Disclaimer: I own nothing of one tree hill so don't sue me! Thanks

Summary: Haley, Lucas, Nathan, Peyton, Brooke and Rachael? They all go on a road trip together. They intend to camp out in the woods. Unfortunately Haley has all these feeling for Brooke. What about Nathan? Brooke feels like she's in love with Haley but would her friends say, what would the rest of the squad say?

Will Peyton ever rid the feeling of being a third wheel?

P.s. this is totally my first one tree hill ever. Oh yeah and FEMSLASH if you don't like it press the back button up there.


"Brooke wake up!" Haley said throwing a pillow at her head. "We haven't got time for this let's go." Haley cried from the bathroom of the apartment the two girls had shared.

"Uh!" Brooke groaned at her signaling she decided that she wasn't going camping for a week. That she would miss her hairdryer way too much. "I said move your ass" Haley yelled from the kitchen this time. "Yes, maim" Brooke reluctantly got up and tied her hair back. She stared in the mirror for a moment looking at her features. She had been living with Haley for a few months now and she still hated it when Haley saw her indecent. She walked towards the kitchen with all four of her bags packed and ready-to-go. "I'm ready" She sighed "Goodbye shower, goodbye hairdryer, goodbye my beautiful toilette." Haley laughed lightly at Brooke. "It's only 3 nights and 4 days." Haley knew this was pointless and would only trigger a useless rant. "Only? Only?! It is a whole 3 nights and 4 days I have to spend sleeping on the ground!"

"Oh my god, come on we're late" Haley informed pretending to be annoyed but really she admired the randomness of Brooke it always kept her guessing. She was spontaneous but Haley could feel so safe and relaxed around Brooke. Haley smiled; Brooke caught the smile and smirked devilishly at her. She was up to something.

The two girls walked down the steps of their apartment. They headed towards the two cars in the parking lot. One was Lucas' truck the other was Peyton's car. "Why two?" Brooke inquired stepping up to Nathan along side Haley. Haley greeted him with a small kiss. Something burned inside of Brooke it made her want to castrate Nathan for kissing Haley and yet she didn't know why. 'Cause you're in love that's why. Brooke shook her head violently at the thought. "All set?" Nathan asked the girls as he and Lucas loaded the bags into the back of the truck. "Yes."


"Uh-huh" Brooke said staring at everyone they all seemed a little fidgety. One person she would expect it but not all of her friends at the same time, something was up. "Hi" Rachael said sweetly walking towards Luke kissing him softly. And there it is Brooke thought to herself. "Nope!"


"I am not going camping with Rachael"

"Why not?" Haley asked

"Because it's her" She replied firmly.

"Please…for us?"

"Fine…" For you. She looked at her friends and said " But I am not staying the same tent or car as her"

"Fine by me" Rachael said her tone turning from sugary sweet to sourly bitter. Brooke climbed into the back of Peyton's car while Rachael hopped into the middle of Lucas's truck. Haley rolled her eyes at the cheerleaders and sighed she climbed into the passenger seat of the car while Peyton got in the driver's seat.

In the car with the girls…

"Why do you hate her so much?" Haley asked, "Because she's a bitch" Brooke huffed. "You are on the same squad how are you gonna get through that, if you hate her?" Peyton countered.

"Guy's just leave me alone okay I don't want to talk."

"Brooke, we're sorry but don't let her ruin your fun." Haley winked at Peyton "That would mean she wins" Brooke's eyes shot open. "You know what Tutor Girl, I hate it when you're right."

"Yeah see, I kind of like it" Haley said. Brooke stuck her tongue out as she smiled; her deep dimples set in perfect place. Hailey thought what I wouldn't do to that, The smile never leaving her face. Peyton bobbed her head down then shot it up immediately. "You okay?" Haley asked concerned. "Yeah I just didn't sleep much"

"I'll drive pull over, Blondie" Brooke said.

"Fine. Alright I'll signal the guys to pull over to" She clicked the button and just as she had planned the boys pulled over as well.

Nathan yelled through the window "What's up?"

"We're just changing drivers so wait a minute, k?" Hailey said not taking her eyes off of Brooke's cleavage. Thankfully no one noticed at least she hoped they didn't.

"Uh…Okay…hurry up," Nathan said to the girls then walked back to the truck. Brooke climbed over the front seats and sat in the driver's side as Peyton stepped out of the car and fell down into the back. She lay there, sleeping peacefully. Her face was completely blank.

After 3 or 4 hours of Brooke driving it was Haley's turn she only had to drive for 2 before they reached their destination. They stepped out of the car and naturally they were there before the boys and Rachael. "It's so beautiful," Brooke said looking around.

