A/N: Just a short fic dedicated to QuincePaste. A mix of Harry's thought and sort of how he and Draco got together. Sort of.

Diclaimer: I own nothing! I'm poor sobs


I don't believe in love at first sight. I didn't love you that first day in Madam Malkins.

The first time I saw you I felt nothing but fear, of you and your opinions, and maybe a slight awe but that was soon squashed.

The second time I was revolted by you, spurred on by my new best friend.

Every look after that, for who knows how long, I saw only your blonde hair, your sneer, your cold eyes. I didn't see that look of happiness that glided across your face as you joked with Blaise or that smile, you know, that smile. The one when you think no one's watching, where your lips pull back and curl at the edges and you show your teeth and your eyes shine and you look so stunning.

Yeah, well, I never really saw it. I never really saw the real you. I never looked past the Malfoy to see Draco.

The first time I saw 'Draco' was that day after the battle. You were there, on the battle field. Just sat there, you were filthy, your hair was a mess, your cheeks were covered in dirt, tear streaks have carved paths in the muck. And then you looked at me and I understood you and I knew I loved you.

I kissed you then and you kissed me back and it was so great because I love you and even though you tasted of blood and mud and something else that wasn't very pleasant it was the best moment of my life.

Maybe I do believe in love at first sight, I just never really looked at you before, never did anything more than glance.


A/N: Tell me what you think. Please?