
Title: Hate

Author: Neth

Rating: R for language (no violence or sex, just the language)

Category: Angst

Disclaimer: I own NADA

Summery: Cade's thoughts some time after ' The Vessel'

Spoilers: The Vessel and the following Cade/Jordan scenes…

Archive: If you want it, have it just let me know.

E-mail: [email protected]

Dedication: To Sebastian Spence and Traci Lords who portray their characters so well, and make the chemistry between them so great and overwhelming.


I hate him. Not some mild, petty hate. I truly, deeply hate the fucking bastard. I would kill him a thousands of times, slowly and painfully. I would, if he wasn't in HER.

Why must he do this? Torment me by killing or torturing the two women I love more than anything in the world. They kill my wife and frame me. Me! As if the pain of her death wasn't enough, everyone has to think that I would do that, and did do it.

And when I finally heal from that. When I finally fall in love again, fall so hard and deep they, they… Those bastards!!! WHY?!

Jordan, poor Jordan who I love dearly and deeply. As much if not more so than my late wife. He invades her body with his mind and schemes. His mind inside her, controlling her body and tormenting her with his actions. A fate worse than death.

The one I speak of is Mabus. He's the anti-christ. He's much worse than that if you ask me though! He is the personification of pure evil. And I hate him.

He tortures my beloved Jordan with every second he's in her body and mind. And I hate him more for that than everything else he's ever done. But I hate myself aswell, because I can't kill him. Because if I do that, she's dead aswell. I hate him.