"Yeah, my Grandfather used to take me up here to fish and I never forgot this place." It was a giant circled clearing big enough for two campsites. The trees surrounded the clearing like they would in a painting. Birds flew over them and squirrels squeaked angrily at the new visitors. "I think that there is still a tree I carved my name into around here." Haley smiled. Brooke gave her the most devilish smile there was. "Really" She said heading over to one tree and circling it.

"I think it's the one next to it" Hailey said laughing.

"Oh, what makes you think that?" Brooke said in a smart-ass tone.

"I can see it" Haley laughed again. Brooke's face went blank.

"Oh…" Her voice trailed off. "Should we wake Peyton?"

"No let her sleep" Haley said, "Do you want to go for a walk while we wait for the guys…And Rachael" Brooke nodded she grabbed a pad of paper and scribbled down 'Gone for a walk

'Cause you were too slow…

-Hailey/Brooke' Brooke gave Haley a smile and Hailey felt as though she was going to melt.

Brooke and Haley sat at the end of a lake and stared onto the water being consumed by their thoughts.

Hailey is so beautiful. She smiles perfect her bodies hot as hell. Why is she with Nathan? He'll never treat her the way I would. I love you Haley James.

Brooke, wow Brooke is perfect. I can't do this anymore it's too hard I have to tell her how I feel. I think I'm in love with her. I know I'm in love with her. NO stop it Haley.

They sat in a comfortable silence until Haley broke it.

"Brooke I…" She started but was cut off by Brooke's lips on hers. It felt so good to kiss her soft lips. Brooke pulled away, looking for a reaction, she didn't get one. "I'm sorry Hailey I didn't mean…" Brooke said her voice trailed off. She looked hurt and Haley hated that she hurt Brooke. She kissed her passionately on the lips for a long time before coming up for air. Brooke moved her lips from Haley's lips to her neck. Haley breathed heavily. One breath got caught in her throat causing her to moan. This spurred Brooke on. They steadily stood up as Brooke lightly pushed Haley towards a nearby tree. Haley attacked Brooke's neck. Her eyes never opening. She lost her footing on a stump and the shorter girl fell into the lake pulling along with her the taller girl. Brooke shot out of the water fully clothed. She looked around, she couldn't see Haley, and She started to panic. "Haley!" She yelled so loud she was sure her parents, who were god knows where, could hear her.

"Haley! Where are you?" Brooke ducked under the water and saw Hailey floating up to the surface. NO! Brooke felt helpless. She dove into the water and pulled Haley up. She guided her over to where she could stand up and carry her back to camp. Brooke carefully laid her on the grass. She pinched Haley's nose and gave her breath to her. Tears spilled from Brooke's eyes when Haley came to. She gasped for air as water poured out of her mouth. Brooke smiled still crying and bent down to kiss Haley. She still didn't know if this was appropriate. Hailey asked "Brooke?"

"I'm here it's okay, you're okay" She tried to comfort her.

Haley started to cry now to. "I was so scar-" But Nathan yelling her name and running towards her cut her off. He held her and nearly knocked Brooke over. "I'm so sorry," He said to her. "I should've been here" She hugged him but keeping her eyes on Brooke. "It's okay, I'm safe thanks to Brooke" Haley said. "Oh god my head hurts though" She continued. They walked back to the camp with Lucas and Peyton waiting anxiously. "Where's Rachael?" Brooke asked suspiciously. "She went to get you two. I guess she didn't find you" Lucas concluded as Rachael stepped out of the woods pulling twigs from her hair. "I didn't, I found three dirty birds a snake and two very pissed squirrels"

Haley lifted her hands to her head and massaged her temple. Brooke taking first notice of this asked, "Are you okay?"

"Uh…Yeah. I just have a bit of a head ache," Haley admitted.

Nathan's eyebrows furrowed. "Do you want and Advil or something?"

"No it's fine really."

"We'll drive to the nearest gas station and get some necessities."

Lucas offered. "It's like 2 hours" Haley countered.

"So… we'll make the trip."

"Peyton and I will make the trip," Nathan said to Lucas.

"Yeah, I have to get some stuff anyway." Peyton agreed. She took the keys of her car out of the ignition and threw them to Nathan

"You drive."

"Okay. You set up the camp I guess" He pointed to Luke and Rachael. "You watch Haley please" He smiled at Brooke. She didn't care how nice he was or looked she still hated the Jerk of a man. He was exactly like his dead-beat father; Controlling and a bastard. But Brooke still smiled reassuringly at Nathan to let him know Haley's safe. He climbed into the car with Peyton and they quickly back out of the long driveway type path.

