of whack, sorry for breaking down on you." She gave him a watery smile.

"You're the sister I never had Hermione. My best friend. There wasn't a day when I didn't think about you and miss you." Harry looked over at Ron, "You're my best friend and my brother, and life can be awful when I don't have you lot in my life."

The three embraced in a four way hug, the baby squished in the middle.

At this point Harry and Ron were trying to act like they hadn't just teared up. Harry broke the sniffles by saying, "Well, now that that's done. I need your help with something." Harry grinned at them.

"Mom I don't need two jackets!" James whined as Ginny put it on him anyway. She zipped it up to his chin, "It's the jacket or no ice skating mister." Grumbling James went to find his boots.

"Mom what if I fall through the ice?"

"You won't Lily."

"But how do you know that?"

"Because the ice is hard as a rock."

"What if I fall and get hurt?" Ginny smiled.

"Then I'd be right there to pick you back up" she kissed her daughter's nose "always."

"Now, Charlie where are your mittens?"

"In the garbage."

"What? Why are they there?"

"James put them there."

"James!" he held up his hands in defense as his mother rounded on him with her hands on her hips.

"I don't like winter clothes! It's not that cold outside!"

"You're going to catch pneumonia."

"Mum what's namonny?" Lily questioned.

"Pneumonia it's when you get sick from being outside in the cold."

"You get it from being cold?" Lily asked her eyes wide and worried.

"Lily you won't get pneumonia if you wear your jacket."

"Oh." The little girl then immediately began to put on a second jacket. Ginny then looked over expectantly at James.

"All right, all right," he mumbled and left to fetch his and Charlie's gloves out of the trash. Ginny smiled affectionately at her children. This was going to be a good night.

It was the same lake she had swam in with Henry…no Harry. The frozen lake now had a temporary wall around the edge. Christmas lights were hanging from the trees and there was a makeshift tent that was selling hot chocolate and renting ice skates. There were people skating and twirling on the ice. She looked down at her children. Their eyes were wide with excitement and wonder.

"Come on, let's find us some skates."

Lily held her mother's hand as they walked toward the tent. She watched the people on the ice. They were all bundled up in coats, scarves, wool hats and mittens. She watched as one girl who was around her own age, leapt into the air, spun, and landed gracefully. Lily's mouth dropped. It was that easy?

James was thinking the exact same thing. Everyone was laughing and gliding with no effort at all. Impatient to be on the ice, James hastily shoved on the skates. And without waiting for his mother, ran onto the ice. The moment his skating shoes had touched the ice, he realized it was wet and slippery, and fell flat on his back, his head hitting the ice painfully. Stars burst in front of him and his eyes watered. He tried not to cry. Then someone with a strong, powerful arm pulled him up onto his feet and held onto him so he wouldn't fall again. James, looked up,


"Hey there kiddo. You should be more careful. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, it's cool." James said trying to act more mature for his Dad.

"What are you doing here?" Ginny asked, not unkindly.

"Here to spend some time with you guys. Though I have to be honest, I'm not that good at skating."

"That's okay. It's the triplet's first time skating." Ginny caught the happy look on Harry's face that told her he was happy to be there for one of the triplets 'firsts'. He had missed so much; like their first steps, first words, and first prank (in the case of James).

"Brilliant! I'll help them learn!" Harry put on his own skates, and tighten up the sloppily tied laces of James'.

"Right, so the ice is slippery and you're going to have to focus on your balance before you can go racing off. Think of it like gliding." Harry held James and Charlie's hands in each of his own to keep them from falling over on the ice. "Just move one foot forward and let yourself glide before bringing your next foot forward." James and Charlie soon caught the hang of it and sped off on the ice. Harry was now teaching Lily, but even after she got the hang of it she refused to let go of Harry's hand, which made Harry grin broadly to have his daughter holding tight to his hand.

Harry skated faster to make Lily giggle, while she held tight to his hand, letting him pull her across the ice. They glided past James and Charlie and soon a racing match began. Ginny joined in too, beating all of them and finishing with an expertly performed twirl.

"Who's the ice princess?" Ginny teased.

"Women," James muttered in such a world weary voice that caused his father to roar with laughter.

The triplets went off to skate, the three of them trying to skate at the same time while all holding hands. Harry moved closer to Ginny and lifted her hands, and took her gloves off.

"You're hands are cold," Harry whispered as he brushed his lips against them. His warm breath sent shivers running through her that had nothing to do with the cold.

"Good thing I have you around to warm them up," she grinned.

"Ginny," Harry said, his voice serious and filled with longing. "I'd do anything just to hold you in my arms, just to try to make you smile or laugh, I'd do anything to fall asleep with you and wake up every morning to see your face. I ran away from you once but I will never do it again, because even if I wanted to, I can't put you in the past. You're my life, I love you Ginny. I always have, and I always will. I want to be a father to our kids, and if you'll have me I want to marry you. I want to wake up every morning with you beside me. I want to share your life and have a million more babies with you. " And with that Harry got down on one knee, and pulled a black velvet box from his coat pocket. He opened it and showed Ginny a beautiful diamond ring.

"Ron and Hermione helped me pick it out. Well…Hermione helped, Ron has awful taste in rings. I know it's sudden, but I don't want to waste another moment without you."

Ginny couldn't speak, nor did she find that she needed too. She knelt down on her knees so she was on the same level as him and leaned forward to seize his lips with her own. He moaned against her lips. The heat and passion seemed to pass between each other like lightening. It didn't matter how long they'd been separated, it didn't matter why. All that was there was the two of them, man and woman completely and utterly in love with each other. The longing and need seemed too great for them to handle. Ginny then slowly pulled away, afraid to get too carried away.

"Yes Harry Potter, I will marry you. Just keep telling me that you love me," Ginny whispered. Harry felt her warm breath against his wet lips and resisted the urge to take her right then and there. They sat forehead to forehead, simply looking into each other's eyes; hands entwined. "I love you," Harry whispered. Here he was the man she had loved from the day she met him… he was back, and he wanted to be with them. Harry could make her heart do flip flops simply by looking, and she had known that when he had 'died' there wouldn't be anyone else for her. No one would ever be as good as Harry.

Finally, after all these years she was his again. How he had missed her…how stupid he had been, but now he could let all those mistakes go, and he could focus on his family. Oh god, how good it felt to say that… his family. He had his own family, and more importantly it was with the woman he loved more than anything else in the world. He began playing with her red curls, admiring the softness and how seductive it smelled to him.

"Harry?" Ginny asked interrupting his thoughts

"Hmm?" he mumbled still too entranced,

"I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again." Ginny's voiced cracked, as tears were about to come again. Just the thought of losing him was too much. Harry pulled her to his chest, she held onto him, he wrapped his arms around her and ran his hands in a comforting manner up and down her back.

"I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere. I promise. Nothing can take me away from you and our kids. Nothing. I love you… which by the way you still haven't said anything to." He said grinning down at her.

"Harry James Potter I love you more than I can ever say." He kissed her with such ferocity, passion and want that it seemed a miracle she didn't melt right there in his arms.

A/N: Well that's the end! Yes maybe them getting engaged is a bit sudden, but I'm a sucker for a happy ending! I would like to say thank you to the readers who have been reading my story from the very beginning and have stayed with me through all the slow updates. Thank you for supporting me through my first attempt at fanfiction writing! Also I would like to thank all my other readers! Your reviews and lovely comments make my day! Please leave a review and let me know what you thought of my story! Love to all my readers! ~lupinluver
PS- I will be posting new stories, so feel free to check them out!