Pride's Memoirs

Day one:

The night seems to last forever…… I can't quite understand what is going on…… I feel like I'm trapped in a dark abyss, as I search for some sort of light so that I can see again…….I'm confused……… the world around me that used to be so familiar seems so distant and blurred to me….. Even as I stand here in the midst of it…… I keep seeing these faces of people…… Blurred and out of focus…… I see them watching me…….. I want them to stop, I ask them…… but no words can come from me, so they keep smiling…….. I shake my head, holding it in between my hands…….. I try to get them to leave my site…….. but they stay………..

One frowns at me………. Tears begin to flood his eyes……. I can't stand it…… I want it to go away……… But it floats there in my head……. Not willing to move a muscle………… I cry out in my agony……… but I cannot be heard……………….

I stagger around in the dark, crying out for any sign………. Any sign at all to help this agonizing pain leave my aching heart……….. Then a dim light begins to shower over me…………. It gives out but a few distant words…………. "Shall be what thy desire…….."I awake to find myself in a small cave………. I walk out into the sun by the entrance…….. but, I feel no warmth from it………… It's gone……… everything………. The faces…….. The pain………. The anguish in my heart……….. gone………. But now I can feel nothing………. Not the wind in my hair, nor the sun on my face……………….all I can do now is live forthe shards of life already lost…………………… That's all that is left for me…………………


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