"So what will we do now?" Lucas asked Rachael smiling.

"We'll we could go for a walk, down to the lake and…swim" She whispered in his ear. He reached down for her hand and they walked together down the same path that Haley and Brooke had taken. "You sure you'll be okay?" Brooke asked

"Yeah, my head does hurt like hell though," Haley said as she sat on the hood of Luke's car.

"I think I do have something in my bag" Brooke reached into her purse and pulled out a bottle of Tylenol and a bottle of Advil.

"Pick your poison"

"Hmmm…The crappy liquid goo or the chalky crap that hurts your throat?" She asked rhetorically. Brooke laughed at her secretly adoring the beautiful smart blonde. Haley sat down near where they intended on putting their campsite. Brooke sat down next to her; She gently held Haley's shoulder unsure if she should. Haley winced in pain. "What, oh my god are you okay? What happened?" Brooke rambled on.

"I… it's nothing" Haley subconsciously tugged her sleeve down. Brooke gently slid her long sleeves up when she uncovered several bruises they were older looking then to have happened when she fell into the water. "What are these?" Brooke asked surprised.




"Nathan!" Brooke was furious. "I'll kill that son of a bitch" Brooke fumed standing up.

"No. It was my fa-fault. I was being a bitch" Haley said her voice quiet. "I don't care if you were, no one has a right to touch you if you don't want them to."

"Please Brooke, I don't want you to say anything if Lucas found out… They just started to get along. I can't ruin that." Haley said staring at the ground so Brooke wouldn't see the tears welling up in her eyes. Brooke put her index finger on the bottom of Haley's chin and lifted her face so her eyes were on Brooke.

"You deserve better." She stated as she leaned in to kiss Haley. Their lips met and it was as if fire works went off. Brooke was surprised when Haley pushed her away.

"What's wrong?" She asked her voice comforting and soothing.

"I can't… What about Nathan?"

"Screw him, You know damn well that you don't love him"

"I do…" Haley muttered

"He's doing this to you!" Brooke slid Haley's sleeve up to see the bruises again.

"I Love him" Haley's voice was getting louder.

"I know you don't."

"We can't" Haley was now yelling.

"Why not?!" Brooke cried out as tears streamed down her face

"Brooke, you are a girl and so am I!"

"I don't care, and I know neither do you"


"Screw him!"

"Our friends"

"Screw them"

"I'm scared!"

"I'm scared too but every time you get scared in life doesn't mean you give up!"

"No!" Haley yelled walking away from Brooke as tears spilled from her eyes.

Peyton sat in the seat next to Nathan. "What do you have to get?" Nathan said never taking his eyes off the road.

"Candy, and coffee. I'm totally tired." The blonde girl said smirking.

"Why the face?" Nathan asked suspicious.

"I'm not telling Brooke that there is such a thing as a portable Hair dryer or that there is one in that gas station."

Nathan laughed at her devilish plan. "How'd you know?"

"I saw when we stopped there an hour ago they thought I was asleep but I wasn't."

"Oh…"Nathan's voice trailed off. "Peyton?"


"Never mind" The rest of the car ride was silent. Until they got to the gas station. "I'm gonna have to get them all coffee then huh?" Peyton wondered grabbing for a tray. "Yeah you might be beaten to death." Nathan joked. "Yeah probably" She walked up to the register with 6 coffees in a big cup tray.

"Your total is $8.27," the pimply teenager said smiling at her. She could tell he wasn't really looking at her but at her cleavage. She decided not to embarrass him so she just paid and headed to the car.

"She's beautiful." The teenager said to Nathan as she walked away.

"Yes, she is" Nathan agreed staring at her even when she got in the car. "You're so lucky." The boy said to Nathan again.

"Yeah, I was." He said sadly as he paid for the Tylenol and Haley's favorite chocolates.

Nathan stepped out of the store holding a plastic bag that said 'Rite Stop' on it. He climbed into the car putting the bag in the back seat.


Nathan cut her off with his lips on hers. She had no idea what to say or do so she kissed him back.

"Haley…" Peyton muttered into his mouth. He stopped kissing her.

"I'm going to get a…d-divorce" He said staring at his feet.

"What? Not over me please! She loves you, you love her."
"No that's it we don't anymore, I don't know how but we just aren't in love like we were."

"Does she know?"

"No… I was going to tell her when we got back but now I want to tell her sooner."

"Wait 'till we get back, I don't think she can handle it." Peyton said as they drove away.

Please Read and review. I am totally open to suggestions of any kind. So go ahead press that button down there it'll be fun. You can do it.