Max P.O.V.

A/N This is my second story. Thanks for the reviews!

Chapter 1

Mom (Dr. Martinez, if you haven't caught on) had to relocate our home because of something to do with work. I don't know what's going on. I mean, come on! Be realistic here! Vets just have to stick to their work place and stay put, right? But apparently, mom's boss has decided to put her in some foreign country called Singapore, which has lots of schools.

Please, mom, I'm a village idiot compared to those people. Do you know that Singapore's education system is like, so…sophisticated?

So now I'm here stuck in Ella's class which is chocked full of nerdy thirteen year old guys (I really don't know them, just guessing how they'll be) just because I haven't had a proper education when I was young.

Actually, I'm really well versed in DNA combinations, anybody wanna bet? But the Science teacher thinks that my knowledge is totally irrelevant. Now I'm scarred for life.

Oh, sorry. I forgot to fill you in. I've—well, Fang helped too—finally found the parents of the Flock members. Iggy's 'parents' that we've met in book 2 were just his distant relative. Aunt and uncle, you could say. When Iggy left, my heart got a good thumping. When Nudge left, my heart got sliced. When Angel, my Angel, and Gazzy left, my heart broke. When Fang left…my heart felt like Iggy had set one of his more explosive bombs off in there, which I think was strong enough to blow up fifty Itex.

Fang…it was still hard to think of him, even though it has been almost a year. I still remembered when he made his choice. I had screamed, begged, prayed, and pleaded for him not to go. But his mind was made up, and he was the last of the Flock, my Flock, then. Now he's moved house so I have not a single clue at to where he is.

I had cried for the next two months non-stop, but then I sobered up with Ella and mom's help. Fang's parents were vets, like mom. But I can't help but think Fang was something….more. Something more than just a brother, though I don't know what.

He just left a gaping hole in my heart which hasn't been stitched up, yet. And I doubt it will for eternity. He's the only heart surgeon I trust, and if I'm not going to be able to see him anymore, say bye bye to a stitched up wound.

Suddenly, mom's voice rang through my ears, "Max! It's eleven! Time for bed! Ella's already sleeping." Yeah I could tell. Nudge was noisy when she was awake, and Ella's noisy when she was asleep. Together, they make a good Max irritator, eh?

I slid out of my chair before the table at the window and jumped onto the bed. I can't say that I haven't been grateful for the bed. After so many months sleeping on the hard bumpy floors of the caves I've learnt to treasure these luxuries. At first, I couldn't quite get used to sleeping without the Flock around me, but I got used to it.

I sighed; the next day was my first day of school. How bad can life get? First the school, then the erasers, then Itex, then flyboys. But so far, this going to school thing was my biggest problem.

It's small to you, who go to school every day, but to me, it's pure torture. I'll pick erasers to school any day.

A/N First chapter, what do you think?