Hey there! My name is Mike for the few that might care. This is the first of what I hope to be many fan-fics I write. The story as you will easily figure out, happens at the end of 02. Now it's time for the usual speech. I don't own Digimon or have any thing to do with its production. I am simply writing this for fun and hopefully a little respect and admiration of those who read it. If you like what you read here, give me feed back at [email protected]. So it begins...

Malomyotusmon is being beat back by the light of the digivices. He is weak and getting weaker. The battle has been raging for a while now. Everyone is tiered. Imperialdramon Is firing his positron laser as hard as he can, but is getting little result. Suddenly the light gives to him a new weapon.
"GIGA CANNON!" he screams. The bright beam of light pierces Malomyotusmons' body. He screams out in a mixture of pain and disbelief. He is blown to digibits, but the beam keeps going.
"It's headed straight for the digiport to the real world!" yells TK. "We have to stop that beam before it gets through. Who knows what kind of damage it could do to the real world?" The rest of the team quickly agrees. The digidestined and their Digimon climb onto Imperialdramons' back and they fly straight for it.
"If we hit it with all we got, we may stop it," says Davis. "It's our only hope," adds Ken. TK looks at all of them slowly and purposefully. "Lets go for it."
Imperialdramon is racing past the laser beam. He grinds to a halt in the middle of the digiport. "Go help him Silphymon!" yell Kari and Yolie in unison. "You too, Shakuamon!" add TK and Cody.
All three DNA digimon turn to face the speeding blast.
"Do it now!" all six kids yell at the same time.

Justice Beam!
Static Force!
Positron Laser!
All three attacks combine into a super beam. They speed down at the approaching giga blast. "Keep your fingers crossed." Says Kari. " I know this can work!" screams TK.
The two beams collide in the air. The collision causes an enormous explosion. The light could be seen for miles in both worlds. Moments later a shockwave emerges from the light. "Move it now or we're toast!" screams Yolie. As they turn to escape, the shockwave hits the digiport. The whole thing starts to flicker. The light goes from white, to red, to blue to yellow. The shock wave knocks the Digidestined and their digimon through the strange new digiport. They fly back ward through the hole in space. They fall for what felt like an eternity but was really only three seconds. They fell through another hole in space and hit the ground hard. They woke up hours later. Davis was the first to come out of it.
"Ugh. Guess Jun was right, I do have a thick head. Good for me. To bad it won't stop throbbing." He slowly stands up and looks around. As he does, he notecases that all the digimon have gone back to their in training forms. He quickly runs over to Demiveemon.
"Are you ok?" he asks the little blue digimon.
" I'll be fine as soon as he world stops spinning. By the way, where are we? It looks kind of like the digiworld, but different," he says.
"I don't know either, but we better wake up the others. We may need their help soon in case something goes wrong." "Right!" replies the always-energetic digimon.
They quickly make their way around the group, waking the other digidestined one by one (guess who Davis woke up first.). When they were all awake they built a small fire and began to talk.
"Ok," said TK, "We have no idea where we are or how to get back. This is all Déjà vu. It's like when we first came to the digi world. What we need to do first is get some sleep, then in the morning, we can figure out some answers."
As TK says this, a loud crash comes from the woods behind him. An Ogermon leaps from the trees.
Pummel Whack!
The digimon immediately digivolve back to their rookie forms except for Salamon, who goes back to her champion form of Gatomon. They prepare to attack.

Armadillomon, digivolve to... Ankelomon!

Tail Hammer!
The attack barely fazes him.
Pummel Whack!
Veemon, digivolve to... Exveemon!
Vee Laser!
Tail Hammer!
The two attacks together are enough to scare away Ogermon.
"Well," says Cody, " I guess this proves we're in the digiworld."
"Sure Cody," says Ken, "but where are our friends, the lost kids, even Owikowa? Our digivices should have given us a reading on them by now. Plus they would have E-mailed us. This is all to weird."
Just then they heard another noise coming from the trees. They spin around in time to see Agumon stumble from the forest.
"Kari, TK, Davis, Cody, Ken, Yolie! I can't believe it! I must have finally lost my mind! You're alive!" He then collapses into unconsciousness.

Where are the digidestined? What was Agumon talking about when he said that they were dead? Find out in The Next Digidestined part 2: History Revealed.