1Post-Eclipse Fan Fiction

As I walked into the house, Edward trailing along behind me, Charlie looked up from the game he was watching on the T.V.

"Hi, Bella, ...Edward," he said.

"Hi," we both replied.

I tried my hardest to hide the engagement ring on my hand, but I failed horribly.

"What's that on your finger, Bella?" Charlie asked.

"Oh, its nothing," I said, and at the exact same time Edward said, "Her engagement ring."

I turned around and smacked Edward on the shoulder.

"WHAT!?" Charlie bellowed.

"I wanted to do this a little bit more formally, Edward. Thanks for ruining it!," I whispered.

"What do you mean 'Engagement Ring'?" Charlie asked, in a somewhat quieter voice.

"I asked for your daughter's hand in marriage, and she said 'Yes'. But do not get too angry, because I asked her a few months ago and she said 'No'. She only just changed her mind this afternoon." Edward replied calmly.


I had to think quickly...

"In case you have forgotten, I am 18 years old now and am legally an adult. I am allowed to do whatever I wish to do with my life. Unless you want me to move out and move in with Edward and his family now, I would advise you to take that back!," I retorted.

That was hitting him below the belt, and I knew it. I hated playing the "moving out" card whenever he tried to ground me, but it always worked. and it was the best I could come up with on the spot...

"Bella, I am going to call Renee and ask her to come to Forks so that we can all discuss this together. In the meantime, I want you to go to your room until I say otherwise. Edward, I would like you to go home until I have Bella call you. And when you come back, you might as well bring your family with you. I want to discuss this with everyone and get everyone's opinion."

"Meet me upstairs," I whispered so that only Edward would hear me.

He nodded slightly and walked out the door. I quickly climbed the stairs so that Charlie wouldn't have a chance to say anything else.

When I got up to my room, Edward was sitting quietly on my bed. I walked over to him and climbed into his lap.

"Edward?" I said.

"Yes, love?" he said

"Why in the hell did you do that?! I already had a plan for how to break the news to Charlie and Renee. And don't use not being able to hear my thoughts as an excuse!!!"

"I did it because I knew just by reading Charlie's mind, that if we waited any longer to tell him, the reaction he gave would have been a hell of a lot worse."

"But I wasn't going to wait more than a week to tell him. I wanted to get Renee here and tell them both at the same time! I also wanted Alice and Jasper to be there so that things wouldn't get too out of hand." I said.

"What kind of help would Alice be?" he asked.

"My mom hangs on Alice's every word! Anything that Alice says is ok with my mom. And Jasper would be there for 'emotional support'."

"Well you don't need to worry about not having them here anyway. Didn't you hear Charlie tell me to bring my whole family when I came back? I think im going to ask Emmet and Rose to stay behind though, because Emmet can be a little intimidating and Rose will most likely disagree with the engagement."

"Good thinking," I said.