Author's Notes: This is going to be a four part series, taking place in different time periods throughout history. The idea for this story came to me when I was listening to the song, "It's all been done", by The Barenaked Ladies. I will say that this is a Babe story, although there will be death. Cupcakes, be forewarned this story is not Cupcake friendly. Also note that some things may not be historically accurate, so any history buffs out there don't jump my case. And, with out any further ado I present to you the last part of my Soul Mate Series…. Trenton, New Jersey 2006. Please Enjoy, comments are always welcome. (TS spoiler, I would have hoped everyone had read it already! But I kinda re-wrote the ending a bit to suit my purpose I hope you like it!)

Soul lovers - someone you love, and would do anything for, and someone who loves you, and would do anything for you. And in that love, nothing is required for either person, because everything is already given.

Trenton, New Jersey, 2006

Stephanie's entire life flashed before her eyes. She was about to witness one of the men in her life be killed by a psychopath. Ranger's daughter Julie was in the chair slumped over. Stephanie knew she was faking the drug induced state she appeared to be in. Smart girl, like her father.

The door opened and Ranger stepped through with his hands raised. Stephanie closed her eyes as she heard the gun fire several times. Images raced through her mind, and she wasn't quite sure what they meant, an old letter with tear stains on it, a gold coin and ship sailing into the sunset and the one that frightened her the most, Ranger's body, bloody on the floor. She didn't want to open her eyes, but she heard Julie shout, "No!" and then another shot of a gun.

Stephanie opened her eyes and saw Julie standing over Scrog, gun in hand. She had shot him dead. Ranger's body lay still on the floor, blood everywhere. But she couldn't move since she had been bound to the chair.

Within seconds the room was filled with cops and paramedics. Joe rushed over to Stephanie and quickly let her loose. The images still racing in her mind then it hit her. She was meant to be with Ranger, but she felt that she had figured it out too late. Had he known all along?

Stephanie's life was so crazy and out of wack. She was a 30 year old bounty hunter who had a knack for being stalked, shot at and pelted with garbage. Was it so hard for her to pick up on the subtle signs she had missed since the day she met Ranger, and now it was too late.

Joe had pulled Stephanie into his arms, "Come on Cupcake, let's get you out of here.

The paramedics ripped open Ranger's shirt and revealed a Kevlar vest. She quickly pulled away from Joe and got down on her knees beside Ranger. Stephanie didn't know where her words came from but she whispered, "I love you Carlos" in his ear before Joe pulled her back to get her out of the way of the paramedics.

She watched as they loaded Ranger on to the stretcher and moved him out of the apartment. Julie ran along the side, saying she wasn't leaving her father's side. She had saved his life, no just for herself, but for Stephanie, too.

On the way to the hospital, Stephanie didn't say a word. Her mind boggled at what had happened and a voice in her head said, You can't lose him this time.

This time? What did that mean?

"You ok, Steph?" Joe asked.

Stephanie turned looked at Joe, "No, Joe I'm not ok! I just witnessed the man I love get shot!"

Joe slammed on the breaks, "What?"

"I'm in love with him, Joe. I'm sorry." Stephanie started crying.

Joe reached for her and pulled her into his arms, "Shhh, don't cry Steph. I'm just glad you are ok and I am sure Ranger is going to be ok, too." He held Stephanie out from him to look in her eyes, "I'm glad you finally figured out who you are in love with." He wiped the tears from her cheek, "I will admit, I love you, but I am not in love with you." He kissed her forehead and she continued crying, "Let's get you to the hospital."

Once they arrived, Stephanie quickly ran to the nurse's station in the ER, "Carlos Manoso!"

The nurse stood and placed her hand on Stephanie's shoulder, "They took him in for x-rays. If you have a seat in the waiting room, someone will let you know something." Stephanie headed towards the waiting room with a sigh. When she walked in, Bobby, Lester and Tank were already there. Tank was filling out Ranger's information while Julie was clinging to Lester.

Tank looked up when Stephanie entered the room, "You ok, Bomber?"

She shook her head, "No! I need to see him as soon as possible."

