A/N: My first shot at Kingdom Hearts. Not sure what inspired me to write this... It just sort of happened on its own. I apologize in advance for the conclusion (or lack thereof).


If Demyx were to die, he would want to drown.

He had given this quite a bit of thought (as morbid as it was), and decided that drowning was the only pleasant option.

He had tried to explain this to Vexen, but Vexen (being Vexen) only scoffed and told him to put his mind to better use.

He had hoped that Axel would have understood, but he was disappointed. "Dying isn't pleasant, Demyx. It isn't beautiful, and it's only to be thought about by whiny little teenage brats who don't appreciate what they have. Besides, you can't die if you never existed in the first place." Rolled eyes and the smell of ash walked away with the soft swish of his black coat.

Demyx frowned and wondered how drowning wasn't nice. Surrounded by water, cool and refreshing; the gentle push and pull of the tide rocking you. And as your last breath of air disappeared in a stream of tiny bubbles, you realize that you had been alive.

And then, nothing.

Or at least what Demyx assumed was nothing. He never understood the whole 'afterlife' idea. Why should they be allowed to exist for eternity, when he could never exist at all?

But Demyx learned to never voice these thoughts, and after a while, they were forgotten.

Until one day, when a certain brown-haired boy (although he could've sworn he saw blonde hair out of the corner of his eye) challenged him to a duel.

Now Demyx was never the best of fighters – he was a pacifist by nature – and a tiny voice in his head told him that he was going to lose.

What he didn't know, was what the word 'lose' meant.

Not really, anyway.

So when he fell to his knees in a swirl of darkness, he didn't expect to cry.

He didn't expect his tears to become lost in more salt water, or for his oxygen supply to suddenly cut off.

And for a pure, beautiful moment…

Demyx was drowning.

There was no body; there was no soul. Nothing had been left behind, because that is what he was: nothing.

Because you can't die if you never existed to begin with.