The Dark Knight

(Disclaimer: Batman is owned by DC Comics, and Harry Potter is owned by J.K. Rowling.)

In the town of Little Whinging, the many lights of the stores, streets and homes were all off, and everything seemed as if everything was in a pitch black blanket. Everywhere but one room, in one house, that is. In one of the 2nd floor rooms in Number 4, Privet Drive, Harry Potter was still wide awake, and was packing his possessions into a large trunk at the foot of his bed. His owl, Hedwig, was in her cage, staring at her master sadly and hooted quietly.

"I know you want to come, Hedwig," said Harry, "but I can't have you with me where I'm going. You'll be able to enjoy yourself at Ron's."

Hedwig just hooted once more and Harry let her out of the cage.

"Think you can carry your cage and this letter, Hedwig?" Harry asked.

Hedwig puffed up her chest indignantly, as Harry attached the cage and letter to her leg.

The letter was for Ron, Hermione, and Dumbledore, so they knew they wouldn't see him until the end of summer. Then she turned around, and flew steadily, but slowly, out of sight.

Harry, who had finished packing, quickly wrote a note to the Dursleys telling them they wouldn't see him until next summer. He brought his trunk downstairs as quietly as possible, and went outside.

At the street, Harry raised his wand, and waited. About one second later, a large purple bus appeared in front of him with a loud bang. Stan, the conductor, got out of the bus and said, "Welcome to the Knight Bus, emergency- Oh! 'Ello there 'Arry. Where to? London?"

"Yeah, Stan," Harry said as he gave Stan some silver sickles. He clambered aboard and took a bed. As soon as he was settled, he heard Stan say, "Take 'Er away, Ern," and the Knight Bus sped off.


Once in London, Harry got off the bus, said his farewell to Ernie and Stan, and headed into the Leaky Cauldron. He walked straight through the bar, and into the alley in the back. After he went through the archway, he headed towards Gringotts. Harry noticed that almost all of the stores were still open. He decided to stop at some on his way back.

He entered Gringotts and went up to the front desk. "Excuse me," he asked, "is there a way to access the money in my account without having to come here personally?"

The goblin turned around, stared at Harry's forehead for a fraction of a second, and then said, "We have two options; one, is a money bag that always refills itself, and the other something like a muggle credit card."

"I'll take the credit card," Harry said at once.

"We will take 10 galleons out of your account to cover expenses, Mr. Potter. Some useful information about the cards is that it will work for you, and you alone. It also can only access your vault. May I inquire why you will need this?"

"I plan on traveling out of country for a month or two. Thank you for your time, sir," said Harry respectfully, before he turned and walked out.

The first store he stopped at was a trunk store, where he bought a goblin charmed bag; a bag that you could stuff an almost infinite amount of items in. He then went to the apothecary to buy potion supplies, and Flourish and Blotts for some books. When he was done shopping, he left the alley, and disappeared into the night.


Two Weeks Later

Harry walking down an alley, on a cold summers eve. As he walked, he got the feeling that he was being followed. He quickly turned around, only to find no one there. Almost instantaneously, a group of wizards in black cloaks and skeletal masks appeared, and fired many green and red curses. Harry quickly moved out of the way, grabbed a nearby trash can lid, and threw it at the men. The man closest to Harry, blocked the lid easily, but the second it took for the men to block the lid, was all it took for Harry to whip out his wand and yell, "Stupefy!" The closest man fell in a crumpled heap on the ground. Harry quickly fired another spell at another Death Eater, only to have it rebound back at him. Harry quickly dodged the spell, and fired a disarming charm at the closest Death Eater. The man's wand flew out of his hand and landed on the ground. Harry stunned the man and kicked another Death Eater in the crotch. The man doubled over in pain, and Harry subdued another man with a Full Body Bind. He then fired an avis spell, and followed it with an "Oppungo" curse. He subdued the last one with a swift kick in the crotch and a stunning spell.

Harry quickly left the alley, but no sooner than he had turned the nearest corner, a voice said, "Are you so desperate to fight the Death Eaters that you will travel the world to take them on one at a time?"

"Actually, I counted seven of them," Harry said curtly.

"I counted six, Mr. Potter," said the voice.

Harry stopped dead in his tracks. He turned to see a man in his mid forties, with a graying beard, and short brown and gray hair. "How do you know my name?" Harry asked the man.

"The world is too small for a person of your, shall we say, fame to disappear completely, however low you choose to sink," said the man.

"Who are you?" Harry asked.

"My name is merely Ducard, but I speak for Ra's Al Ghul, a man greatly feared by Voldemort and his followers; a man who can offer you a path," Ducard said.

"What makes you think I need a path?" Harry asked.

"Someone like you is only here by choice and whatever your original intentions, you have become truly lost," Ducard said.

"And what path can Ra's Al Ghul offer?" Harry said skeptically

"The path of a man who shares his hatred of evil, and wishes to serve true justice. The path of the League of Shadows," Ducard said.

Harry smiled a bit and said, "You're vigilantes."

Ducard shook his head. "No no no. A vigilante is a man lost and scrambled for his own gratification; he can be destroyed, or locked up. But if you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, and if they can't stop you. . . you become something else entirely."

"Which is?"

"Legend, Mr. Potter," Ducard said with a small smile. "If you are tired of fighting this powerless scum, there is a rare blue flower that grows on the eastern slopes of those mountains," said Ducard pointing over Harry's shoulder. "Pick one of these flowers. If you can carry it to the top of the mountain, you may find what you were looking for in the first place."

"And that is?" Harry asked.

"Only you can know that," Ducard said as he turned and left Harry alone in the night.

To Be Continued. . .

(A/N: Sorry I haven't posted anything for a while, but I've been reading so many other stories on the site, that I've been preoccupied. I also have been having a brain fart, so I might not update again for a while. Any suggestions, please tell me.)

(PS: I know that most of the stuff at the end is from Batman Begins, but as I said, I've been having a brain fart.)