Bobby came over to her and put his arm around her, her head rested on his shoulder, "He is going to be fine. He had a vest on. He'll have a few bruises on his chest. They said his shoulder got grazed, but it isn't a fatal wound. No worries."

After what seemed like forever a doctor came into the waiting room, everyone looked up. "Mr. Manoso's family?" Everyone stood up. The doctor's eyes went wide before he spoke. "Mr. Manoso is stable, breathing on his own. He lost a lot of blood and is still unconscious. We expect he shall recover nicely. He is in room 213 on the second floor. You are all more than welcome to go up to his room. Have a good night, everyone."

Stephanie was a step ahead of everyone else, the minute she said the room number she took off, walking as fast as she could to the elevator. The moment she stepped through the doors of his room, she stopped and just looked at him from the door. After a moment she moved towards the bed. He had a bandage on his left shoulder and an IV port on the top of his right hand connected to what was probably a Morphine drip. She placed her hand under his, the warmth of his skin made her know that he was going to be ok. She carefully leaned over him and placed a kiss on his cheek, "I love you, Carlos."

About that moment everyone else came into the room. Julie ran up to the bed and started shaking his leg, "Wake up Dad!"

Stephanie looked at Julie in amazement. That was the first time Julie had called him Dad. Tank quickly took Julie in his arms, "He is unconscious sweetheart, he will wake up when his body is ready." Julie clung to Tank, crying. He just held on to her, comforting her.

Everyone sat in silence listening to Ranger's heart monitor for what seemed like days, but it was more like 5 hours, when the beeps started to quicken. Lester went out and got the nurse. Ranger started coughing as the nurse came in through the door. The nurse started on checking his stats and she said everything was fine, he was just starting to come to.

A croaking sound came from Ranger's mouth. Stephanie quickly poured a cup of water and placed the cup to his lips. With out opening his eyes he took a sip of water and then a deep breath. He turned his head to Stephanie and opened his eyes, "I love you, too, Babe." Stephanie smiled at him.

Julie had fallen asleep. The activity in the room must have waked her up, "Dad, you are awake!" She shrieked as she ran to the side of his bed.

"How you dong kiddo?" Ranger smiled at her and took her hand in his.

"I'm glad you are awake. I was scared."

"I'm fine. I love you and thank you." He smiled at his daughter and held her hand. He turned back to look at Stephanie, "I'm proud of you Babe. Marry me?"

Stephanie felt tears well up in her eyes, she nodded her head and mouthed, "Yes" to his question and stood and placed a kiss on his lips.

Then minute Ranger was released from the hospital, Ranger and Stephanie headed to the courthouse. First off, they wanted to tie up any loose ends on the Scrog case. Secondly, to get married.

That night they laid in bed and discussed the visions she'd had as he was being shot and Ranger told her about the dreams he'd had, since he was a young boy of the girl he was meant to be with.

"It's hard to believe that as long that as long as we have known each other, I never picked up on it until it was almost too late." She said looking into her husband's eyes.

Ranger looked back into her crystal blue eyes he loved so much, "Believe it or not, I was in denial. I didn't think my soul could bear losing you again. I think we made it this time. Made it to where we were supposed to be." He kissed her lips softly. "It's the right time, now. Definitely."

Ranger and Stephanie had been together for a year and they welcomed a son into the world, Michael Carlos. Two years later another son, Damian Ricardo. They lived a long life together having six grandchildren and a great-grand daughter courtesy of Julie's son, Danny. They lived a long happy life together. Two souls had come together and made one, but even in the end, the search will continue…..


Mars Lunar Colony 2679

The bar was a dark and dingy place. He wondered why he was drawn to this place to begin with. He had just came back home from a being away serving in the Lunar Guard. He took a seat at the bar, "Miss, can I have a beer please?"

The moment the bartender turned around he knew why he was here. That brown curly hair, those piercing blue eyes……


Thanks to EVERYONE who encouraged me to keep going. Crystal as always I LOVE YOU!! Will, for the idea of the glimpse into the future. Michelle, just for offering her help. Anyone I may have forgot, Thank you all! You guys are the best!!!
