Tite Kubo... (Finally got the name RIGHT!) anyway.. So Ch'ya this is it final chapter.

Dinner was finally over. Ichigo and Orihime were alone in Ichigo's room. Much to Ichigo's surprise she began to remove her clothes and proceeded to pull out a very, skimpy bunny outfit.

"Kurosaki kun? What's with the shocked look?" Orihime asked as she was putting on her skimpy bunny outfit.

In his mind Ichigo desperately wanted to shout out 'OMFG don't you see that your boobs barely fit in that outfit?' But he was speechless to do anything. Orihime chuckled inside but could not hold back her blushing. She knew that this outfit was given to her by her brother when she was nine. It was extremely small for her.

"Inoue, I, uh…you said you were going to…" Ichigo was completely shut up.

Orihime shoved Ichigo into a chair and bent over to meet him face to face.

"Hush and let my dancing do all the talking" Orihime said in a rather sexual tone.

Orihime spun and around and sat into Ichigo's lap. Ichigo reacted by wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Kurosaki kun!" Orihime shouted in surprise.

"Oh! I'm sorry Inoue" Ichigo said as he let her go.

"I…I don't think I can…" Orihime said as she started to cry.

Orihime turned to Ichigo and cried on his shoulder. The sudden change in emotion shocked Ichigo but Ichigo held her close. He hated it when she cried. He rubbed his hand against her back and held her head close with his other hand.

"Kurosaki kun…I don't want to act like a slut…" Orihime said hugging him.

"Its okay Inoue…you didn't have to act like that but it was fun" Ichigo said as Orihime met face to face once more.

"Kurosaki kun…" Orihime said as she looked into his eyes

"I love you Inoue, I've always have. Arigato for this Weird night" Ichigo blurted out.

Orihime closed her eyes and so did Ichigo, they moved ever closer. The kiss was about to happen. A rush of feelings rushed through Ichigo and Orihime as their lips made contact.

They held their position for at least several minutes. Nothing in the world(s) could keep them from each other. Not even Rukia who was trying her best to pry the love birds apart.

Okies.. I finally got that bit of fiction through my head.. Sides I've been wanting to make it but I couldn't think about a story premise.
