Disclaimer: I don't own PoT.

Side-note: I know the chat-room isn't my idea but... I figured since Yamabuki doesn't get too much love.. I'd give them some love. Oh.. sorry if I accidentally use a name someone else already invented for this type of thing..T.T...I'll try not too. I hope every likes this.. I know I started writing it with out anything particular in mind.

headband signed in
glasses signed in.

glasses: Hello Dan-kun

headband: Muromachi-senpai?

glasses: Yes?

headband: This is the first time I've seen you on here desu! .

glasses: I never really thought about getting on too much before.

headband: You should get on more... that way we can talk more desu!

glasses: On one condition.

headband: what is that?

glasses: Call me by my first name.. ok?

headband: so.. you want me to call you Touji-senpai?

glasses: nods

headband: okay! o

glasses: Why do you make those little faces?

headband: They're cute desu! .

glasses:inserts a smilie face:

headband: see! They're fun desu!

glasses: nods...Dan can I ask you a question?

headband: hai of course!

Lucky signed in.

glasses: ...

Lucky: oooh... Taichi-chan :inserts a heart:

headband: konnichwa Sengoku-senpai.

Lucky: Muromachi-kun is here to? Lucky

glasses: ...

Lucky: wait...you don't like being in chats.. why are you here? ..

headband: It is weird to see Touji-senpai on here but I don't mind it desu!

Lucky: ... You two are on first name basis?

glasses: ...

Lucky: fufufu.. it makes sense why you got on now...

glasses signed off.

headband: Sengoku-senpai...you scared him away desu!

Lucky: no .. I just found out a secret.

headband: what's that?

Lucky: You'll see :inserts a heart:

headband: ... -.- ...

headband signed off.

Lucky: aww... you all left me T.T

Data-complete signed on.

Lucky: Inui!

Data-complete: hmm... I must have logged into the wrong room... there was a 1 chance I would do that.

Lucky: That doesn't matter! I have news!

Data-complete: ..?

Lucky: A certain some one on my team likes Dan-kun:inserts a heart:

Lucky signed off.
Data-monster signed on.

Data-complete: Hello Renji... logged into the wrong room?

Data-monster: Yes.. and I assume the same happened to you.

Data-complete: hai. Though.. Sengoku just told me that he liked Dan-san from his team.

Data-monster: That's slightly dangerous...

Data-complete signed off.

Data-monster signed off.
Donotordermearound is no longer invisible.
Donotordermearound changed name to Someoneisgettinghurt.
Someoneisgettinghurt signed off.

End-note: Well.. that's it for the first ...chapter thingie.. I'm not too sure if this is any good or not.. I plan to make it slightly chaotic and funny if I can. Please reiview... oh and any guess on who the last person was?